
So Unconditional Love

Jiyeon POV

I waited at a bench near the park. It was getting cold. I realised I had forgotten to take my jacket from the rack in the cafe. Suddenly someone came from behind me and wrapped his jacket around me along with his hand. I could feel his warmth. It was Gikwang. I could only smile. I didn't want him to let go.

He held out his hand to me, he looked nervous. I took his hand and we scrolled along the park. Everything was going perfectly. We sat under a tree and starred at the sky. The stars were sparkling. I rested my head on his shoulder. (so beautiful my girl ~) Gikwang's phone rang. It was Junhyung.

"Aren't you coming back ? We have schedules early in the morning tomorrow, remember ?" Junhyung said and put down the phone.

Gikwang turned to me pouting. I could only smile. I didn't want our moment to end.

"It's alright, I understand. Let's go. You need rest."


Gikwang POV

"It's alright, I understand. Let's go. You need rest."

After walking her home, I made my way back to the dorm, I thought to myself.


I held out my hand to her. She took my hand and held it tightly. It was like she didn't want to let go. We sat under a tree and starred at the sky, she suddenly rested her head on my shoulder. I was a little taken aback. I felt that the moment was perfect. I wanted to make my move when... Junhyung called. He sounded annoyed asking me to get back quickly. He ruined my plans.


Junhyung POV

I could hear the front door opening. I quickly messaged Jiyeon.

"Meet me tomorrow at the arcade near the mall. 4PM."

She replied fast, "Don't you have schedules ?"

"Not really. just meet me there. Goodnight."


Hyunseung POV

I was in the living room and saw Gikwang enter the dorm. I took out my phone and messaged Jiyeon.

"Are you free tomorrow afternoon ?"

"No... I'm going out. Mianahe. Another time." She replied.

I kept thinking who could have asked her out this time. Junhyung came out of his room. He went  into the kitchen and took out a can of coke smiling happily. That's when I thought, I was too late again.

"Yahhh Junhyung. Why are you so happy."

"What's in it to you." he said smirking to me.




Jiyeon POV

I kept wondering why Junhyung asked me out. I woke up late in the afternoon. It was already 2. I had a day off. Looking at the clock, I quickly went to get ready. I was already 3. I took a bus to the mall. I reached there just in time. I stood outside the arcade waiting for him. He appeared out of no where holding a teddy bear into my face. I thought it was adorable.

We went into the arcade and saw a sticker photo machine. I pleaded him to take pictures with me. We went in and showed many cute and silly poses. But there was one certain picture that a liked.


Junhyung POV

In the arcade Jiyeon saw some photo machine thingy she liked. She begged me showing her aegyo. How could I reject her. We went in and took pictures. It was fun. I thought I'd do something sweet for once.

~ Flashback ~

1...... 2...... 3....... I quickly turned to Jiyeon and pecked her on the cheek. Click !

~ end of flashback ~

I could see her blush a little. We took the printed pictures and headed into a cafe. She asked the worker for scissors and started snipping the pictures. She gave me my share. I kept that one very special picture in my wallet.


Jiyeon POV

We decided to walk around the mall since it was still early. I stopped in front of a Jewelry shop staring at a heart-shaped necklace that looked like a guitar pick. It had a pretty heart shape rhinestone on it. It was adorable and pink. Pink was my favourite color. I showed Junhyung the necklace, he just looked at it with a blank face. We continued walking around and felt bored. We decided to catch a movie. It was an action movie. Well, I really liked action movies. The movie ended and It was already 8PM. Junhyung had volunteered to take me home.

In front of my doorstep I bid him goodbye. I was about to enter my house when he grabbed my wrist making me turn facing him. There was a only a little gap between our faces. He  whispered, "I want you." Before I could say a word, he crashed his lips onto mine, closing any gap left between us. My eyes widened, but I couldn't do anything. Deep inside I wanted to deepen the kiss.

After getting no response, he brushed through my hair looking at me eye to eye. I felt him put something around my neck. It was the necklace I wanted.

"You look pretty, look at the back of the guitar pick." He said. I was curious, I turned it around and read. It said Junyeon.


Junhyung POV

~ Flashback ~

I saw her starring at a necklace. She really liked it. When she went to the toilet, I quickly went to the store and bought it. I told the salesperson engrave Junyeon on it.

~ end of flashback ~

"You see, it says Junyeon. Junhyung and Jiyeon. I got it for you when you went to the toilet."

"So that's where you went." Thanks. I like it a lot." She said holding on to the necklace. She gave me a peck on my cheek and went into her apartment. I got back to the dorm and messaged her.

"I guess you're mine right."

"......... sleep well."
She replied. I smiled and closed my eyes. She's mine. No one could steal her away from me.

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anasilvia #1
I started to read this story... please keep updating!!!
Update soon
m0zarts0nata-- #3
update soon ^^
lightlessjun #4
Thanks for the comment ommggg <3 Kekekke, I will.
chocolatiershinee #5
yaaaayy x3<br />
hope to see another update son ^_______^
lightlessjun #6
Ah finally back <3<br />
<br />
@thelegendjun: Thankyouuuu <3 I love yours too. <br />
@chocolatiershinee: Ahahahahha, I will. Junhyungahhhh. >.<
chocolatiershinee #7
junhyung don't leave her!!!<br />
가지마 재발<br />
hope you update soon ^_____^
This is really good! please update soon :))
lightlessjun #9
@best15teen: Kekkeke jyes Gikwang is a happy boy. I will ^^<br />
@katastrophick: Omgah thanks kkekke. Sad story ~ I will try and make a happy ending. I think Hyunseung is being left out... --"