Getting to know each other

Accidentally inlove. :))

Minho really like Yuri, he really want to go out with her, but he don't know how to say it. But he try. :D


Minho: hi^^~

Yuri: hello :"> 

Minho: can i ask you out? just the two of us. if you like. :)

Yuri: ahmm, sure, why not? when?

Minho: tomorrow, i'll pick you up. :)

Yuri: oh? ohhh-kay?. (blushing)


Minho ran towards their house, he jumped very high and he hugs Nickhun.


Nickhun: what's the matter?

Minho: She was going out with me. :) YES!!!

Nickhun: oh? really? that's nice. (hurt)

Minho: i have to set a candlelight dinner!

Nickhun: yeah. thats very romantic! (pissed)


the very special day came, Minho picked Yuri and they went to a restaurant. :) Minho didn't know that Nickhun was outside watching them have fun, Yuri once knew that Nickhun has feeling for her. She also know that Nickhun was outside. :D She felt bad for Nickhun, she like Minho but she felt pity with Nickhun.

after their candlelight dinner, they went to their own houses, Yuri thankhed Minho and kisses him in the cheek. :'>


Minho: what does this mean?

Yuri: what? the kiss?

Minho: yes, 

Yuri: it's a sign of appreciation :) goodnight.

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Aww it ended :<