Chapter 1

It hurts but I still Love You


"Whew. Man this is heavy." Dara muttered to herself.

She was on her way to the airport. She was running away. She is not like this but she ended up becoming like one.


 At a young age, she had no choice but to face the reality. The reality of living with what her parents can give her. Dara's parents saw that education must be something that should be valued that is why even though they do not have enough food on their table, Dara was sent to a private school. Her classmates always had expensive and luxurious things while she had to settle on the things her parents provided her. It may not be expensive but Dara always appreciated all the efforts done by her parents. And because of that Dara grew up to be an achiever. Even though Dara was living a tough life, she was happy. What made her happier was when Aaron came into her life.


Dara and Aaron went to the same university. From then on, they never left each other's side for the next three years. Everything was going smoothly. Dara can seriously say that she was madly in love with Aaron. Like normal couples, they would fight over petty things but they always see to it that at the end of the end of the day, they would settle things. This made their relationship stronger that is why it was like Dara didn’t have any clue as to why Aaron suddenly broke up with her. What made things worse was the fact that Aaron broke up with her right after she was fired. Dara went to Aaron to seek comfort but she was greeted with heartache. She just can't believe it.


And because of the way things were going, Dara decided to go to somewhere. A place where she could forget all the things that made her upset. The gods must have agreed with her idea because as she was browsing through the internet, she saw an ad about a job opportunity in Seoul, South Korea. It took her five seconds to realize that this was her destiny and decided to apply. And now, she was on her way to Seoul. "Aaaahhh" was Dara's first word in Korea. She just arrived and the first thing she wanted to do was stretch her arms and legs and just look forward to her new life. In the e-mail that her employer sent her, Dara would be fetched by someome from the company. So, Dara quickly made her way and searched for a poster with her name written on it. It took her a solid 25 minutes to find it. Dara looked at the short man holding the poster. "I am Sandara Park." Dara said to the man. The man didn't react at all. Dara was about to repeat what she said when the man suddenly turned and started to walk away. "Hey! Wait for me!" was all Dara said while she tried to collect her things. But by the time she went outside, Dara can't seem to find the short man. All she saw outside was a parked car. "Where did that man go?" Dara said. She was craning her neck from left to right that she thought she'll sprain it. After a few minutes, Dara decided to go back inside the airport when the car’s windows rolled down and a guy wearing sunglasses appeared right before her. "Are you coming or not? Because we can't afford to be late because of a stupid person like you" G-Dragon asked. His face and voice with sure sign of irritation and disgust. With that, Dara froze in her place.

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