Perfectly Happy

Second In Command

Second In Command
Chapter 1: Perfectly Happy


One month, a week, and four days is all that’s keeping Byunghee from being the leader and for that he’s thanking his lucky stars.

By coincidence, Seungho is the first member he meets. The chubby-lipped kid with a slanted baseball cap approaches him in the hall, bowing slightly.

“Excuse me, seosangnim.”

Seosangnim? Byunghee wonders where the other male is getting his information from. He doesn’t look that old but then again it’s probably his mustache that’s the issue. It’s always the damn mustache.

“Yang Seungho,” the singer says, introducing himself. “I’m looking for the conference room where the JTune trainees are supposed to meet. “ From his pocket he draws a tattered piece of paper with information scribbled down.

Chuckling, he puts his hand out rather awkwardly. “Jung Byunghee, looks like we’re both lost.”

“Oh,” the stranger says looking rather embarrassed.

“What is it?”

“Ah... Nothing,” he says, clearly uncomfortable with his little mixup. “I’m 22,” he adds. Byunghee knows why he’s sharing this information even without the intention being said.

“1987…” he murmurs realizing where the conversation is heading but not surprised in the slightest. Me too.”

He can tell by the flash of panic in Seungho’s eyes that he didn’t expect that bit of news. “November.”

“September,” he breathes with a sigh of relief. You don’t have to consider me hyung though, we’re close enough in age,” he says with a wave of his hand.

Close enough, it’s just close enough for him to be pleased.

“I honestly thought you were a manager or something, sorry,” Seungho says slowly as an uncomfortable silence settles over them. At this point, Byunghee wonders if she should shave. Especially with him looking older than who he can only assume will be the baby-faced leader of the group.

“It’s fine,” he responds, still amused as they wait for the elevator.

It takes another fifteen or so minutes that are completely filled with silence before they figure out which floor and direction to head in. Eventually one of the staff members notices them in their wanderings and ushers them to a conference room where he is finally to meet the other three.

Before anyone says anything, he looks around the room, surveying the other members.

The third-oldest, according to Seungho, is Lee Joon the Hollywood star. To Byunghee he seems a bit pretentious. Everyone in the room whispers about how he’s already worked with Bi Rain and established himself in the industry as the boy from Ninja Assasin.

The youngest is hyper. Bang Cheolyong, some kid from the country. God only knows where he got the dream to be a singer. He reminds him of his nephews which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. He loves his nephews, but he has no idea how his sister can deal with them twenty-four seven.

Then there’s Park Sanghyun, Park Sandara’s little brother- and boy does he look just like his sister which Byunghee finds interestingly strange. The kid is pretty. Looking at him for too long feels weird.

As they all convene and make small talk and introductions, he feels pretty good with his position. He’s the lead vocal, one of the oldest members but not restricted by the duties of leader. He’s pretty happy, or at least he thinks he is.

The manager pulls him aside after the meeting.

“You’re second oldest,” he says as if Byunghee didn’t already know that. He blinks, looking back at the man wondering why he’s being spoken to.

“It’s almost the same as being the oldest.”

Yeah, right.

“I’m serious,” the manager continued as if he can read Byunghee’s mind. “We expect you to help out more than the younger three.”

Nodding, he agrees.  He has no reason not to. As long as he doesn’t have to take the hit at the end of the day it’s all good.

Right now he’s perfectly happy to sit back and watch Seungho assume the position of leader.

He wouldn’t want it any other way.




Testing out a new idea... thoughts on the first chapter?

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Raphie501 #1
Chapter 3: Please update this, PLEASE!;;;;; You're write saying there aren't many Byunghee -fics, and this is like, the best I've seen so far! Please don't abandon it! ><
Raphie501 #2
I hope you're actually planning on finishing this :"" And, checking your profile, are you Triple S too? *.*
Maudmoonshine #3
wow.. though it's your fic, i can clearly imagine everything, i can feel the hint of truthfulness in it... please keep it up and update soon!~ :D
THIS IS SO AWESOME!!!!!! Ahem, I mean... IT'S SO AWESOME!!!!! I really look forward to reading more about Byung Hee's thoughts on being second and MBLAQ interaction
#5 reader is here! *grin
i do really like ur story
i like the way u wrote about byunghee felt in being 2nd oldest
pls update soon
ill be waiting for the new chap :D
hellopanda23 #6
Hmm. What it means to take one for the team?
hellopanda23 #7
Wow GO ha ha ha good hyung : )
Maudmoonshine #8
aww. i can so relate to G.O... love your story.. update soon please? :)
hellopanda23 #9
see... he is trying really hard to be a good leader.. they just can't see it. just like parent's to their children.. don't appreciate who cares for them until it's too late.. ha ha ha>>

Raphie501 #10
I SOO LUV how you write uri G.O goonie!! *Q*
Waiting for more! <3.<3
Don't leave us hanging plzz