REVIEW: min_neulmi - Age Doesn't Matter...Or Does It?

Autumnal Equinox Graphics [open]

Author: min_neulmi

Title: Age Doesn't Matter... Or Does It?

Chapters: 100, Completed

Reviwer: silverstrawberry

Title [5/5 Marks]

Your title is unique and relates to your story, so full marks!


Description/Foreword [5/5 Marks]

The description and foreword of your story does not reveal too much but enough to entice readers to continue reading. You might want to consider getting a character chart though!


Characters [8/10 Marks]

Characters need to be developed more but not to worry, I can still sort of understand their personalities through the little actions they do and choices they make.


Flow [8/10 Marks]

Maybe a tad too slow. Personally, I think there are too many chapters.


Originality [8/10 Marks]

The idea for your story is very original, but the storyline has some parts similar to other stories.


Plot [25/30 Marks]

Plot’s good, can be a bit more developed, I like how it’s fluffy and angsty at the same time :D But yeah, a bit too lengthy. Readers might lose interest halfway into your story. Great job nonetheless (:


Language [18/20 Marks]

Not many errors! Maybe a few slips in grammar here and there and some sentence structure problems! :D


Clarity [8/10 Marks]

Your writing is quite clear, it is really easy to read and follow your storyline. However, there might be too many paragraphs and your paragraphs are usually short. Maybe you can increase the length of your chapters and decrease the amount of dialogue to help lengthen and reduce your paragraphs.


Grade: A, 85/100 Marks 

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BoraKim #1
I requested^^
Chapter 16: I applied again ^^ Just wanted to tell you that i changed my username from 2PMSNSD to Hiirah :)
Chapter 16: My goodness, didn't expect this to be updated.. But i'm glad you're back :) Just a question though, am i still a designer here?
I love your trailers! Omg, they're awesome. Especially cause I'm trying to learn how to make one!
Oops, I think I might have double submitted the form. FYI, the first one is incomplete if I am not wrong. Sorry.
Chapter 1: Applied. c:
i applied^^
exhaustion #8
I applied as a designer :)
applied kekeke again for a redo