Chapter 2

You Bet!


Mission – Day 1

“He’s here!”…excitedly shouted one girl..and  so every  female species go out of their classrooms and flirtatiously waited for the “mighty” Hyun Joong to pass along the corridors, who just ignored single one of them. Irritated and annoyed, he went straight to his classroom at 4-A. He’s already at his senior (hopefully he will graduate this year as he has been in the senior year for 2 years already!). Upon entering his class, he was taken aback by what he saw…

There she is..his target..his next victim..“Well..well..she’s in my class?”, Hyun Joong thought smiling as he saw that same girl whom he and his friends has bet into and who he must make his girl in 2 weeks time. “Alright, let’s get started!”, as he started with his first weapon.

Seeing the girl put her notebook at her desk and started writing something, he started to approach her and purposely knock her notebook down.

“What the?!...Oh…” Hyun Joong suddenly bent down and pick up the notebook and turned to the owner of the notebook and gave his “killer smile” (1st weapon), that is tested and proven to have melted many ladies’ hearts..

”Here’s your notebook, Ms.?” And handed over the notebook to her, expecting that she would give her name to him.

All eyes in the classroom were on them, surprised that Hyun Joong stopped, bent down and picked up a notebook..surprised that he stopped and talked with someone in their class for the first time…more so surprised that he gave this girl her killer smile. Though he is known and famous as a playboy and a girl-magnet, but he’s very picky – that only the rich, famous, model-like, drop-dead gorgeous could ever get his attention and so far, he hasn’t seen one in their classroom, so that he never gave anyone his attention, until today.

So Min looked at him, kinda surprised but then muttered “Oh ok..thanks”.. bowed a little and returned to her writing, oblivious of the whole class staring with open-mouthed at her. She’s now either the envy or object of hate of the ladies. The envious say “Oh wow, Hyun Joong talked and smiled at her”.. while the haters exclaimed “What’s with her, huh?!...How dare she ignore our Prince Hyun Joong?!”

Hyun Joong was kinda surprised with So Min’s emotionless reaction..he didn’t expect that, of all things! He just stared at her ..he’s got mixed emotions – shocked, annoyed, and furious..he was boiling inside..he was embarrassed and humiliated..Not knowing how to react to such a situation, as this is he first time he has ever been ignored, he suddenly stormed out of the room, fuming and confused.


At their usual hang-out, Hyun Joong was deep in thoughts..thinking what happened earlier..

“Hey buddy, what’s up? So you got the girl already?”, Young Saeng teasing Hyun Joong. But he got no response.

“Hyun Joong?”…Hey, hyun joong-ah!”, Young Saeng asked again…

“KIM HYUN JOOOOONG!!!”, screamed Jung Min…

“Yaahhh!, why are you shouting? Am not deaf!!!” shouted Hyun Joong.

“Hahahahha..yes, you’re not deaf, but you definitely spaced out!” mocked Kyu Jong.

“Talking to your alien friends again?”, joked Hyung Jun

Hyun Joong glared at them all and just kept silent.

“As we were saying, so did you get the girl already? What’s her name?”, asked Kyu Jong while munching some chips.

“Huh? Ah..aahhmm..not yet..haven’t seen her yet..” he said without looking at them.

None of these things escaped the scrutinizing eyes of Young Saeng. “So, you’re having a hard time, Hyun Joong?”, he thought ..”Oh, this sure is gonna get more exciting.”

“What?!.. Wowowow..what happened to the ever mighty and charming Kim Hyun Joong?! Thought you can get any girl in just a click of your hand, man?”, said Jung Min with a hard tap on Hyun Joong’s shoulder. But he just kept silent.

“So you lost your power with girls now? So, we won already?!.C’mon..c’mon.. give me my 500,000 won now!!!”,  excitedly declared Hyung Jun

“In your dreams!” Hyun Joong smacked Hyung Jun’s forehead. “Wait you morons, I gonna get that girl!..I still have 2 weeks more, you forget that?!”, Hyun Joong shouted, also to convince himself.

“Really Hyun Joong? Are you sure of that? Ok, let’s make it 1 week then?”, said Young Saeng with raised eyebrows and deep inside he’s just laughing his heart out.

“NO!”, shouted Hyun Joong with eyes wide. Realizing how he reacted,  he immediately composed himself and said “Aahhmm..2 weeks is just fine”

“Alright, as you say so”..Isn’t this the kind of excitement you want buddy? It’s pretty exciting, right? It’s kinda DIFFERENT”.. teasingly pointed out Young Saeng, remembering Hyun Joong’s own wish.

“HHmm..yeah, it’s pretty exciting and yes different”, muttered Hyun Joong, thinking of that girl who ignored him for the first time in his life..yes that was indeed something different, he thought.

But he is Kim Hyun Joong..he always gets what he wants..he does not accept defeat..never!..He is in fact challenged and he likes being challenged. He is devising now his next tactics, while his friends are goofing around, playing billiards at the bar.

“Just wait and see Ms…Aisshh..I don’t even know her name?!” infuriated he exclaimed.

He went out of the bar and called a number, “Hey, can we meet? Got something for you to do…Alright, thanks.”

With a devilish smile, he thought “You wait you stupid will regret for doing that to will see”


Authors Note: Here's the 2nd chapter my dears..hope you like it. I almost lost this chapter i still don't know how to operate this heart almost sank when i just saw few paragraphs of my story..imagine my shock and eyes widening..but thank God i was able to recover it! whew!..So, Hyun Joong's 1st day of Mission is an epic FAILURE! hahahhaha..sorry i just can't help but laugh..He's arrogance and so called charm didn't work with So Min. Now let's find out next, what would be his next weapon. and let's see if he will succeed next time..see yah in the 3rd chapter..Hopefully i can update again tomorrow or Thursday. =)..Oh by the way, Hyung Jun is already here,as requested by many. Enjoy! =)

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Rxstzzyv #1
Chapter 2: Next chapter please..
piglet_101 #2
Chapter 2: hey continue your story :))
tomcat #3
Chapter 2: Please continue u're stories dear please...
jebaljebal #4
new reader! I likie
piglet_101 #5
Chapter 2: new reader here! I like your story:) please update soon!:)
Chapter 2: please update soon! ordinary plus prince! quite interesting
~i love it a lot:) update soon

Loveminjoong #9
Sounds fun and will be looking forward to more updates!