Motivation to a Plan

Why Should it Matter?

It turns out a week is all I could handle. Like hell would I ever admit it but... I really missed Jonghyun. I was too used to his company so it was difficult for me to readjust. The whole week I ran from him whenever I could even catch a glimpse of him. I skipped lunch and stayed in the bathroom on the third floor. At some times I would find myself taking my familiar routes to meet up with Jonghyun. I was that familiarized with him that I was instinctively seeking him out.

But I don't need him!

So now, a week later after the whole incident I decide to test the waters a bit. After some rational thinking I realized I don't really know if he hates me or not. I just blew up and ran away.

By this point it was early in the morning, later than I would usually come, but still early. I know for a fact Jonghyun would already be there. I hesitated by the cafeteria door and walked in with my head down. I headed for that familiar table I knew Jonghyun was at, I didn't even have to look to know that he was there. When I arrived at the table I looked up to see Jonghyun sitting and reading manga at our table. I slipped into the seat next to him and he stopped reading. Jonghyun turned to smile at me so I quickly turned my head away a little before allowing a smile to slip into my face. I wasn't sure but.. I figured it was best to just pretend like nothing happened. Jonghyun seemed to be doing the same so... Ugh! Nothing happened okay?

I spent that morning just reading manga with Jonghyun, just like I normally would.  I can't say it was easy to just sit there and pretend to forget my outburst. It had such a heavy effect on our relationship I wasn't even sure how Jonghyun was doing it. But if Jonghyun could, I could too.



Being that everything was supposedly back to normal I started seeing Jonghyun at night again. I figured it would be good and we could talk again like we did before.

I was in front of Jonghyun's house and hesitating about going in. What if he really doesn't want to see me? I shook my head. I can't allow myself to think like that. I quickly scaled the gate and tippy toed quietly over to the front of Jonghyun's house. I was feeling nervous, I never felt nervous coming to see Jonghyun. It's like the first time all over. I took a deep breath and climbed up to Jonghyun's window. It was open already so I settled own on the sill and tapped the glass to get Jonghyun's attention. It was dark so I didn't quite see if he was awake or not. A small groan erupted from the inside of the house and I heard shuffling from inside Jonghyun's room. He soon appeared by the window where I could see him.

"Hello Jonghyun." I whispered. I could see from his face he looked pretty tired and annoyed. Jonghyun sighed deeply.

"Key... I think you should stop." Jonghyun whispered. "Don't come here at night anymore."

At this point everything clicked in my head. He's still talking with me out of pity. He's been pitying me that's why it was so easy to pretend like nothing happened. If only I could know what he was thinking. Know why he would even make the effort to pity me. Well, if this is what Jonghyun wanted then fine.

"I'll go then." I whispered with an feigned indifference.

"Good night." Jonghyun said before turning around and crawling back into bed. Stealthily I climbed off the sill and out of the house. Anger and hate started to fill me. I hate it when people pity me.

I ended up at home since I didn't have work today. I slipped quietly into my room and layed down to think. There was a thought that kept nudging my brain.

If Jonghyun really did pity me... Why didn't I see it in his eyes? I could always tlel if someone was pitying me by looking into their eyes.

Well for now it's best to just back down and leave Jongie alone.


Jonghyun and I still walk together after school. He just appeared to be bothered by me breaking in at night. Everyday I would want to hang out with Jonghyun so I could speak my mind and have someone take my mind off of things, but I couldn't. Som it's only natural that I was upset that Jongie's parents were keeping him locked up. Jonghyun needed to experience the world wether he wanted to or not. So, I thought up a plan. It would take time, but one way or another;

Jonghyun is getting out.



A/N: I hope you enjoyed my lovely subscribers~ Things are going to get really interesting from here on out huh? Let's see what happens in the next chapter yeah? ^.^ Though the chapter still feels to short :< my chapters in I Hate Rich People were so long~... Well longer than these xD

Till next time <3


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Chapter 10: New reader!! I am loving this story key's mom is awesome~ I love how you wrote this fic and how it has some humor along with some of the sad things
please update soon~xD!!
Chapter 10: please update soon~ im a new reader
jessicamaylee #4
pleas update soon ^^
Fanfic Promotion – Asian Fanfic [M]

Promotion by Favourite Fanfics – Asian Fanfics Facebook Page.

[Why Should it Matter?] by [SnowVampire101]

Rating: 8/10

Tags: JongKey, Betrayal, Minkey, Kidnapping, Religion, Fluffish, ____d

Characters: JongHyun Key and many more...

Key is a social outcast and Jonghyun is a new kid. Not knowing why everyone avoids Key, Jonghyun talks to Key and gets to know him well. As their relationship progresses one problem prevails over the rest... But why should it matter? (WARNING!: Involves religious conflict... and ! >:L)

Review: A great fanfic, though it contains a few M rated chapters, still a great read for those who probarly wouldn’t touch it. (You don’t know what your missing out on!) Good grammar, and a great storyline. Few characters compared to some other fanfics.

Thanks for reading our promotion, if you have another suggestion message us. Please like our page!


jessicamaylee #6
wow i just read this in one seating
i love it XD
lol almost busted its going ot be intresting when they do.
poor key prositute, almost ____d by three guys and jonghyun ristrained by religon. that i have two friends the same who are just perfect but religouse and athiouse ;_;
Kyaaaaaa keys mamma is badass they're too cute together XD
i looooove the confused Jjong~ I know he will accept his feelings soon idk ahskdfdgkajhfdk I just love them :L lol with the fapping part~~
Shhh I told you it gets different here stop complaining xD
What the hell was that!!!! (I like it and hated it at the same time lol how the hell did our friendly relationship in real life lead to this chapter?!?!)