Lover's Doll

KyuSung Fic Collection

Originally posted at LJ: January 8, 2012

Title: Lover's Doll
Pairing: KyuSung
Genre: Romance
Rating: G
Length: drabble
Summary: a doll and a master...
Note: To allspecialsmile who always gives us visual KyuSung updates! thank you very much Estelle! sorry it's a fail XD
Disclaimer: I don't own the pics and the plot too, it is based from a manga!


text format for shippers who had a bad time reading the pic XD

Once upon a time,
there was a doll named Kyuhyun, that
only needed his master’s love to develop a soul.

But because he was so unique, he was feared
by the people around him, and became very lonely.

Then one day, he met Yesung, a master who would
accept all of him for who he was and someone who
gave him many new experiences and emotions.

After many trials, the two discovered their
mutual love for one another, and swore
to remain together forever.

Many long years later, Yesung’s life was finally
nearing its end... and even then, Kyuhyun
remained at Yesung’s side.

...And when Yesung finally passed away,
the doll Kyuhyun never moved again

Yesung and Kyuhyun must have
gone to heaven together.

Hehehe! sorry it's not long!
well its a drabble dedicated to Estelle aka Hoshi!
will do better in my next attempts... I hope so...
if you are KyuSung deprived go to the KyuSungCrossroad! *endorsement*
FIGHTING with everyone!
especially my fellow suffering students...... exams.... *sighs*
take care everyone^^
Hi everyone!
Congrats for the successful KyuSung Day celebration! *yay! party!*
But there's another major KyuSung event taking place! KYUSUNG FEST! *cheers!*
Last year's fest was really successful^^ (check out the entries for last year: )
I'd like to promote:
Here's a link for the guidelines^^
As of now, the prompting for the fics/fan-arts already started :)) PROMPTING POST Anyone is allowed to prompt~
I hope everybody participates in both prompting and writing the stories/drawing fan-arts ;))
Thanks for the comments: else07EggumsthursdayGoemas12SuperJunior713DredhezRei^^
thanks to my 62 subscribers too ;u; I'm grateful to all of you^^
I'm open to comments, questions, feedbacks, and even violent reactions XD
KyuSung Fighting^^
Have a great day :))
Don't forget to smile :DD


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Hi everyone^^ Please support Light in the Forest :D Thanks a lot!


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Chapter 21: This is so sweet. :((
I miss them.
395 streak #2
Chapter 16: where's the part 2? T^T
Chapter 21: Okay, I know I'm not at the last chapter yet but this fic really hit home. I know since the time this was posted, Yesungie has come back from his service and now it's Kyu's turn to go in and Wookie is still doing his service so Yesungie will be missing the KR to his Y :/ but I know it'll still be some time after that but I had read somewhere that Kyu didn't call Yesungie at all during his enlistment till the night before he was officially discharged and Kyu was drunk... (can't remember where I read it) reading this was just like me imagining Kyu writing and wanting to call but not having the courage to do so till the end. It was so wonderful to read!!
fatimakys #4
Chapter 8: So cute , kyu and his big mouth when he is a kid hahahahahahahaha I liked it , all the thing about the children ◉_◉
Still I can not forgive kyu not helping !! ►_◄ ╚(•⌂•)╝
And omg yeye is even cuter kkkk and I liked his responsible personality 〓D ◙‿◙
Here woonie take ten dollars for being a cute kid and a good responsible well built man
[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅] [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]
angelamy #5
Chapter 22: :( awtch! is it painful or just me? :\
Chapter 10: Serious question, why was Kyukyu so clingy in that gif/photoshoot?mi mean. Really babyKyu, really? You are killiiiiing us slowly KyuSung shippers! Gaaaaahhhh
Chapter 9: I love Kyuhyun.
Chapter 4: Aww fan drabbles are so cute!
Chapter 3: I think... I like Pencil best. That's just bordering stupidity Yeye haha but if it was one of the reasons why Kyu took notice of him, then why not! It's so cuuute.. I actually want and hope for a sequel. What happens in their first day. Yeye would reason that he is looking for Kyu to give the pencil back, but Kyu says for him to keep it. He has lots of pencils anyway. Haha! Omg. Ok, anyway. If you have the time.. If you can do it. It would be awesome! Lol..

Next I guess is the third story, PE. Because my Heenim is there! Hahahahahahaha
Chapter 21: BTW I love Heenim. I love how he was importantly incorporated in here. And that he still is the diva that he is. Hahahaha! Sly one. But I'm thankful haha