
I mean what I said
Best Friend

But I could not say anything but those three words when he said “tell me you love me too and I’ll be happy”. I saw determination in his eyes, I saw sadness too. He is the type that makes everything go on his way, is sure and proud of himself and never leaves a friend alone. What can you do when your best friend is that fragile?


I liked her, a lot. She is perfect in everyway possible: beautiful, talented, honest and humble. But in that occasion she seemed frustrated. I know the reason. We had to do something we weren’t prepared to. We were not sure of. Our companies made us do without even asking how we felt. “You think… you can love me?” She asked me almost teary because she knew what was going to happen after the news spread. “I already do” I said, she smiled. What can you do when someone you love as a sister is scared?

I sing those words everyday; I am used to say them all the time to anyone. So I tell them what they want to hear, what they need to hear. I want to not make them sad neither lose them. What can you do when two important people to you just want you to love them back?


I asked him that. He with his big powerful yet sweet eyes looked at me. He was the one that hug me everytime I cried out loud. That time he did it too. He already knew everything and I needn’t have to tell him. We ended up in bed. “I care about you, too much for my own sake” He whispered in my ear while caressing my hair “I’ll always be there and you don’t have to say any-“. “I love you” I cut his words looking directly at his eyes. He smiled warmly.

I love my best friend as a brother and I love my girlfriend as a sister. The reason why I’m lying to them is that I just love the one who just wants me to be happy even if he is not. I love him, his teasing, his smile, his low voice, his whispers in my ear and cuddling up with him.


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It's pure love...~
JoJofan #2
Oh i just melted^^