Awkward Position

It's Love, Actually
Chapter 4: Awkward Position

I decided to post the story here as well as on blogger. =]


Right in front of the school was where I waited for Qiao Qiao, Calvin, and Aaron. We were supposed to go to Qiao Qiao’s house to have one of those movie nights and start on our homework at her house. Like I said, we were ‘supposed to’ but she and Calvin totally canceled on Aaron and I. So technically I just waited for Aaron. We went to my house to start the research. The long walk home wasn’t very exciting, we didn’t really talk, just sorted some things about the presentation and that’s it and maybe some occasional glances but that doesn’t matter.

“Now, where should we start, we got the background information about the Palestinian and Israeli conflict.” I said, trying to sound enthusiastic.

“We have to start researching about the leaders and the biggest contentions between the two groups.”

I nodded as I my computer and got the stuff I needed and placed it on my desk along with Aaron’s stuff.

It has already been two long hours of sitting on my chair! This is driving me crazy, doing research for two hours; I didn’t even get a break yet. I let out a scream before I knew it! Aaron started staring at me like I was a freak. Which I’m not, just stressed okay.

“God girl, keep it down. Are you crazy?”

“Shut up, none of your business; I can scream if I want too, this IS my house.”

“But with you continuously screaming like that, I’m going to go deaf, just to let you know,” he informed me. Psh. See if I care. Maybe I do, but let’s say it’s not a BIG deal.

“Shut up and start working,” I answered dully until I came to my senses. “You know what I really can’t stand this, I’m going to go downstairs to get some Ice Cream and watch T.V. for a while.” Just before I exit my room I had the urge to stick my tongue at him and I did.

Just when I finished scooping some strawberry ice cream into my bowl, Mr. I’m-so-cool came down.

“Eating too much ice cream will make you fat.” Like, duh. I’m not stupid!

“How is this ALOT of ice cream?” I pointed to my cup that was overfilled with strawberry ice cream.

“That’s quite a sum,” he replied back at me. Okay fine it may be a bit too much BUT the cup isn’t THAT big, I mean right? It was about the size of my hand…

“So? I can eat as much as I want, this is my ice cream and I WON’T get fat for your information, I do exercise and I have good metabolism,” I snapped back before I went toward the couch and the television. Does he REALLY think that I don’t exercise, do I look like I don’t! I don’t think so. Actually, how would he know? I bet he just said that to annoy me. JERK!

“I think you forgot to clean up something over there,” he pointed innocently over at the kitchen counter. I can’t believe I actually fell for his stupid little trick! Right after I slipped a scoop of yummy ice cream into my mouth, I just had to let go of the spoon from my hand. I should have never, I mean NEVER, let that spoon out of my hand. Just when I turned around to check if I really did forget to clean up something like Aaron had said, he just grabbed the spoon and scooped up a gigantic scoop of ice cream from my cup. HMPH! If you wanted some ice cream, get your OWN! Great now it has Aaron’s cooties. I know, I know I’m too old for that, but STILL! Just when he gulped it all down, he simply smirked!

“Wipe it off your face,” Glaring at him, I deliberately shoved my ice cream onto his shirt, haha, that’s what you get. I started cracking up, the moment I saw his shocked expression. Okay, he really gonna get me for that right. Ehhh, he may even murder me, my God, what was I thinking, better make a run for it.


Thank God! I’m not dead yet. Did I say ‘YET’? Yeah, my mom’s going to KILL me! Well I just realized is that my house is a wreck. Aaron AND I made this mess. I wasn’t the ONLY one who did this. HE did it too, so I can’t take all this blame! And it’s really not a BIG mess. Just some sticky floors from the ice cream, I think it got on the carpet too, but not THAT much. And my hair is…you know kinda sticky too, same with the clothes. And I think the ice cream even got on the leather couch. Also some things were moved around and on the ground. Hey, I had to use something as protection from that “ice cream monster”. Okay, fine, I admit, it did get out of hand. Gulp. Did I tell you what’s even worse? Sigh. It kinda went like this…
“You better get back here GUI GUI WU!” Aaron stated angrily as I started to make a run for it.

Wait, where? Where should I hide? Upstairs? Come on, think fast, think fast. Your life depends on it! Aiyo he’s coming! Just when he got closer, I saw the neatly placed stuffed animals in the family room. Ah ha!

“You better not come any closer,” I warned holding onto my weapon tightly, “I have a teddy bear and I’m not afraid to use it.” What? Don’t look at me like I’m a freak, it was the best thing I got for protection.

He glared at me while we were going around in circles until I stepped back Just as he grabbed my risk, the mat I was standing on slipped causing my back to land on the stairs and…PAUSE. Remember the time when I ALMOST kissed Nicholas on the lips, this time it was similar…PLAY…and he fell on to of me, good thing his head landed right beside mine and not on it. I’m not done yet! Just when he fell on top of me, guess who saw? My MOM!!! Just adds more to the embarrassment!

Raising my head I gave my best fake smile, “Hi mommy. Back so soon?”

“Oh my lord! Aaron what are you doing here? And my, GUI GUI what happened to my house!” Gosh was my mom shocked, I don’t think it was because of the mess but the position we were in. When Aaron came back to his senses he hurried back up.

“Sorry Mrs. Wu, it was an accident.” I could tell he was embarrassed, hehe, it was pretty funny.

“It’s nice to see you too Aaron. Well you should get back home, its probable dinner time at your house by now, and remember to say hi to your mom for me,” she simply answered, totally ignoring his last statement.

A few minutes later, Aaron grabbed his stuff and left for home, but also reminding me that we were going to meet at the library tomorrow. Great now I get a long lecture from my mom…


“You’re not serious!” I could tell Qiao Qiao was shocked. “You grounded?” This was the FIRST time I was ever got grounded! When I was younger my parents didn’t even know what grounded was well except my dad maybe. But still…ahhh…I want to BURST!

“Yeah! I can’t go ANYWHERE for a MONTH except for educational/volunteering/school work purposes. And I have to help at my uncle’s shop with no payment! It , big time!”

“I bet it will be fun?” Thank Qiao Qiao, those are really good words of comfort. I don’t think so.

We were just outside in the school’s garden as it was a shortcut to our next class. I suddenly stopped and pouted like a five-year-old.

“Gui Gui everyone is staring!” Hmmm…that’s true. What never seen a seventeen-year-old pout?

“I don’t care Qiao Qiao, I don’t want to be grounded!” I continued on giving fake sobs.

“Oh get a grip. A month goes by fast! And there’s two more minutes till the bell rings, I don’t want to be late.” I guess Qiao Qiao is right, a month do go by fast, wait that’s only when there are a lot of activities going on but I’m GROUNDED! It’s going to be the slowest month EVER! But you know, there will be some things good about it, I mean Wang Zi did ask me out yesterday, now I have an excuse to at least extend the date if not cancel it. I know I’m trying to escape from this situation but you can’t blame me, my life is a mess, maybe not a mess. But considering the fact that I’m GROUNDED and I don’t exactly have a best friend anymore since Calvin is hogging my Qiao Qiao, and Wang Zi likes me but I don’t have the heart to reject him, and getting use to the fact that one of my teachers is going to be family in the next few months, and I think I like Aaron. I did NOT say I like Aaron, great there it goes again. I’m going to considering my life as a mess! Oh and just to add to that, I have to see Aaron again after school to finish this stupid presentation. Oh, I just wish EVERYTHING will be over soon!


I remember I had so much fun writing this chapter! Hopefully you enjoyed it as much as I did! Comments are loved! <3 Promise to have next chapter sometime this week =]]



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Just in case you need your poster:
Chapter 4: This fic has been frozen almost a decade now ._.
-HaeFany-Forever- #4
Update :(
Ezzy658 #5
NEW READER!!!! I'm a total GuiLun lover and this looks very interesting and I'm glad you don't have a lot of grammatical mistakes!!! Very few! Anyways, I think Aaron also likes Gui Gui and maybe the reason he broke up with Reen is because he didn't want WangZi getting too close to Gui Gui! I also believe the reason for Aaron being so down at the beach is because he saw the kiss btwn WangZi and Gui Gui!!! OMG they are so cute getting into a sort of ice cream fight haha It looks like for the next month she'll only be allowed to see Aaron haha
It's cute :D