After a long while .

Academy of Flirts. (2.0)

"Jang Wooyoung . The most energetic guy in this school. " he said while handing over his hand to me .

"~~~~~ . " I replied . 

Alright , atleast I'm not alone at all in this school . Instead of heading back to my father's office , I decided to stroll around the premises . It was all ok , nothing made me feel disgusted or what , but , as I walked , another student caught my eye . He was lazing around on the wooden bench under the huge tree . He had a book covered his face and his back on his stomach . His legs was crossed as well as his arms . I didn't want to disturb him or what so I walked passed him . 

"What's with the girl perfume ? You gay ? " he said .

"I'm sorry ? " .

He immediately rose up and looked at me .

"A girl ?! " he seemed surprised . 

"God , must every guy react like this ?  " I said , annoyed and fed-up . 

He tried to man up and 'flirt' with me . He seemed alright , because he was hot . 

"Hwang Chansung. Nice to meet ya . ".

"Oh, may I call you Chansung sunbae ? " . 

"Sure !  ". 

I sat beside him on the bench .

"You do know that this is an - " .

"All boys school . I KNOW !! " I screamed . 

He dared not to ask me more . 

"What class are you ? " he asked me .

I pointed to the block where my classroom was . He replied with a smile saying that he was in that class . But I didn't recall him being in there . 

"You must have met Taecyeon hyung right ? " he added .

"Yeah. Why? " .


I know ! I haven't update this story for awhile . I am so sorry . I was .. having some probs .. Ok,I promise , the next chapter will be better . I'm in my mid exams by the way , so gimme time :'( 

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ParkVictory #1
Update soon the story is fun I LOVE it
HeartGold426 #3
Great story so far~ ^ - ^ I like it.
what's with the perfume girl..? you gay..?
hahaha...chansung daebak...!!!
Aaaaagh Chansung :3 <3 <3 update soon,please :D
Yes! Its long enough! Thanks^^ cant wait 4 channie's part
Ee! She met Wooyoungie update soon love t so far!
I'm waiting for the Channie's part~~~ :D
Wanted a poster or bg or even character chart for your story?
Then checked this shop out.
I love this story but can u make the next chap longer??