Darkness of the Night (part 1)

KyuSung Fic Collection

Please check out the fics for the KyuSungCentral fluff party^^ thanks! (click at the picture to be redirected to KyuSungCentral's stories^^)


Originally posted at LJ: May 29, 2012,

Title: Darkness of the Night
Pairing: KyuSung
Genre: Romance, Fantasy, Humor, AU
Rating: G
Length: one-shot (two parts)
Summary: Yesung, a photographer, finds himself hating phantom thief Marcus while falling for art specialist Kyuhyun at the same time. Wait. Why does Marcus and Kyuhyun look like each other?
Dedicated to:Nana! turtleclouds
Note: thanks to my precious petal friend~ I clearly fail in writing =_=; Does anybody know DNAngel? It's my favorite anime^^ Daisuke and Riku! 




February xx, xxxx

Yesung smiled as he changed the film of the camera. He is thankful that he bought an extra roll of film. Just the other day, he has finally found a job which suited one of his passions, taking photographs using his handy camera. Luckily, he was hired in a publication company managed by Shindong, a funny fat man, due to the lack of skilled photographers. He was immediately given his first assignment and a pass, which was some sort of ID, that allows you to go inside places.

He held his necklace in his hands and thanked his ancestors for guiding him. His grandmother gave him that family heirloom saying that it got special powers that can protect him. Though, Yesung still haven't proved it. Nothing dangerous happened to him before, except the minor trips and accidents caused by his clumsiness.

Back to the current situation, Yesung shot pictures of a miniature statue that recently arrived at the museum. Shindong told him that it will be featured in the next magazine and the newspaper because it seemed someone will try stealing the artifact. This person has sent a notice to the police that exactly 8PM he will steal the statue.

Letting his camera hang on his neck, he checked his wrist watch, "7:55 PM..." the guard strictly told him to finish taking photos by 7PM but...


A winged man gracefully flew in the night air, taking a glimpse of the clock tower, "Hmm. 7:55. I'm not yet late," he smirked as he flew faster.

Sadly, the police didn't take his notice seriously and thought it was just some kind of prank being played on them.

Whatever, that makes the work easier for mehe thought
but it would be very disappointing since this is my first time using your body, right Kyuhyun?

Shut up and just do your job! Someone inside his thought replied.

Oh? You can already talk to me? Kyuhyun's very exceptional, he laughed, and your ancestors took like a month to talk to me in my thoughts while I occupy their bodies.

Please just do your job Marcus and prove to me that you were the legendary phantom thief possessing our family lineage for years, Kyuhyun bitterly replied. He was kept deep inside his body but he's not the one controlling it.

“I will.” Marcus smirked as he let his charcoal colored wings take him faster to his destination: The Art Museum.


The lights suddenly turned off, 'Is that the way the guard is telling me to go away now?' Relying solely on the light given by the full moon, he looked around, "Hello? Anybody here?"

Nothing. Suddenly, something flew pass the window.

"Who's there?" Yesung cautiously asked as he clutched at his camera. He saw some shadow past through from outside which was definitely much bigger than normal birds, wait... Can it be that an ostrich can fly now? Yesung dismissed his silly thought when he saw the shadow pass through again. Given the second chance to concentrate and see the shadow again he took a photo of it. Even though he still haven't looked at the photo, which he needed to develop first, he concluded, first it was not a bird, second it's not an ostrich, and finally the shadow was very human-like. He gulped, the thief thing was just a prank right?


One of the windows suddenly opened as gusts of winds entered, managing to break some display glasses. Yesung needed to turn around and to clutch his beloved camera as he both protect it and the statue, for which Yesung didn't know why but something seemed to tell him to do it, so he used his body to protect it. He was luckily wearing a thick coat that managed to deflect a lot of glass shards. He didn't care if it can hurt him as long as there was no damage done to the things he was protecting. He can imagine Heechul, his close friend, shouting and scolding at him for his carelessness and supposed to be bad luck (and a lot more preaching when the older learned that he used the coat that Heechul gave him as a shield).

"Wow, such stupidity."

Yesung turned and watched in awe as a man with coal-black wings descended gracefully in front of him. Was it the thing that flew earlier?

"E-Excuse me?" Yesung stared as the other folded his black wings, it disappeared like magic at the other man's back. He then focused his attention on the other's face, memorizing the contours of his handsome face. He couldn't help but notice how the other's red hair glowed under the full moon. Finally, he stared at those piercing red eyes.

"You were hurting yourself protecting that statue? Can't you see I casted a barrier around it?" the other smirked.

"I d-didn't?" Yesung looked back at the artifact to see that there was a strange light encircling it, "Y-You... You will steal this?"

"Yes I will cutie," the other inched closer to Yesung, "I even sent a notice to the police but they didn't seem to take things seriously," he laughed, "The police force this days have become so ignorant and carefree. Back then, thousands of knights will be guarding even a little piece of gem."

Yesung backed away as the man continued to stride forward. He groaned in frustration when he felt the wall against his back, he was cornered by the other. "W-Who are you? And why do you have w-wings?" he tried to act brave but the stutter gave him away.

"Oh? They didn't broadcast that my name was Marcus?" the suspicious man, who claimed to be named Marcus, trapped Yesung not only with his arms on either sides of his face but also with the charcoal-black wings, which he grew from his back again. His face was leaning forward closer to Yesung.

"What are you d-doing!?" Yesung's voice was scandalized as the other's face kept on moving nearer his.

"I am going to kiss you," Marcus smirked, "The little angel inside my body wants to do it." he chuckled.

"W-What are you talking about?" Yesung blushed as he tried pushing the man with all his strength but Marcus was unmovable. "Little angel?"

"Aw... You're blushing too?" he pretended to coo.

"T-Too? Who else is blushing?" Yesung asked as he analyzed Marcus' too-close face, which was certainly not blushing at all.

"Nothing," he smirked again before placing his lips on Yesung's.

Yesung closed his eyes, felt heat course through his whole body from the other's lips. Their lips were just pasted together, not moving at all. He forced himself to slightly open his eyes again. Instead of seeing red eyes he saw dark brown eyes staring at his. He closed his eyes again, feeling his heart beat accelerate. Why did the stranger's kiss give him this feeling? Stranger? Wasn't the one kissing him Marcus?

Yesung clutched at the other's shirt before harshly trying to push him again. This time he succeeded. Marcus looked surprised for a second before smirking again.

"I wonder why it didn't work," he said in a sing-song manner before getting the statue and sprinting to the open window, facing Yesung.

Yesung automatically grabbed his camera and snapped a picture.

"That was fun. I'll be anticipating for that beautiful picture," Marcus taunted before letting himself fall backward.

"Hey!" Yesung shouted as he ran to the window and looked down, just in time to see a free-falling Marcus spread his wings and flew up to be in the same level as him.

"Did I scare you?" Marcus chuckled, "See you next time cutie," he winked and saluted before flying away.

"Next time?" Yesung asked to himself before taking a picture of Marcus one more time. "I hate you already," he snarled before leaving the museum.


Marcus carefully landed on an empty alley. "That was fun," he chuckled, "It was my first time kissing a guy!" his wings magically disappeared as he closed his eyes. Slowly, the color of his hair turned honey brown and when he opened his eyes, its color turned from red to dark brown.

"What do you mean your first time kissing a guy?! You changed back to me when you kissed him!"

Calm down KyuhyunMarcus laughed in his mind, I just felt that you are very much attracted to that man so I switched back to you before our lips met.

"S-Shut up!" he stuttered as he started blushing. He wanted to deny it but he couldn't since he was totally attracted to the guy with the camera in the museum. He looked so beautiful even though he was a guy. From his smooth black hair that nicely frames his face to his sharp expressive eyes, everything's perfection. When the other talked, he can't help but notice how art-like his voice was, it was very husky that it made goose bumps erupt on his skin. But, how can Marcus knew how he felt when he didn't tell him anything?

Are you really stupid? Kyuhyun can almost see Marcus smirking at him at his thoughts, I'm occupying your body so I can feel it.

B-But I didn't want to kiss him, Kyuhyun replied, I was only admiring his good looks...

You didn't want to kiss him, you need it, Marcus teased.

Kyuhyun blushed harder, If only I know how to hurt you when you are inside of me! I'll definitely do it!

Aw, don't do that dear Kyuhyun, you'll end up hurting yourself, Marcus said. He dramatically paused before adding, Remember, I am you as long as I remain in your body.

How long will you remain in my body? Kyuhyun asked. Ever since he was a child, he was trained physically and mentally for he was the next in line to be the host of Marcus. Marcus had been using the bodies of male Cho's for so many generations. Kyuhyun would have called it a curse if it didn't help in saving mankind from different disasters and mischief. Even though Marcus was perceived as a thief, he only steals things that got black magic or bad aura. He needed to steal things for the people wouldn't kindly give it to him. In addition, having red hair and eyes with matching black wings didn't help in creating a good image.

Ow. You already want me to leave you? Marcus exaggerated a sigh, How I wish Ahra was a boy so I would be having a kinder host. Don't worry too much, the answer will come someday. And one more thing, about the kiss... that guy was supposed to fall asleep and forget everything but...

But? Kyuhyun gulped.

There was something that seemed to protect him, Marcus stated seriously before teasing again, doing that is a very great job so kudos to your crush!

What do you mean crush?! Let's just go home so you can extract the bad aura of this statue Ok?! Kyuhyun hid the statue inside his coat as he started walking in the crowded sidewalk. He pretended that he wasn't hearing the constant teasing of Marcus and hoped that he will meet that guy again next time as himself and not Marcus.


"What?! You we're inside the museum yesterday?!" Heechul shouted on top of his lungs before Yesung managed to silence the other by putting one of his hands over the mouth. Good thing that there was no customer inside Heechul's cafe.

"Shhhh! I told you to keep quite! It was for my work."

"How can I keep quiet knowing what you have gone through?! What if you are just a ghost or something?!"

"I'm very much alive if that isn't obvious. I still haven't told the important part of the story. I was totally alone in the museum, even the guards left me. And then someone came!" Yesung urged Heechul to ask him what happened next.

"And who is that someone?" Heechul rolled his eyes.

"That winged thief named Marcus!"

"What?! Are you sure you are still not out of your mind? Have you eaten?"

"It's true! I even managed to see him up and close! We even talked inside the museum. I even..." Yesung blushed when he remembered the kiss he shared with the stranger, FYI stranger! Not Marcus!

"You wha-?" Heechul looked at Yesung's face before clapping his hands loudly, "You kissed a stranger?!"

"H-How did you know?! I didn't even tell you!"


Yesung silenced him again, "What's so s-surprising about that? Our lips just touched each other. It's only a peck."

Heechul removed Yesung's small hands clasping his mouth, "It's your freaking first kiss! Seriously!"

"No need to remind me that," Yesung blushed again.

"It is either it really happened or you are being delusional again. So is he handsome?" Heechul smirked.

"Chul do not forget I'm here," Hangeng emerged from the kitchen and went to the door, "I have been wondering why there is still no customer and seems like you forgot to turn the sign." He turned the sign from 'closed' to 'open'.

"It was definitely Yesung's fault," he pointed an accusing finger to Yesung.

"Hey! I'm innocent. It's your cafe not mine."

"Then what are you doing here?"

"Disturbing the two of you? Well this cafe is near my apartment so..."

Hangeng shook his head, "That kind of disturbance will not bring money. I thought you got a new work?" he asked.

"Yes! I'm a photographer for a famous publication company," Yesung proudly presented today's newspaper, "See I'm the one who took the headline's picture!"

"Hey! How come you didn't show me this?" Heechul snatched the newspaper from Yesung. "Wow, your names really here AND! The man really got wings! He looks so handsome! "

"How can you find a thief handsome? I'm better-looking than him!" Hangeng defended.

"Aww don't worry Hannie, you're always the most handsome man for me," Heechul grinned.

"While you're the most beautiful," Hangeng said before kissing Heechul's cheek.

"Eww..." Yesung pretended to be disgusted by his friends’ PDA.

"What ‘Eww’?" Heechul hit him with his hands. Even though he looked so feminine he's very strong.

Hangeng laughed before going back to the kitchen, "Work harder okay? How about you help in the cafe?"

"Yes sir," Yesung saluted to Hangeng, who entered the kitchen again, and then whispered to Heechul, "Do I get a paycheck for it? Hangeng is really serious when it comes to business and money."

"Free coffee maybe. Oh, I just love the man," Heechul whispered back.

"Can you at least include some muffins?" Yesung asked as the door of the cafe opened with the ringing of the chimes.

"Welcome," Heechul automatically greeted as he pushed Yesung out of the cashier.

Yesung took in how the customer was wearing a beige coat over the white shirt and matching black slacks with matching sunglasses and hat, barely hiding the brown locks of hair. Is it too hot or cold? He's not sure anymore, judging on the outfit of the other.

He noticed how the other took in the surrounding of the cafe before shamelessly staring and gaping at Yesung, as if he knows or recognizes the man, making him blush, even without seeing the other's eyes hidden with the eyepiece he can imagine it to be piercing. Thinking that the other must be staring at him because he is staring too he looked away and saw Heechul smirking.

As the man finally reached the counter it became more obvious that he is staring at the now blushing Yesung, who tried to shrug it off and pretend he was not affected by the other's action.

"So, Sir what do you want?" Heechul politely asked before adding, "Well except my friend over there."

"Oh I can't have him?" The man let out a laugh while Yesung glared and silently said how stupid Heechul was. He pried his eyes from Yesung to look at the list of coffee, "Can I ask what your specialty is?"

Yesung's can feel every strand of hair in his neck stood up as he heard the other's voice, which sounds very familiar.

"Well everything is our specialty," Heechul got a smug face, "But our best seller would be our house blend."

"Hmm. I would have that and this," he pointed at the display cabinet pointing at a slice of strawberry shortcake. He handed Heechul cash.

"Here's your change. Please have a seat and wait for a while," Heechul smirked, "Are you sure you don't want my friend?"

"What am I a food or e?" Yesung‘s deep thoughts about the familiarity of the stranger’s voice, was cut off as he almost smacked the evading Heechul.

The other just nervously laughed before walking to one of the tables in the shop.

"He really likes you," Heechul snickered as he tells Hangeng the order. Instead of minding his supposed to be friend, Yesung looked at the man who's now reading the newspaper provided by the store. The man seemed to sense Yesung's gaze since he looked up from paper and shyly smiled at him.

Realization struck Yesung. He finally remembered who the other resembled. Abruptly standing and running to the table of the man, Yesung pointed an accusing finger to him, "Y-You. A-Are you Marcus?"

The other froze as Heechul rushed to the table, "Yesung! What are you doing?!"

While looking at the front page of the newspaper, Yesung removed the other's sunglasses, "But they look like each-" he wasn't able to continue what he is saying as he found himself drowning in the big dark brown orbs of the other.

Okay. That is surely different from Marcus piercing fiery red eyes of Marcus. Maybe his hair-

Yesung's thoughts were halted when the accused customer timidly removed his hat, fully showing the brown locks of hair, as if the other can read his mind. Although they looked as soft and nice just like Marcus, its brown color was totally different from red.

"I fully know that the two of us are both AB's but your weirdness and craziness will soon definitely cross the borderline," Heechul said to Yesung.

Finally able to stop vulgarly staring at the fidgeting customer, who he just accused to be the phantom thief Marcus, Yesung looked back and front from the newspaper, where a large picture of Marcus was printed, and the other, "But they really looked like each other! And their voices are the same!" desperation present in his voice as he urged his friend to look at the newspaper.

"For the voice, my luck is not near yours so I still haven't heard his voice. Well... I can see the resemblance," Heechul said as he scrutinized the customer.

Yesung felt excitement bubbling in his body as Heechul analyzed the matter at hand, knowing that Heechul's eyes were really sharp and capable for figuring out things.

Before Heechul can give his confirmation, the customer finally spoke, "I'm actually new to this city," he shyly rubbed the back of his head, "I just arrived yesterday."

'Really?!' expression was clearly written all over Yesung's face.

"I'm actually a traveler who goes around the world," the man handed them a business card, "I'm also an art specialist."

"Kyuhyun Cho?" Heechul read aloud while Yesung read the name all over again in his mind, "Wow that's nice. You have come to the right place since this city sure loves art."

"Thank you, this city's architecture is really pretty. Everything's a work of art."

"Even the people here are work of arts right?" Heechul silently posed and showed his 'beauty' to the other.

"Y-Yeah, they sure are," Kyuhyun blushed as he stared at Yesung instead.

"By the way, sorry for what my friend did. He is intelligent but weird," Heechul continued talking while Yesung frowned as he stared at Kyuhyun again, "He just got his work and he managed to come face-to-face with that Marcus."

Isn't Marcus Kyuhyun? or vice-versa? They really look like each other, except the eyes, hair and their personality. Ok maybe they were not one person. But still...

Hangeng emerged from the kitchen, handling the order, "Here I am thinking what happened," he got a disapproved look which was immediately replaced by a gentle smile as he placed the hot steaming drink and the slice of cake on the table, "Your order, I hope you'll like it."

"Hangeng! Look at him! He looks like Marcus," Yesung persisted once more.

"Yesung! That is rude! Do not go accusing our precious customer of such things!"

"I'm not accusing him. I am just pointing out that he looks like Marcus!"

"Isn't that a bad thing? He is a thief right?"

"No! Uhm... I mean he is not that bad..."

Hangeng and Heechul carefully looked at the printed picture, "Now that I analyze... They really look the same... Except their eyes and hair."

"Ha! See?!" Yesung fisted his hand in the air.

"But..." Kyuhyun suddenly pursed his lips into a smirk, his aura suddenly changed, "I am not Marcus."

Yesung glared and snorted, "My friends just approved that you look like him. Right guys?"

Hangeng and Heechul remained silent as they stared at Kyuhyun's face, with blank eyes and expressions, "He is not Marcus," both of the uttered in unison.

"But you just said that he looks like him! There is a possibility that-"

He didn't finish what he was saying as he saw Kyuhyun's amused look dedicated for him. He wasn't sure if his eyes were playing tricks or the color Kyuhyun's eyes really glittered red.

"W-What?" Yesung asked as he held his necklace through his shirt for comfort.

"Nothing," Kyuhyun grinned, "Talking about possibilities, there are millions of possibilities in the world we live in. One of them is that I am Marcus but another will be that you are interested in me."


Kyuhyun took a sip of his coffee, "Wow this is really great, well for a coffee. Too bad I'm not a coffee lover."

"Of course! We serve nothing but the best," the silent Heechul suddenly bursted as if he didn't pause for a while, which was quiet suspicious to Yesung since he never saw his older friend stayed still or silent for minutes.

The door chimes sound filled the cafe as other customers started to come in, "Ah welcome!" Hangeng greeted, "Please excuse us," he said as he dragged Heechul to the counter.

Heechul suddenly said, "Maybe Yesung just wants to take your clothes off."

Yesung glared at Heechul, who snickered before taking the orders of the customers, while Kyuhyun laughed.

Yesung looked back at Kyuhyun, "At least there's a chance that you are Marcus... Right?"

Kyuhyun just grinned as he tried the cake.

"But come to think of it the aura you give off is totally different from his," Yesung contemplated, "But I seriously hate that guy."

"Why? Because he is a thief?" Kyuhyun's eyebrows rose as he shoved another bit of cake in his mouth.

"No, not that reason," Yesung shook his head, "Because he kissed me."

Kyuhyun suddenly choked on his cake, making every occupant of the cafe look at him with a worried look.

"Are you alright?" Yesung passed him a glass of water and started rubbing his back.

"Y-Yeah. I was just... Um... Surprised? That Marcus really did that? He must be a ert," Kyuhyun stated after drinking the water.

"Actually there's something weird and different with the kiss..." Yesung remembered the sensation of being kissed on the lips. He blushed, "It's as if I was kissing a different person. It didn't felt like I was kissing Marcus at all, but a different person instead."

Kyuhyun froze in his seat. Good thing he wasn't drinking water for if he heard what Yesung just said he will definitely choke or spit it, "H-How can you say that?" he too was blushing.

"I'm not sure... But the person who kissed me gave off a comforting aura unlike Marcus' uncomfortable one," Yesung shrugged, "By the way, my name is Yesung Kim. Sorry I forgot my manners and I alleged that you are another person. I was really dumbstruck when I saw your resemblance with Marcus."

Yesung offered him his hand. Kyuhyun took it and shook their hands, "It's really nothing," he smiled.

Yesung smiled in return and tried to shrug off the bubbly feeling inside him when their hands touched one another.

Suddenly Yesung's phone rang. His boss was calling him.

"Hello? What's the matter?" Yesung walked away from Kyuhyun's table to the unoccupied corner of the shop, "He had sent another notice? And I'm the one in charge of taking photos?"

After a moment of struggling, Shindong managed to (force) pursue Yesung to take on the job. The picture of Marcus he submitted to them seemed to be the reason why their newspaper's sales was a blockbuster, so Shindong was willing to increase his income as long as he take nice pictures of the rising thief.

"Fine, I'll be on it. But, don't expect too much ok?" Yesung cut the connection and turned around to see that Kyuhyun's table was empty. "Where is he?" He asked Heechul, who was mending a new customer.

"Kyuhyun? He left while you were talking with your boss," Heechul answered before focusing his attention again to the customer.

Yesung sighed. Too bad he wasn't able to say goodbye to the other. Wait. Why did he suddenly felt like that? He sighed again as he made his way to Kyuhyun's vacant table. He saw a piece of paper with elegant handwriting.


I hope we will meet again.


Yesung smiled as he kept the note in his pocket. "I'll be going now!" he waved to Heechul, "Tell Hangeng too."

Heechul nodded and playfully shooed him.

end of part 1(?) will continue this someday...
okay... I'm seriously not sure why I am this weird... weird story too... =_=;
I don't know when I can continue...
I'll tidy it up next time...
Nana chosen this one... OTL sorry for not meeting your expectations....

Note: I wanna make something clear, Kyuhyun was the one who kissed Yesung (Marcus changed back to Kyuhyun when he kissed Yesung) sorry for the confusion... (and the pairing of this fic is KyuhyunxYesung...)

thanks to the subscribers! 

thanks for commenting on "Wait"^^: angelyecamacchiato0620yewookMysismineSuperJunior713 
thanks for the upvote: Eggums
I really appreciate it ;v; 

School will be over after the 1st week of April! yay!
*crosses fingers* I hope and believe that I'll pass all my subjects^^
Fighting everyone! 



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Chapter 21: This is so sweet. :((
I miss them.
389 streak #2
Chapter 16: where's the part 2? T^T
Chapter 21: Okay, I know I'm not at the last chapter yet but this fic really hit home. I know since the time this was posted, Yesungie has come back from his service and now it's Kyu's turn to go in and Wookie is still doing his service so Yesungie will be missing the KR to his Y :/ but I know it'll still be some time after that but I had read somewhere that Kyu didn't call Yesungie at all during his enlistment till the night before he was officially discharged and Kyu was drunk... (can't remember where I read it) reading this was just like me imagining Kyu writing and wanting to call but not having the courage to do so till the end. It was so wonderful to read!!
fatimakys #4
Chapter 8: So cute , kyu and his big mouth when he is a kid hahahahahahahaha I liked it , all the thing about the children ◉_◉
Still I can not forgive kyu not helping !! ►_◄ ╚(•⌂•)╝
And omg yeye is even cuter kkkk and I liked his responsible personality 〓D ◙‿◙
Here woonie take ten dollars for being a cute kid and a good responsible well built man
[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅] [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]
angelamy #5
Chapter 22: :( awtch! is it painful or just me? :\
Chapter 10: Serious question, why was Kyukyu so clingy in that gif/photoshoot?mi mean. Really babyKyu, really? You are killiiiiing us slowly KyuSung shippers! Gaaaaahhhh
Chapter 9: I love Kyuhyun.
Chapter 4: Aww fan drabbles are so cute!
Chapter 3: I think... I like Pencil best. That's just bordering stupidity Yeye haha but if it was one of the reasons why Kyu took notice of him, then why not! It's so cuuute.. I actually want and hope for a sequel. What happens in their first day. Yeye would reason that he is looking for Kyu to give the pencil back, but Kyu says for him to keep it. He has lots of pencils anyway. Haha! Omg. Ok, anyway. If you have the time.. If you can do it. It would be awesome! Lol..

Next I guess is the third story, PE. Because my Heenim is there! Hahahahahahaha
Chapter 21: BTW I love Heenim. I love how he was importantly incorporated in here. And that he still is the diva that he is. Hahahaha! Sly one. But I'm thankful haha