Secret Meetings




Dara looked in wonder around the small bar Seungyun had led her to. It was nothing special. In fact, it was quite a small bar.


"Hey, T.O.P!" the bartender called to him, cheerfullyHe was obviously a middle-aged man, with his white hair pulled back into a high ponytail. A few of the guys at the bar turned and called out to him also. T.O.P of Bigbang smiled and lifted his hand in greeting, pulling Dara over to a couple of empty stools.


"You come here often?" Dara practically had to shout the question over the noise in the bar.


"I started coming about a year ago. It's a nice place to go to just relax and have fun," He yelled back. Dara noticed that because of the noise in the crowded room, when they talked, they had to lean over so they pretty much pressed up against each other. 

He can smell her scent. Her addicting scent.


The barlady came over to them. "Hey, haven't seen you around for awhile! " she scolded T.O.P in a motherly fashion.


"Work," T.O.P explained, simply. It was true. They have been busy. Both Bigbang and 2ne1.

They grab this night ,,. A chance to be together. To enjoy each other’s company.


"Yah yah! You’re album is really a hit. Bigbang and 2ne1 will always be a hit." she teased, slapping him on the arm. "Is she your girlfriend? The pretty Dara. You’re lucky Choi Seunghyun. Don’t worry. It’ll be a secret. I’ll manage. “she said, directing her attention to Dara.


Dara in question blushed a little at being called pretty and smiled shyly.


"Yes." T.O.P explained with a grin, grasping her hand. "And I missed her so much. We escaped and took this night to be with each other."


The barlady scoffed and turned to Dara "Very romantic huh?'”, she says with a wink.  Dara and T.O.P both laughed. "You keep an eye on him." She smirked and walked down to the other end of the bar.


"That's Tina," T.O.P explained, leaning down next to her girlfriend again. "She owns this place. Great woman."


Dara nodded her agreement.

The room was loud.

Music beats felt like her own heart beats.

She smiled. Even though the room was more hot and crowded. But it was a good kind of hot and crowded. Though she’s not a fond of partying in a bar.

"Come on." He gestured with his hand.

Dara looked confused. "What?"


"Come with me." Without waiting for an answer, he grabbed her hands and pulled her up.


"But, Seunghyun, wait!" she exclaimed, panic-stricken. He yanked her to the middle of the floor, still clutching her hands in his. She glanced around at the people who had already started to dance and up to the smiling handsome guy. "I can't do this," she declared, firmly.


He ignored her and moved her arms into position, stepping a little closer so their bodies were pressed against each other. "We're gonna have to get a little bit closer... like this."


They started moving slowly, T.O.P trying to get Dara to keep up. She had never danced like this before and was cautious about her movements. Her breathing was quick and shallow and her heart was pounding. She watched her feet intently. "I don't know the steps."


"Neither do I. Just go with it. You know that I am not a good dancer but just go with it.," T.O.P replied, starting to made motions of dancing. Dara laughed nervously. "Don't think!" Choi Seunghyun ordered, smiling, and took them off across the dance floor.


Dara let out a small scream of mixed suprise, nervousness, and joy.

He make her a little crazy . Her boyfriend Choi Seunghyun make her a little crazy.

She was starting to get the hang of it. Every time T.O.P would pull a surprise move on her, she would let out a little scream, and Dara would laugh. People were even starting to heat up as the song sped up and they went along with it.


Only too soon, at least to Dara, the song ended and they stopped. She threw back her head, laughing, and T.O.P smiled, broadly, down at her. Sweat glistened on both of them, not caring the people around them.


Dara couldn't stop smiling. Maybe she had had too much wine. She was certainly dizzy. Though she had a sneaking suspicion that it had more to do with the man who was still holding her in his arms than the alcohol.


She looked back up at his boyfriend and grinned. He returned the grin and, cupping her cheek gently, bent down meeting her lips with his own.


Dara kissed back, bringing her own hand up around his neck and pushing him closer. She thought, at that moment, about her 2ne1 co-members, who were probably wondering where she had run off too. But that didn’t mattered anymore. The only thing that mattered was the smiling guy who had just softly pulled back from the kiss, and was leading her into another dance.


“I missed you my Dara.” He then whispered.





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elleza143 #1
Chapter 1: Ahhhhhhh!!! TABISAN!!
So sweet.. Heartwarming and sweet..
msdeathstalker #3
Chapter 1: ahhh.. tabisan
mikoh_lim #4
Chapter 1: i like ^^ this
OneFourThree #5
sujukat #6
awwww......tabisan <3
So sweet! Tabisan FTW!
jekomgarcia #8
Aww... So sweet of Tabisan.
ah why Tabisan so sweet here....love it
myjoyce1986 #10
wow so sweet please write more tabisan fic