Under the Same Sky with You


Free tix holiday with Super Junior and SHINee? Ofcourse being with them may be the best time in your life. But you can't be with them forever, there's a time when you have to be apart.............and choose one of them


That moment when you totally sure that you're already fall for him, and he's yours. But something happened. Another guy,  just walked in to your life and changes everything. Complicated it is. But in the end, you have to choose one of them.

SOO how's it? this is my first fanfic! HOPE YOU ENJOY! sorry for the bad grammar-__-


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It's not ready yet, the chapter 4?
Update soon!
Kyuhyun!!! Aahhhh!!!! I wish my luck is just like this...
HeartGold426 #2
Hello~ New reader here! ^ - ^ I really like your story so far!
hey what's wrong with chapter 4?? not finish yet??
damn, i'm so curious about what will happen..
keke, so update again ya..
and thanks for update before :)
huahhhhh cool... update soon okay..
can"t wait to read the next chap ^^