Spring Holidays (AU!Harvest Moon)

KyuSung Fic Collection

RANDOM PIC EDIT!!! THEY'RE SO GORGEOUS!!! TTvTT KYUSUNG FIGHTING! (C)bluefish [I used his/her scan] 

Author: rhenny
Title: Spring Holidays
Pairing(s): Kyuhyun/Yesung (KyuSung/YeKyu)
Summary: Drabbles revolving around Yesung, the helper in the barn, and Kyuhyun, the new farmer in town.
Rating: G
Warning(s): none
Beta: prom15e_10ve I thank and love you Jade^^ you're a life saver!
Author's Note: Yay! written for KyuSung amnesty fest^^ I managed to finish this set of drabbles^^ hopefully I did justice for the prompt... I love Harvest Moon so I took prompt #134^^ If you're interested please look at 2012 AMNESTY FEST ~ 

Prompter: lalilula
Main Prompt: HarvestMoon!AU Kyuhyun as a farmer. Dominant!Jongwoon
Squicks: disgusting things, gender-switch, over-submissive bottom.
Rating Limit: none
Intended for: Fanfiction
Anything else? none

Spring Holidays

New Year's Festival (Spring 1st)
Year 1

Yesung remembered clearly the first day he met Kyuhyun. How the younger smiled dorkily with the remains of mochi around his mouth. How the moonlight illuminated his lanky figure. How the cold breeze bought a tint of redness in his cheeks. How Yesung thought that he found something special, something really special.

Just as expected, almost every villager gathered in the town square to welcome the New Year by making rice cakes together. Luckily, he managed to excuse himself from drinking booze, again this year, by saying he'd be bringing some of the delicacies to the harvest sprites and to Kangin, who was busy with something. After delivering the food to the harvest sprites, Yesung received a red scarf, which they said he will give to someone who'll become a special part of his life. Returning to the town square, he got some more mochi and placed it on his backpack. Then, he started going to the beach.

The trip to the beach was short, considering that it was only on the left side of the town square, where everyone was still celebrating. The cold breeze from the sea embraced him as finally set foot on the beach.

Yesung was relieved that winter was over. He never liked the coldness winter brings and he assumed the animals he took care felt the same way. He always stayed home during winter, just like how the horses, cows and sheep remained inside the barn.

As he came nearer Kangin's shack, Yesung saw two silhouettes in the dock. He squinted his eyes and tried to adjust them to the darkness to have a clearer vision of the two. It didn't help that the clouds covered the moon. As he went nearer, something jumped off from the taller silhouette and ran towards him.

"Kkoming!" the silhouette shouted.

Having more than enough experience with animals, Yesung remained calm as the small puppy barked at him. He stared as the dog continued barking. Being frustrated of not intimidating Yesung or getting any reaction from him, the dog retorted to jumping at him, again and again and as high as he can before gnawing at his pants. Laughing at the persistent and cute, but somewhat annoying, dog, he got a mochi from his bag and gave it to the dog.

The dog barked happily before eating the food. The dog must have been hungry. "What a good dog," he patted the head of the eating dog before he noticed that the man holding the dog earlier already stood an arms-length away from him.

He stood straight and looked at the other's face. Yesung found himself staring at dark brown eyes, almost covered the by brown locks of hair perfectly framing the pale face of the other. The other was slightly taller than him, give and take one or two centimeters, and he wore a blue denim jumper over a long sleeves, fit for field work, folded above his shoulder, quiet contrasting Yesung's red sleeveless shirt and black jumper. The other must be younger than him. He awkwardly started a staring competition with the other when he proceeded with looking at his eyes again.

"You guys realize that you're having a staring stand-off?" Kangin asked as he finally made his way to the two. "Yesung, what're you doing here? Checking out our new farmer boy?"

Yesung blinked a few times before blurting, "He's the new farm owner?"

"Hard to believe right?" Kangin laughed out loud, as if what he said was a compliment. "He's too lanky for the job."

The boy nervously scratched his head and bowed a little but Yesung can clearly see the blush on the other's pale face.

"What are you doing here anyway?" Kangin asked again as he looked suspiciously at Yesung, "Could it be that you're really checking him out?"

Yesung flushed red before hitting Kangin's shoulder lightly, "I was here to give you some mochi." He got the mochi on his bag.

"Is the festival over already?" Kangin asked. 

Yesung shook his head, "Nah, just used it as an excuse from drinking with Kibum and the others."

"They're drinking without me?!" Kangin shouted, causing Yesung and the other to jump up due to surprise. "You're not drinking?!"

"You know that I have low alcohol tolerance. Don't overreact, they just started," Yesung assured. "I heard that all of the drinks will be free."

Excitement and happiness were very obvious on Kangin's face. Looking over, he held the other man's shoulder, "Hey Kiddo, let's continue our discussion tomorrow ok? You must be tired from your travel. You should rest. I'll accompany you home."

Yesung felt Kangin's giddiness to drink. He interrupted Kangin from further talking by saying, "If you want I'll be the one to him to the farm."

The two looked at him immediately, Kangin's expression twinkled while he couldn't identify the expression on the other's face, "Really!? You're my best friend Yesung!" Kangin exclaimed as he hugged his friend in a bear hug. Kangin started running to the direction of the town square while saying something about killing Yesung when he didn't take good care of the other.

"Gee, what a selfish raccoon," Yesung laughed, "He really turns into a barbarian when it comes to drinking."

The response he got from the other was silent laughter. Immediately, silence overtook the two of them, but the dog suddenly barked again. It stared at the food Yesung had as it wagged its tail happily.

Yesung smiled before giving the dog the food. "He must be really hungry," he directed the statement to the new owner of the farm.

The other stiffly nodded. "We just arrived from the city. I didn't expect the trip to be that long," a deep and smooth voice came from him.

Yesung raised his eyebrow, "You must be hungry too." On cue, the boy's stomach grumbled.

"Sorry," the boy mumbled as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Here, you should eat this," he got more mochi from his bag and handed it to the blushing boy.

"Shouldn't I be ashamed of getting all this food from you ehm-"

"Yesung, that's what they call me here," Yesung smiled. "And no need to worry, they give the villagers that rice cakes for free. They'll give you as much as you can carry. You should have seen how big the bag Shindong bought. Eat now."

"Thanks," the boy said before biting at the delicacy. "Wow! This is delicious!" he stared at the food as if he never saw anything like that. "Isn't this just a normal mochi?"

"Well, the villagers are the one who made that," Yesung explained, "It was pretty hard pounding the rice but the result was worth it."

"That sounds fun," the other said after taking another bite of the food. "Everyone must be close with each other."

Yesung nodded, "We are. Wait, do you mind telling me your name?"

"Oh sorry," the boy blushed again as he offered his hand to Yesung, "My name is Kyuhyun."

"It's nice meeting you Kyuhyun," Yesung felt sparks when he held Kyuhyun's hand.

"Same here Yesung," Kyuhyun beamed. He must not be aware of the bits of rice cake around his mouth. He looked so precious and happy that Yesung couldn't help but smile back.

At the back of his mind, he wondered if the red scarf would fit around Kyuhyun's neck.


Spring Thanksgiving (Spring 14th)
Year 2

"Umm Kyu," Yesung blinked at the gift Kyuhyun gave him.


"Did I smell too much manure that I'm hallucinating that I'm receiving THIS gift from you?!" He asked as he shoved the gift to the smiling Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun laughed, bubbly and clearly happy. He pushed the gift back to Yesung's chest, "What's so bad with giving you a gift? I always do that every day."

Yesung blushed and lowered his head a little, to hide his face from the analytical eyes of Kyuhyun. "Yeah you do that, even if I told you not too," Yesung confirmed. "But receiving honey, or anything you thought that I'll like, is much more different from getting this from you!"

"How did you know what's inside? I even asked Shindong to wrap it for you," Kyuhyun rubbed his chin.

"Just by shaking it," Yesung demonstrated. It produced a mellow noise of things semi-hard hitting each other. "Cookies..."

"Wow! That's really cunning Yesung!" Kyuhyun scratched the back of his head and chuckled, his face tinted with a rose color too.

"Why would you give me cookies on the day of Spring Thanksgiving?" Yesung narrowed his eyes before shouting, "I'm not a freaking girl if that's obvious!"

Kyuhyun chuckled as he tried evading Yesung's jabs, "I know you're not a girl Yesung. It just felt right giving you cookies to show my gratitude to you."

Yesung stopped his relentless attacks on Kyuhyun. "Your gratitude?" his heart started beating faster.

"Yes," Kyuhyun nodded before whistling. And after a few seconds, his horse came running to him. He mounted the horse with expertise and beamed at Yesung, "And of course, teasing you is the major reason."

Before Yesung could react, Kyuhyun already got away. The younger shouted, "Don't forget to give me chocolates at Winter Thanksgiving!" before disappearing on the trail to the forest.

"You brat!" Yesung shouted before staring at the wrapped box. He half-hearted opened the gift and saw a plate of almost burnt cookies. The cookies look inedible so Yesung guessed Kyuhyun made it. For a moment, he was afraid to eat the cookies. He might end up on the hospital or even worse, the church. He still couldn't forget the cooking incident with Kyuhyun a few months back and shuddered at the memory of it. 

Cautiously, he picked up a piece of the hard cookie and smelled it. Not finding the smell dangerous or toxic, he finally took a tiny bite. He was surprised that the cookie was actually chewy considering that it's hard. Could it be that Kyuhyun added extra honey since he knew Yesung likes it?

"Delicious..." Yesung mumbled before walking towards the house of Barley, "But what should I give Kyuhyun on Winter Thanksgiving?" he asked out loud before entering the house.

"Yes!" Kyuhyun exclaimed, barely hidden at the entrance of forest. "Having cooking lessons with Ryeowook really helped me out! And Yesung liked it!" He beamed, happy and dorky.


Spring Horse Race (Spring 18th)
Year 2

"You sure about this?" Yesung asked for the nth time, worried that Kyuhyun might fell off the horse during the race.

"Yesung, I told you I'm confident in winning," Kyuhyun assured before he mounted Flash, his horse. "You saw how much we trained right?"

"If you mean riding Flash around town for ten laps then yes," Yesung frowned, worry still not washing away.

"Don't you believe in us?" Kyuhyun inquired, sadness glinting in his eyes and a pout accompanying it.

"No! Of course I do!" It didn't take three seconds for Kyuhyun to smile, showing his teeth, at Yesung. And Yesung swore it rivaled the blaring sun. "Just be sure that nothing bad will happen."

"You know I'm optimistic Yesung. And I can do everything with flying colors," Kyuhyun boasted.

"Yeah, yeah," Yesung sarcastically responded. "Be sure to stay alert! Or else I'll be the one strangling you."

"I swear to the Harvest Goddess! And to the scarf you gave me, to my farm, to my animals, to my-"

"Okay I get it," Yesung said before walking away from the fence.

"Hey! I'm not yet finished!" Kyuhyun shouted as he got down Flash and ran after Yesung.

"What?" Yesung asked. "Are you gonna swear it to Kappa? The harvest sprites? Your favorite wine? Or-"

"I swear it you," Kyuhyun cheekily answered, cheeks blushing, but not as red as Yesung's blush. "Be sure to bet on me! I'm gonna win this thing for you!" the younger shouted before running back in the race track.

Yesung stood there, calming his erratic heart. Then, he ran to the booth operated by Leeteuk, their mayor.

"Here to bet?" Leeteuk asked, showing his dimpled cheeks.

Yesung nodded. He got money, a month's worth of wage, in his bag.

"Wow, that's a lot! So who will you bet for?"

"All in for number 4. All in for Kyuhyun."


Cooking Contest (Spring 22nd)
Year 3

"You won't join the contest?" Yesung asked as he switched the channel of television. He sat on the chair in front of the TV while Kyuhyun rummaged the kitchen.

"Nah, I know my limitations," he answered as he got mushrooms out of his fridge. Kyuhyun promised to cook something for Yesung. "I'll never win over Ryeowook. Do you want truffles instead?"

"You sure? It's spring and the truffles will sell well," Yesung stood up and turned off the TV. He made his way to Kyuhyun.

"Yeah, I know," Kyuhyun looked over his shoulder, showing Yesung the truffles. "Though I don't need more money from selling mushrooms, I'm already finished with that phase."

Yesung sat on the stool near the counter, "Oh, I almost forgot that you make millions now. Forgive my ignorance."

"Yesung..." Kyuhyun whined as he closed the fridge and faced Yesung.

"What?" Yesung asked. He got the freshly harvested turnip on the counter and studied it, "I'm way out of your league now. My income from my job at the barn is only 20% of your income. Wait. No. That was last year. It's now 10%."

"What's wrong with having more money?" Kyuhyun asked as he got the turnip from Yesung and put it back to the counter. He held Yesung's chin and gently moved it upward to meet his gaze.

Yesung blushed as he stared at Kyuhyun's sincere eyes. He answered, "Well you can buy all the things you want... And you can return to the city anytime you want.

"True," Kyuhyun agreed. "But I think I'll never return to the city cause I want to settle here," he smiled genuinely. "And I don't think I can leave the place where I felt happiness and I found something really special."

"Really?" Yesung smiled back.

"And if ever I go anywhere, I'll make sure you would go with me Yesung," Kyuhyun leaned in and kissed Yesung on the lips, their second kiss to be exact. They pulled back with smiles on their faces before hugging each other.

"And it doesn't matter if I make millions or billions," Kyuhyun whispered against Yesung's ears, "If I can't have you with me."

Yesung smiled before kissing Kyuhyun for the second time that day.


end of Spring Holidays^^ will write the Summer, Fall and Winter Holidays next time~ 

I thought Yesung would fit the role of farmer while Kyuhyun can be Doctor or Gray... but the prompt mentioned that Kyuhyun was the farmer XD

so just as what I expected, I'm loaded this sem by challenging subjects that I need to pass! I don't want to be delayed... I wanna graduate on time so I need to pass every subject~ (and being on the dean's/honor list doesn't pressure me at all (failed sarcasm))

writing hiatus again^^ but you can see me spazz at twitter XD

since I have wasted your precious time by reading this, whatever this is, let me mention some of my friends:
Ate Ron and Ate Den: really had fun last time! let's meet again! (plus our plan XD)
Jade: thank you so much for being my beta! you salvaged this fic! hahaha! fighting bittersweet!
Leann: you're a pretty and super talented young lady Leann^^ we're always here to support you~ we love you maknae!
Naz: thank you for always being there for us^^ you're truly a precious friend^^ 
Dad Amal and Mom Bianca: just greeting my lovely parents^^ the coolest and greatest! 
Nana and Arvy: my STALKER!KYUSUNG ship! NanArvy! lol XD
Estelle/Hoshi: fighting with the fansites of KyuSung! and I hope you and Mom Bianca will be in good terms again!
Helene: please suggest more fantasy books to me. rating: G please? XD
Vicky and Irene: Hi~ :">
Lisa: where are you, oh Lisa? :DDD fighting with your job!
Babie: hey pretty Babie~ are you reading this? hahahaha!
(twitter friends XD)

All: thank you for still reading my weird and crappy fics XD
You can see a list of my stories here at aff and my not-so-updated masterlist at LJ^^
Fighting to us!

KyuSung love~

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Chapter 21: This is so sweet. :((
I miss them.
395 streak #2
Chapter 16: where's the part 2? T^T
Chapter 21: Okay, I know I'm not at the last chapter yet but this fic really hit home. I know since the time this was posted, Yesungie has come back from his service and now it's Kyu's turn to go in and Wookie is still doing his service so Yesungie will be missing the KR to his Y :/ but I know it'll still be some time after that but I had read somewhere that Kyu didn't call Yesungie at all during his enlistment till the night before he was officially discharged and Kyu was drunk... (can't remember where I read it) reading this was just like me imagining Kyu writing and wanting to call but not having the courage to do so till the end. It was so wonderful to read!!
fatimakys #4
Chapter 8: So cute , kyu and his big mouth when he is a kid hahahahahahahaha I liked it , all the thing about the children ◉_◉
Still I can not forgive kyu not helping !! ►_◄ ╚(•⌂•)╝
And omg yeye is even cuter kkkk and I liked his responsible personality 〓D ◙‿◙
Here woonie take ten dollars for being a cute kid and a good responsible well built man
[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅] [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]
angelamy #5
Chapter 22: :( awtch! is it painful or just me? :\
Chapter 10: Serious question, why was Kyukyu so clingy in that gif/photoshoot?mi mean. Really babyKyu, really? You are killiiiiing us slowly KyuSung shippers! Gaaaaahhhh
Chapter 9: I love Kyuhyun.
Chapter 4: Aww fan drabbles are so cute!
Chapter 3: I think... I like Pencil best. That's just bordering stupidity Yeye haha but if it was one of the reasons why Kyu took notice of him, then why not! It's so cuuute.. I actually want and hope for a sequel. What happens in their first day. Yeye would reason that he is looking for Kyu to give the pencil back, but Kyu says for him to keep it. He has lots of pencils anyway. Haha! Omg. Ok, anyway. If you have the time.. If you can do it. It would be awesome! Lol..

Next I guess is the third story, PE. Because my Heenim is there! Hahahahahahaha
Chapter 21: BTW I love Heenim. I love how he was importantly incorporated in here. And that he still is the diva that he is. Hahahaha! Sly one. But I'm thankful haha