
KyuSung Fic Collection

Title: Procrastination
Pairing: YeKyu/KyuSung, ninja!Hanchul
Genre: Romance, Fluff, AU
Rating: G
Length: drabble
Prompt: procrastination
Summary: In which Kyuhyun always find Yesung as an exemption in his procrastination.
Note: Might contain errors^^ posted another story! yay! fluff!
Dedicated to: userinfo.gif?v=95.3sujulovenl let's congratulate Mom Bianca for passing her school and getting a certificate^^


Procrastination – the action of delaying or postponing something

Kyuhyun loves procrastinating. He would always do that with his school works.

Kyuhyun rapidly pressed his keyboard as he annihilates another wave of enemies trying to conquer his base in one of his favorite online strategy games.

His phone suddenly beeped, indicating he received another message, but he ignored it, just like what he did with the other messages. Right now, nothing's more important than winning the game.

He continued tapping on his keyboard, all his attention given to his favorite laptop. This laptop was the best among his collection. In addition, it got a small cute turtle sticker in the upper right corner of the screen. A special Hyung put the sticker so Kyuhyun can't object. But he managed to make a sarcastic remark of it being too childish for his liking.

His phone suddenly rang and instead of his default ringtone (that he didn't bothered on changing ever since he bought the phone) a ballad was played. 7 years of Love. He immediately paused the game screen and got his phone.

"Yesung Hyung?" he excitedly answered when he pressed the accept button.

"Kyuhyun," a husky voice was heard on the other line. "Are you playing your precious games again?"

"Yah," Kyuhyun happily admitted, "And I managed to break my own record earlier Yesung Hyung!"

"Which means?...." Yesung asked.

"I'm a professional at gaming," Kyuhyun proudly answered.

The older sighed, "Stupid. That means you still haven't done anything productive and you haven't ate yet."

Kyuhyun was not offended of the word 'stupid' since it was his Yesung Hyung who said that (and he's the only one who can call Kyuhyun of such words). He was fully aware that his Hyung doesn't mean it in a bad way and Yesung was only worried with his well-being. Oh. How much that thought made Kyuhyun happy and loved.

"Oh, right. Did Hyung called me just to remind me of that?" Kyuhyun teased. "Aw, I'm so loved by Yesung Hyung."

"S-Shut up Kyu," Yesung stuttered over the phone, "I also called to remind that you have a paper in your Philosophy class to be submitted tomorrow. Knowing how much you love procrastinating, I'm guessing you haven't started it yet. Scratch that, I'm sure that you haven't started yet."

Kyuhyun shrugged even if Yesung can't see him. "I can make the paper for an hour. I'm great with procrastination." He chuckled when he heard Yesung sighed over the phone again. The older must be really stressed over him. Yesung insisted that Kyuhyun was required to tell him or notify him of the things he needed to do and submit so the older can remind him. Kyuhyun got a tendency to forget about school works when he's busy doing something he loves (especially hanging out with Yesung). His Hyung never failed in reminding him of everything he needed.

"You also got a group report for your Social Science. Did you helped Wookie and Kibum?" Yesung asked.

Kyuhyun mentally hissed at the pet name for Ryeowook. "They'll be the one making the presentation of the set of data I sent them. I'm also the one reporting the difficult part of the report," Kyuhyun smugly answered. He wanted Yesung to praise him for that.

"Well that's good. It means you only need to finish your paper in Philo and you'll be done for the night."

Kyuhyun bit his lips. Why was Yesung not giving him the praise and attention he wants? He crossed his arms and answered in a monotone voice, "I'll do it later Hyung,"

Instead of asking Kyuhyun what's wrong, Yesung chuckled. The younger doesn't know if he'll be more angry of the older for he's making fun of him or he'll laugh to for Yesung's laughter got that effect to Kyuhyun. "Aw, what's wrong with my BabyKyu?"

There, he heard the pet name that makes him happy and annoyed at the same time. He's always torn apart whenever Yesung calls him BabyKyu. "N-Nothing... I just want to continue playing."

"Do you want me to end the call now?"

"No!" Kyuhyun realized that he shouted the answer. "Err I mean you can't end the call for... You still haven't preached that I'm procrastinating too much!"

Yesung laughed again and Kyuhyun felt a blush crept on his face. "That's true. Can I ask you again the reason why you love delaying things if you can already do it now? For the nth time."

"Because I believe that they don't deserve my precious time and attention so I put them on the end of my priority list," Kyuhyun answered. "And why should I do them immediately when I can procrastinate? I'm too lazy to do school stuffs."

"Really? So what's on top of your priority list? Your precious games?"

"N-No," Kyuhyun stuttered, cheeks getting redder.

"Huh? Are you sure?" Yesung giggled. "Then what?"

'You,' Kyuhyun thought before answering, "You'll know on the right time Hyung."

"Oh, maybe I'm on the top of your priorities," Yesung teased, as if he knew what Kyuhyun was thinking.

Kyuhyun felt his heart beat faster. Did Yesung knew that he's in love with him?

"Just kidding!" Yesung laughed. "By the way I also called since I want to invite you to our room. Heechul Hyung kidnapped Hangeng Hyung so I'm alone again."

"So you want me to go there because you're lonely?" Kyuhyun grinned as he decided to exit his game. No more gaming for the night.

"Yes, I am. Plus, I'm going to help you with your paper. And I got food here."

"How come I'm the one you invited?" Kyuhyun stood up from his seat and started gathering his things.

"Because you're my BabyKyu?"

Kyuhyun managed to stop himself from squealing like a girl and answered, "Hyung stop calling me like that... You are breaking my cool image."

"Aww. Come on BabyKyu! You know you're the coolest for me. So are you going here now?" Yesung asked.

"Yeah, I'm already packing my things. I'll be there as soon as possible."

"Yes! See you later! I love you Kyuhyun-ah!" Yesung exclaimed before ending the call, leaving Kyuhyun speechless.

He smiled and held his phone to his chest, feeling the fast heartbeat. "I love you too Yesung..."

With that he got his bag and immediately went to his beloved Hyung with a heartwarming smile.

There are moments Kyuhyun can't really procrastinate. He'll do his best to do those as soon as possible. And those moments were when a certain Yesung is involved.

The end
First, congratulations to Mom userinfo.gif?v=95.3sujulovenl ! we're so proud of you!
managed to finish this in a short time XD
TAKE NOTE! Mom Bianca doesn't procrastinate! she does everything like a good kid! *according to her*

Then, Let's spazz together because of the adorableness of KyuSung/YeKyu! KYAAA! (C)listentokyu

Finally, I wanna share to everyone that I luckily won and got the opportunity to get a signed poster from Siwon and Donghae during the SiHae event for Bench!
I even shook both Siwon and Donghae's hands! they said thank you and they look straight into your eyes... such soft and warm hands...
one of my luckiest days ever! I'm so thankful!
here's the picture of the poster TTvTT
and... some failed pics of SiHae (we're not allowed to use professional cameras!)

well that's all! Let's all be thankful and optimistic!
KyuSung/YeKyu love~

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Hi everyone^^ Please support Light in the Forest :D Thanks a lot!


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Chapter 21: This is so sweet. :((
I miss them.
389 streak #2
Chapter 16: where's the part 2? T^T
Chapter 21: Okay, I know I'm not at the last chapter yet but this fic really hit home. I know since the time this was posted, Yesungie has come back from his service and now it's Kyu's turn to go in and Wookie is still doing his service so Yesungie will be missing the KR to his Y :/ but I know it'll still be some time after that but I had read somewhere that Kyu didn't call Yesungie at all during his enlistment till the night before he was officially discharged and Kyu was drunk... (can't remember where I read it) reading this was just like me imagining Kyu writing and wanting to call but not having the courage to do so till the end. It was so wonderful to read!!
fatimakys #4
Chapter 8: So cute , kyu and his big mouth when he is a kid hahahahahahahaha I liked it , all the thing about the children ◉_◉
Still I can not forgive kyu not helping !! ►_◄ ╚(•⌂•)╝
And omg yeye is even cuter kkkk and I liked his responsible personality 〓D ◙‿◙
Here woonie take ten dollars for being a cute kid and a good responsible well built man
[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅] [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]
angelamy #5
Chapter 22: :( awtch! is it painful or just me? :\
Chapter 10: Serious question, why was Kyukyu so clingy in that gif/photoshoot?mi mean. Really babyKyu, really? You are killiiiiing us slowly KyuSung shippers! Gaaaaahhhh
Chapter 9: I love Kyuhyun.
Chapter 4: Aww fan drabbles are so cute!
Chapter 3: I think... I like Pencil best. That's just bordering stupidity Yeye haha but if it was one of the reasons why Kyu took notice of him, then why not! It's so cuuute.. I actually want and hope for a sequel. What happens in their first day. Yeye would reason that he is looking for Kyu to give the pencil back, but Kyu says for him to keep it. He has lots of pencils anyway. Haha! Omg. Ok, anyway. If you have the time.. If you can do it. It would be awesome! Lol..

Next I guess is the third story, PE. Because my Heenim is there! Hahahahahahaha
Chapter 21: BTW I love Heenim. I love how he was importantly incorporated in here. And that he still is the diva that he is. Hahahaha! Sly one. But I'm thankful haha