Can't Buy My Love

Can't Buy My Love {One Shot}


I never thought that I would be the one sitting outside of the headmaster's office waiting to hear the wrath that would ensue. It wasn't my fault! If anyone should be in trouble, it should be HIM! He was like a plague that just kept returning. 
"Headmaster Choi is ready to see you," stated the secretary. 
I held my breath as slowly turned the handle and pushed the door forward. Once I was inside his office I respectfully bowed to him. He motioned for me to have a seat. I nervously sat down and began fiddle around with my fingers. 
"Yoona, I'm quite disappointed in you. You've always been a exceptional student. What would possess you to do such a thing."
"Headmaster, I'm so sorry, but this is all a misunderstanding!" I exclaimed.
"I've had several students come to me. Are you telling me that they're lying."
"Well yeah! How could you possibly believe those imbeciles!" I mumbled under my breath. 
"Pardon. Can you speak up Miss Im? I didn't catch that?"
"I said no," I stated as I let out an exasperated sigh. 
"All right. As much as I hate having to do this to you, I have to give you a punishment."
My stomach just twisted and turned at the thought of what my parents would say. 
"Yoona, as your punishment I'm going to go easy on you seeing as this is your first offense. I'm putting you on cafeteria clean up duty for two week. I hope this will teach you to not violate the rules."
"Yes, sir. I promise it won't happen again."
I stood up, bowed to the headmaster, and headed out of his office. UGH! I can't believe those lying punks got me in trouble. It was Wooyoong and Chansung that set me up! I was just walking to class like I always did. I had nothing to do with it. Why must fate be so cruel?!
- - - - - 
"All right. I'm gonna head to class. You wouldn't mind putting away my plate seeing how you're stuck with clean up duty and all," Yuri teased.
"Haha. Very funny." I frowned at her.
As soon as the cafeteria was cleared out, I began cleaning. I got over my initial anger and resentment. Now I just thought of it as a little extra work for a week, helping out the custodians. I decided to start singing to help pass time. 
"You're pretty good at singing. Ever consider a career in it?" 
Being startled by the sudden comment, I turned to see where it came from. I find myself staring at our school's kingka, rich pretty boy Ok Taecyeon. He seemed totally charming and handsome to say the least. If only that jerk hadn't broken my best friend's heart, I may actually like him. Wait, what the heck was he doing here?!
"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be in class?" I shouted across the room. 
He was sitting on the table with one leg propped up and the other one on the seat, "oh, my bad. I must have forgotten to report to you, almighty great one."
I scoffed. Could this guy be anymore arrogant?! "Whatever. Just leave me be. It was because of your friends that I got in trouble anyways."
"Go on a date with me," he commanded.
"What?! Was that a joke?! Why would I do that?!"
"Come on. Don't make me make it hard on you."
"Are you threatening me?"
"No. I'm just saying that it'd be easier if you just went on a date with me.”
"Sorry. I don't date players. And just so you know, you're method of "asking" a girl out is a total turn off."
"Don't say I didn't warn you."
I just rolled my eyes and continued to gather all the plates while he got up and left. 
- - - - -
Phew. The day was over. I stopped by my locker to gather my books before heading home. As fate would have it, the moment I shut my locker, pompous Mr. Popular and his "posse" came passing by. He had his focus on me. I wasn't scared. I gave him a death glare just to prove it. I could see him smirk as his body grazed pass mine. Little did I know what I was getting myself into. 
- - - - -
A few days had passed. It was just the same. I took a deep breath prepare myself for another hour of cleaning. It had almost become routine. The cafeteria cleared out, leaving me with just another mess. Unfortunately, I was startled by the sounds of shattered dishes. I turned around to find THEM making an even bigger mess! HE just stood their with an evil smirk on his face. Oh, the nerve of that guy-I just stood their clenching my fist in order to suppress my anger. As the boys left, I brushed it off and continued like usual. The next day it happened again, but this time it was even more chaotic! After the fifth day of the guys wreaking havoc on me, I had enough. I went and reported it to the headmaster, but he said he couldn't do anything about it because there's no evidence and no one saw them except for me. What the heck is up with the system?! I stormed into the boy's locker room looking for him.
"Hey! You're not suppose to be in here!" exclaimed one of the half guys in the smelly room.
"Shut up!" I shouted as I placed my hand over my eyes and peeked between my fingers. I found my way to the devil. "I give up! You win! I'll go-"
"I'll text you with the date and time," Taec said with a smug. 
"How the heck did you get my number?" 
He laughed, "I have my ways."
What a creep! I just shook my head in disgust, "Okay. Whatever."
- - - - 
"I can't believe you're gonna go out with him." Yuri said as she hugged my pillow while sitting on my bed. "Even after I told you that he broke my heart."
"I know! But it's the only way I could get him to stop terrorizing me!" I exclaimed before turning back to my closet to gaze at my clothes. "Anyhoo. Help me pick something out to wear." 
"Why don't you just wear what you're wearing now?" Yuri suggested.
I looked down to remind myself what I had on. "Ugh. No! This looks so blah!"
"Then, I don't know. Why are you trying to impress him anyways?" she questioned with a suspicious look. I don't know why, but I got nervous. My heart began racing. I might think that he's a jerk, but without a doubt, he was a really cute and charming jerk. I admit it; I'm a fangirl. I've been aware of his smooth talking, suave style, and sincere side for as long as I could remember. Sometime back in middle school, my parents wanted me to start doing community service. When I was volunteering at the nursing home, I had seen him come visit his grandmother on several occasions and their interactions showed me a totally different side. It was nothing like the bravado he had at school. A smile grew on my face at the sudden recollection. 
"Ahem," Yuri cleared and gestured for my attention. "What's with the smile?"
"Oh! Umm....what were we talking about?" I replied as my cheeks began to blush and I quickly gathered my thoughts. 
"What you're going to wear..."
"Oh! Umm. Nevermind. I think I figured something out."
After another hour of gossiping and whatnot, Yuri went home. I started getting ready for the date. I fixed my hair so that I'd have light wavy curls, applied a little bit of makeup for a refreshing appearance, and put on the outfit that I had decided on. It consisted of a baby pink 3/4 length sleeve lace tunic and white leggings.  I paired it with some accessories and plain flat ( Once I was ready, I grabbed my jacket and headed over to the large fountain in front of the Garden of Lights. As I walked closer to the fountain, I could see a figure of a man waiting off to the side. I approached him. Before I was even ten feet away, he came running at me and pulled me into a hug.
"You had me so worried!" 
I was in a state of shock. Why was he so concerned? I swear this pabo is bipolar! >_<" But I must say, I was definitely touched. 
"Ahem," clearing my throat to indicate that it was getting a little awkward, I continued to stand still waiting for him to loosen his hold on me.
"Oh," he said letting go and taking a step back. "You're late!"
Oh my gosh! Did he really have to spoil such a nice moment? What happened to the caring prince charming?! T-T Regardless, I could sense he was pretty mad. I didn't dare look the angry man in the face, "Sorr-"
He grabbed me by the wrist and began dragging me along. I just followed without saying a word. At first I just followed like an obedient little puppy, but after what seemed like twenty minute, I stopped and pulled myself out of his grip. "Where the heck are you taking me?!"
"We're already late as it is, and its your fault, so just trust me and don't ask questions. Plus, you agreed to this date so you can't back out now," he stated with a smug on his face.
"Fine," I relunctantly replied and continued following him. Momentarily we reached the front gates of the aquarium. He lead me inside. It was vacant. There was no one except for the sea creatures behind the glass. "Where is everyone? Why is it so empty?"
"I had the place reserved for our date."
My eyes widened upon hearing this. I mean, I know the boy's rich, but was that even allowed? Well, I guess so seeing how we are here, but oh my gosh. I took a look around. It was breathtaking. I've never done anything like this. I didn't know what to say. Taec took me by the hand at led me to where the dolphins were. 
"This is what I wanted you to see," he said while pointing to the two dolphins mating. "This isn't something you'd usually see, because most dolphins aren't monogomous. These two dolphins have been together for 35 years. Other dolphins have come and  gone, but these two have been inseparable."
I was still speechless. I just continued to gaze in awe. Taec smiled and led me around the rest of the aquarium. Afterwards, we went to a little bubble cafe and had some boba drinks and frozen yogurt.
"So tell me, why did your friends set me up and lie to the headmaster? Be honest!"
"What?! Oh," he stated as he sheepishly smiled and began scratching the side of his head. "I told them to."
"It was the only way I could get your attention! I'm sorry. And I'm also sorry for the mess we caused."
"I still can't believe you went through all the trouble just to get me to go on a date with you," I said as I shook my head in disbelief.
"The truth is, I really like you. I always have," he declared. 
Upon hearing those words, I spit out the drink that was in my mouth, "What?!" 
"Im Yoona, I've liked you since I noticed you at the nursing home. You might not know this, but my  grandmother stays at the one you volunteer at. And I remember just watching you interact with the elderly. You're personality is so sweet and kind. Your presence makes them smile. It makes me smile."
I involuntarily began to smile as his sweet words tickled me. He was such a charmer. I propped my arm onto the table and rested my head on my hand as I stared at him. He laughed and looked away in embarassment. I suddenly snapped out of my trance and remembered what Yuri had said about him. This was probably too good to be true. 
"I appreciate your kind words. And thank you so much for taking me out on this wonderful date. But I don't think it'll work out between us. Mianhe," I gathered my belongings, bowed, and proceeded to leave the cafe. 
"Wait!" He caught me by my wrist and stopped me. "I don't understand why you won't give me a chance."
I turned around to face him and pulled my arm back. Sometime between the sweet words and happy thoughts, resentment arose and I found myself mad at him. "Because you're a player and you broke my best friend's heart. You think that just because you have money you can play with peoples' feelings and use them as you please. I'm not gonna let myself be a victim of your games." 
"What are you talking about?!" Taec asserted.
"Did you forget that you dumped my friend Yuri!"
"Wait a minute! I dumped Yuri?! Is that a joke?" He pulled me back to the table, sat me down, and pulled up and chair right next to me. "Who told you I dumped Yuri?"
"She told me." 
"Well, it's all a misunderstanding. I mean, it's true that I dumped her, but only because I saw her kissing another guy. Plus this was back in middle school. Ages ago!" he explained.
I felt like a jerk. I should've given him the benefit of the doubt instead of judging him off what others said. "I'm sorry I assumed things."
"So does that mean you're giving me a chance?" 
"Yes. The truth is I really like you too. I've just been hesitant around you because I didn't want to be the one getting hurt. I guess I was being rather foolish. I don't know what-"
Before I knew it he had pulled me into a kiss. Although this had caught me off guard, I couldn't help but melt at his touch.
But he let me go just as quickly as he had pulled me in, “Just shut up,” and with that, he pulled me in for another kiss, and I didn’t even bother with pushing him away.
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deardiaryyou #1
dudijjang #2
Omg! Love the story! Wah some more
Please! Kekeke ^^
so sweet~~ i love happy ending~~
oh I forgot to say. The ending was cute, haha~ XD
HottestVIPSone #6
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~ N.I.C.E
hyeamazing #7
Aww! This is the one you wrote for meee ^^ Thanks and great job <3
ooo, this looks familiar :P<br />
You didn't mark it as complete, just btw ^-^