This Is For My 2PM

This Is For My 2PM

We bowed for the last time that night. Or so I had thought.

As we began walking off the stage, shoulders slumped and bodies aching from the performances. A bright glow was cast upon us. All of us stopped instinctively to stare up at the big screen which was originally pitch black, now shining with big white letters.


"Beloved 2PM members, please read carefully. From now on…"


I stood there stunned. This wasn't in the program. But I couldn't tear my eyes away. A familiar tune started playing in the background.


"Every moment with you is like a jewel"


"No matter what happens, I'll never let go of this hand"


"You asked why right? I chose because it's just you. The promise that I will always be here, I will never forget"


"Shine brightly like the sun more higher than now so I can see your light where ever I am in the world. I love you. A lot"


"I'll always be supporting you from here. Thank you for running to us and not get tired…"


"The most handsome 6 guys in the world, until the world is destroyed let's walk together. I love you"


"If asked when we are the most happiest without hesitation we said when 2PM is happy. Let's always be happy. We love you"


"2PM…and Hottest. We'll always protect you"


"Now it's time for us , Hottests, to sing in one voice for 2PM"


"This is for my 2PM"



I felt it from the start. I could feel your sincerity. I couldn't do anything. I was really happy and didn't know what to do



Voices started singing behind us. The pitch was a bit off , the execution was messy and it wasn't harmonized even. But to me it was perfect.



Why do you have no confidence?



Soft sobbing was coming from both sides of me. I didn't turn to identify the person. I didn't even move a muscle. I just stood there and watched as the screen kept on changing. Displaying the lyrics that we had written together in those wee hours of the morning.



Out of all the people we can only see you



I clenched my fists tight. Holding in my raging emotions that was overflowing. Threatening to spill out at any moment.



Because I don't have much I can do. So I prepared this song



The singing continued on. I could hear our own voices in the background. At this moment, the spotlight was not on us, the manufactured 2PM, the fallen stars, the Beast Idols.



Because I know that loving you will give me happiness






I'll stand here no matter what just for you



This was Their moment.


Taecyeon hyung was the first to start singing.



The heart of yours. The tears you cried


I will protect it all



I in a few breaths, readying myself. I turned and sang, no, literally yelled into the mic, putting all my feelings and every single ounce of strength I had left.


"So I thank you, thank you, thank you. And I love you, love you, love you."


I saw through blurry eyes, the faces that stretched on and on. There could have been a million of them. I saw their faces filled with tenderness and love…for us. Even though there were tears in their voices and on their faces. Their smiles shone through it all like the brightest star in the night sky.


I heard my own voice cracking. And I knew. Bowing down my head, I did what I could to shield myself with the mic. Hiding my tears that came rolling down uncontrollably. Sobs escaped my throat.



When you show your sincerity, I know that, that is the truth



I could hear Khun hyung singing next to me. His voice firm and steady. I admired his strength to keep his composure. To stop those tears from falling.



Because of the love you show, I can smile like this



I buried my face in my palms, ashamed of the tears that I couldn't control. A pair of arms wrapped around me, holding me and comforting me. Telling me it was alright. I looked up to see Khun hyung. His own face stained with tear marks. I leaned against him as he rocked us back and forth.


The chanting began, first as a lone effort. But then everybody else came together and chanted it together. It was so loud, almost deafening. Even the heavens would have heard it.



2PM. 2PM. 2PM. 2PM. 2PM. 2PM. 2PM. 2PM.



I looked up again at those who stood by us through thick and thin, rain and sunshine. Who would protect us no matter what. Who loved us with all their hearts. I looked at the faces of our fans. I took it all in, sweeping the entire place with my eyes, imprinting this night into my memory forever.


I wiped the tears from my face. No longer ashamed. 


Khun hyung gathered us around. Giving words of comfort to everyone.


Junsu hyung yelled out something which I didn't manage to catch.


"This has been 2PM! Thank you!"


And we bowed for the last time.


Thank you, for the love that you've shown us. 


Thank you, for not disappearing from our lives.


You gave us strength to continue on during our darkest moments.


You gave us courage to stand up against the pain and sufferings.


Most of all, you gave us the love that we craved so badly.


Thank you.

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Chapter 1: It's been so long this story was written but I felt like this just happened and I really cried reading it
Chapter 1: Awwwww I love it! It would be cool if it really did happen while I was there ... Its so tragic but I have never been to a 2PM concert ... I know I am evil but I'm not allowed!! Not fair ...
Chapter 1: Awwwww I love it! It would be cool if it really did happen. Its so tragic but I have never been to a 2PM concert ... I know I am evil but I'm not allowed!! Not fair ...
sehijaudaun #4
Chapter 1: This totally made me cry T T
2pm <3 hottest <3
Heartbreaker2013 #5
Congrats chingu!
congratulations! < 3
SilverChocolatte #7
wu_fengfeng #8
Chapter 1: Omg! This is so touching... :')
congrats <3
helloimrgn #10
Chapter 1: I'm not a hottest but when I read it, I get goosebumps and almost crying T_T can I have a utube link for this moment ?