the new kid

the new kid oneshot

"so yuri are you doing the dance competition" minho asked " definlty!!" yuri said smiling at minho

"but don't you know the requirement is you need a partner?" yuri smile blew away but then thought of an idea " OHH minho can you be my partner' minho froze up and turned to yuri and bowed to her "sorry im taemins partner"

"ohh....." yuri smile blew away again minho noticed she was sad and was trying to comfort her " but ummm im sure there is plently of guys wanting to be ur partner... cause you know ur cute and all- just saying i wish i was your partner but taemin will kil me if i do and he would probably cry- but its not like i don't to be ur partner- im rumbling again arnt i" minho said and his face was blushing

yuri laughed at her funny friend and nodded " yes ur right i'm sure i can find someone. well by minho for now on were enemies" yuri then poked her tongue out and walked away. she was walking around the studio to find a person who would be her partner but no one was avaliable

it was finally 4:30 pm and everyone was about to leave yuri finally gave up for today and walked lazily to her fav dance room  suddenly when she was about to open the door she hears a strong voice and very charming one as well she couldn't help but open the door to see who it was

it was a tall good looking girl with his face to the front singing yuri slowly tipped toe to the back corner and when to grab her stuff until the music stops and she turns around to find that the tall person was looking at her " OH im sorry to disturb you i'm leaving right now so yeah.." yuri said nervously

she was about to walk away til she was stopped and turned to see that good looking guy was holding her hand "its fine you can stay here" he said

yuri understood and the guy stopped holding her hand but then extended his hand again "yesung im new here" yuri also extending her arm and shook his hand "yuri nice to meet you" she repiled while yesung smiled which made yuri heart flutter

it suddenly became silent

yuri broke the ice and asked "soooooo how do you like this company its pretty friendly" yesung seemed nervous and looked worried " but im afriad that im shy and may not have alot of friends" yuri suddenly grabbed yeung arm which made his heart flutter "don't worry just stick with me and you be fine" yuri said with her angelic smile yesung was blushing

yuri and yesung became silent again until yuri just remembered something " ohhh are you a good dancer" yesung nodded and was confused to why she asked " is it okay if you can be my partner for a dance competition. i cant find anyone esle?"  yuri stared at yesungs eyes which made his face redder yesung was speeches and just nodded

" YESS THANK YOU. YOU WONT REGRET IT" yuri jumped up and down but noticed she was  hugging yesung she let him go and started to be embarrased "aanyway i'll see you tomorrow here okay. bye yesung your the best!!!" yuri said skipped happy away

its been a week since they meet and they starting to like each other

dance competition day

yesung was wearing his costume and looked around to find yuri talking to minho and kissed yuri which made yesung jealous and quickly ran to yuri and grabbed her tightly

" YAHHH yesung ur hurting me" yuri was scared " why did you let him do that to you " yuri was confused "yuri he kissed you" yesung yelled out yuri  finally understood "ohhhh that was minho but he just kissed on the cheek- i mean we are friends... are you jealous yesung" yesung eyes widened and said" NO!! IM NOT"

yuri was laughing " ohh sure ur aren't" yuri said sarcastically yesung face was red then quicky grabbed yuri inside and did there dance

( lets skip that dance)

the competition was over and the were about the tell the winner " and the winner is....... YULSUNG COUPLE" everyone started to cheer and yuri and yesung was jumping until yesung suddenly kissed yuri she didn't stop him and kissed back

after that he was speeclhes "i love you yuri" yesung said and suddenly kneeled down " kwon yuri do you want to be my girlfriend" yuri smiled and said "yes!!!" yesung got up and kissed her again until he went out of breath

" i love you my yul" yesung said "i love you too my baby boy"

and they lived together for long time

few years later they got married and had a baby girl called yoona


yessssss its not exciting but thats because im not good with stories YULSUNG <3

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Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
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110 streak #2
Nice :)
saranghaeSUJU_SNSD #3
love it!!!!!!!