Living with Love

                                           Yuri's POV


What did I do that makes Minho pissed off again? Okay, I'll admit he's so handsome, super fragrant and no girl wouldn't like him. Even me, I'm happy if he's being sweet. But, he showed a different sweetness when we were on the bookstore. I don't know. I don't understand!


"Is your project finished already?" I'm here at the university. Key and I are being sweet with each other, good thing no people is around. It's good that he's here. I forget about Minho.


"Yup... I finished it after two days."


"Good for you! Can you help me babe! Monday is the deadline, right?"


"Hmmm... kiss me first!" I pointed my cheeks, and he kiss me. "Fine! You're the best!"


"Thanks baby Yuri!" We both laughed. We've known each other since high school, and we're very close to each other. As in super close! Because we're more than just friends!


"Ayie! I like that babe! Let's make it on my nephew's house!"


"Nephew? Arasso!" I'm super excited! I want to introduce Key to Minho! My one and only BF!



                                            Minho's POV


"Spacing out again?"


"You're always like that since Monday. You want to hang-out in my house after school?"


"No way Jjong. Yuri might get worried! Right, Minho?"


"Can you please don't mention her name?" I'm still pissed off with that girl. Maybe she's lesbian because she didn't notice my appeal! It's not that I want her to like me, she's just ruining my pride! No girl had ignored me like that.


"Then, we'll hang-out on your house again. It's Friday today!"


"Flaming Idol, are you listening?"


"What? Oh it's fine! Let's hang-out on my house today!" Why am I affected so much? This is really a disease! What's the medicine for this sickness? Tell me, guys!

                         ^( '-' )^




"Annyeonhasesyo Yuri-ah! Welcome home!" Onew and Jonghyun really chorused for their greeting for Yuri after she came from school. Yuri is their crush, why are they liking her?


"Oh, you two are here again? You guys made a one week straight hanging-out here."


"Don't you want us to be here?"


"Mianhe Yuri, we're just missing you." That's the real flirts! Yuri! Why aren't you scolding them?


"You're really cute One and Jjong." And she liked it! Argh!


"Yah!" They looked at me. "After you changed clothes, you have to cook dinner!"


"Mean!" Then she tiptoed to put her arms on Jonghyun's and Onew's shoulders. "Minho, why don't you act like your friends?"


"She's right, Flaming Idol!" the stupid boys chorused again and their smiles reached their ears.


I just glared at her! "Be afraid of my glare Yuri!" And I also glare at Jonghyun and Onew who's taking advantage because they're close with Yuri. "And also you two!"


The three of them separated because I'm not joking.


Then we decided to play xBox again. Yuri descended from her room and asks us what we wanted to eat.






"Japchae!" Onew, Jjong and I looked at each other. We have different wants to eat. But I really want to eat Japchae.


"What do you really want to eat? Can you choose only one?"


"JAPCHAE!!" I stand up and shouted that! I won't lose. "Cook Japchae!"


"Is it necessary to shout, Minho?"


"Yes, Flaming Idol! You're not angry, are you? You'll decide Yuri."


"It's okay for Japchae. All your cookings are delicious."


"Flatterers!" She's smiling when those two tries to flatter her. She went to the kitchen so the three of us were left on the living room.


"You two are guys but you're as flirt as girl." I told them what Yuri had told me. I was pissed of because of that, so I try to pissed them off.


But they just laughed at me. What's funny with that? What if smacked their heads again. Smacked as in their skulls will break.





                                             Yuri's POV



"Eat all you can." I finished cooking Japchae. Actually, whatever they suggest, then one I should cook is Minho's choice.


Why? Because I will be a nice girl because I plan to bring Key here. I'll follow whatever he say today, so later when I ask for his permission, he can't disagree.


They're already full that's why they merely can't stand up. "I'll wash the dishes. You can play xBox again." I smiled to them.


"You're really kind, Yuri sungmo." Minho said smiling. He is nice because he's full.


"That's why we really love you."


"Hahahaha!" Now's the time. "Ahm... tomorrow, I have someone to bring here. I'll help to make project." I twinkled my eyes so Minho won't disagree. "Is it fine, Minho?"


"Project? Alright... just don't messed with your things."


"Of course!" Success!! "You're so kind Minho!" And I pinch his cheek. He was surprised and his face turned to unknown expression.




                                            Minho's POV


Is she Yuri? Her kindness is so unbelievable today. She didn't even argue with us who will wash the dishes. And it's like her attention to me is so special! Did she already realize that I am handsome?


She immediately call her friend. She'll confirm that it's fine for them to stay in my house to make their project. "Yoboseyo? Babe! We can stay in my house tomorrow! Ayiehhhh~!!!!"


What? Babe? "Ne! Come here at lunch. I'll cook your favorite, babe. Yup... arasso... I'm excited too. Love ya babe! Annyeong~!"


Onew- (o_O)


Jjong- (O_o)


Yuri- (♥♥,)


Me- (O.O)


"Babe?" the three of us asked in unison.


"What?" Yuri look at us innocently. "Oh! I haven't told you yet. That's my babe. His name is Key." Then she smiled and she looks happy with something weirdness on her face.


"Your babe? Key?"


"What's your relationship with that Key, Yuri?"


"My BF." she smiled again, much wider.


So, I asked her straightforwardly. "BF? As in Boyfriend?"


"Err..." She seems like blushing. "Something like that... It's complicated." Then she caressed her face. "Whatever. I'll introduce him tomorrow to you. He's really kind!" she left to wash the dishes.

The three of us were left dumbfounded walking to the living room.


"She said she's single."


"But she's already taken... And it's complicated."


"So... that maybe her boyfriend. Didn't you know it, Flaming Idol?" They asked like their world crashed down.

But I can't answer them correctly. "Key..." I leaned my back on the couch. "She already answered it, right! That's her boyfriend!"

Jjong and Onew leaned on the couch also. Wait, why am I feeling like this? Weakening. Annoying, but I don't know.

Maybe that's why she didn't like what I did! That's why my killer smile and sweet moves aren't effective. Because she already have a boyfriend! And she didn't told me that at the first place! Arrrggggghhhhhh!!!!!


xanxan: updated! Omo! Is Key Yuri's boyfriend??? haha.. curious guys?? wait for the next chapter ^^ ..please keep subscribing and commenting~!! tnx!

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mo_mo_moana #1
Chapter 9: KYAAAAA! ate i just noticed that your a fillipina! hehe ako din eh!
Chapter 45: Pls. Don't take too long~ Update soon! Love it! <3
ShineeShiDaePmSuju #3
Chapter 45: Nice plan guys hehhe
Hope every gets back together :)
Seriuosly jongsica should just get together XD
Update soon!!!!!
lovingangel_ #4
Chapter 45: LOL. I want to give minyul and jjong an award for their great acting! Hahaha jjang!
Chapter 45: Lmao poor Sica, so clueless x)
Chapter 45: Hahaha lol! Seems like the plan is really working
And Sica is feeling really guilty!
I hope Jongsica will blossom soon haha!
Update soon!
Chapter 45: Jessica is bullied???

I smell JongSica hehehe *wiggle eyebrows*
Chapter 45: wow, i had a feeling that jongsica is coming closer hahahhaha <3