Pocky pocky game.

So Unconditional Love

*Dooo ah. Someone is coming over. Tell the rest. We'll be there soon.*

Doojoon thought who would be coming at this hour. He told the rest of the members. They got excited.

"Is it a girl ?" Gikwang asked jokingly.

After Jiyeon finished cleaning the cafe. She left it in the hands of her co-worker.  She went to look for Junhyung and Hyunseung. They were waiting outside. They walked to the dorm. It was suprisingly very near the cafe. They went up the building and Junhyung entered the dorm first.


Dongwoon POV

"We're backkkk !!!!" Hyunseung shouted.

"Oh. Who did you bring back ?" I asked trying to peek at the doorway.

His eyes filled with sparkles when he saw a familiar face entering the leaving room...

"Nooonaaaaa !!!!!" I shouted in glee hugging her tightly. Twirling around and around.

"Dongwoon ah I'm getting dizzy. Put me down." 

"I missed you so much. How have you been noona." I said as I put her down. I missed her so much. I hugged her again, not wanting to let go.

"I'm fine Woonie, I missed you too." She said as a tear slid down her cheek.


Jiyeon POV

The other members were looking at them. They looked touched.

"So guys this is my sister, Son Jiyeon." Dongwoon said proudly.

"Nice to meet you. Im Doojoon." A guy with a charming smile said while shaking my hand.

"Annyeong, nice to meet you. You can call me Yoseobi." The shortest of them all introduced himself with his cute aegyo voice.

" And I'm Gikwang. I think we met before at the cafe." He said while smiling. My heartbeat got faster and faster. He remembers me.


They sat in the living room getting to know each other and cathcing up.

"Lets play some games, Im bored." Gikwang says.

"Okay what game should we play ?"

"How about truth or dare ?" Hyunseung suggested.

"Hmm, Lets play the pocky game" Gikwang suggests with an eyebrow lifted.

"Araso, each person will take a turn to spin the bottle. You will play the pocky game with the person the tip of the bottle points to."

Gikwang starts the game. Gikwang X Hyunseung, Gikwang 승리. Dongwoon X Junhyung, Dongwoon 승리. Doojoon X Yoseob, Yoseob 승리. Junhyung X Yoseob, Junhyung 승리. Jiyeon X Gikwang, Jiyeon 승리. Jiyeon X Junhyung...... ?


Junhyung POV

It was Jiyeon's and Gikwangs turn. I felt my heart tore a little as the got nearer to each other. I was jealous. Jiyeon won. So it was my turn with her. I felt my heart beat faster and faster. My lips were only a few inches away from hers. The other members were O-iingg at us. I felt my lips against something soft and smooth. It was all too fast. She won though.

Even though it was only for a few seconds, the moment our lips touched. I felt like the time had stopped. I wanted more.



side note: idk why in this so called "pocky" game there are people who win bcos i'm pretty sure there isn't unless you win against another team...... i'm sorry lol this was written like 2 years ago i'm "proof reading"

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anasilvia #1
I started to read this story... please keep updating!!!
Update soon
m0zarts0nata-- #3
update soon ^^
lightlessjun #4
Thanks for the comment ommggg <3 Kekekke, I will.
chocolatiershinee #5
yaaaayy x3<br />
hope to see another update son ^_______^
lightlessjun #6
Ah finally back <3<br />
<br />
@thelegendjun: Thankyouuuu <3 I love yours too. <br />
@chocolatiershinee: Ahahahahha, I will. Junhyungahhhh. >.<
chocolatiershinee #7
junhyung don't leave her!!!<br />
가지마 재발<br />
hope you update soon ^_____^
This is really good! please update soon :))
lightlessjun #9
@best15teen: Kekkeke jyes Gikwang is a happy boy. I will ^^<br />
@katastrophick: Omgah thanks kkekke. Sad story ~ I will try and make a happy ending. I think Hyunseung is being left out... --"