
Falling in love with you [under construction]
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The end of school finally came., and you were excited to meet up Jieun. After packing away all your books, you made your way to your locker where IU was waiting. "Hello ____-ah. How was class?" "Class was okay, I'm just happy its over" Jieun smiled as pulled out her phone. "I have to leave, but put your number into my phone okay?" Turning towards IU, you looked at her with a small pout. You had a phone, but it was old.

"What's wrong?" With a shake of your head, you took Jieun's phone. "Nothing. . . Here my number is in there" "Thank you ____-ah I'll see you latter okay?"

"Neh, See yah " You waved your hand and started walking towards the dorm. U-Kwon had told you the rest of Block B were going to be home late due to ' important stuff '. With a heavy sigh you made your way down an ally way but stopped when you heard foot steps behind you. *not again. _____-ah why do you always do this to yourself?*. Turning around you saw three boys smirking at you, as they made their way closer. "Hey there cutie~" One man cooed.

You went to keep walking but one of them grabbed your arm and pushed you against a brick wall. Your shoulder that was hurt that same day, started throbbing once again. The man that had hold of your upper arm, moved down towards your ear. "Come on baby~ it will be fun" You struggled under his grip but he only pushed you harder against the wall. He leaned in closer to your lips, as he placed a hand around your waist and smirked. *Where is u-Kwon when I need him.* You screamed in your head

"Hey hands of the girl!" Looking up, you noticed a blonde boy making his way towards you. That blonde boy just happened to be L.Joe. The man that was holding you against the wall smirked at the younger boy. "Why should I? She isn't your girl" The man snarled. L.Joe walked up to the man and pulled his arm off around you. The feeling of not having his dirty hands touching you, made you sigh in relief.

"This is a good friend of mine" L.Joe said as he moved closer to the older male. "Now keep your hands of her perfect body" You couldn't help the blush the crept up on your cheeks. Never had someone one, let alone a guy complement you before. The man pushed L.Joe away from him, as his other hand move you back towards the wall. "Stay here " the older man hissed.

L.Joe's once calm eyes were replaced with anger filled ones. L.Joe grabbed the man by the collar of his jacket and threw him to his friends. The men all fell to the ground as they tried to catch their friend. L.Joe didn't hesitate to grab your hand and start running away.

As you ran down multiple ally ways, you couldnt help but look at your hand in his. It felt safe and secure around your hand, almost like a puzzle piece. AS you stopped to get some air, the burning pain in your upper arm had returned. With a loud hiss of pain, you grasped your arm in some attempt to stop the throbbing. Just by the amount of pain you were in, you could tell it was now a lot worse due to the impact of the brick wall.

L.Joe moved towards you. His face was full of concern and worry for you. "Is it your shoulder again?" You nodded your head with a low hiss. L.joe walked closer to you and fixed your jacket over your bad shoulder. His fingers brushed your soft skin, and a blush crept onto your cheeks. 

"Come on I'll walk you home oka-" "GET AWAY FROM _____-ah L.Joe!" Your eye brows pinched together at the voice. *That sounds like* lifting your head, all of block b was standing at the end of the ally way. Just by their presence a smile filled your lips. "Hello oppa's!"

 *oppa? _____-ah knows them?* L.Joe removed his hand from your shoulder but not because he was afraid of them, but because he didn't want her to get into trouble. Lifting your bad shoulder you went to wave at them, but dropped it with a loud hiss. *why do I keep lifting my bad shoulder!.*

 Zico noticed your pained expression along with U-Kwon. "______-AH! What the hell did you do to her!" U-Kwon barked as he made his way towards L.Joe. With a roll of his eyes, L.Joe stepped away from me.

"I saved her. If I wasn't there she would have gotten !" Zico stiffened at his words and walked up to you. Placing his jacket carefully over you, he gently tugged on your good arm. "Come on _____-ah. Let's take you home." With out a choice you followed them.


After arriving at the dorm, you decided to take a nice hot shower in hopes it would help your arm. After having a shower you changed into sweat pants and a t-shirt. Hoping into bed, you closed your eyes wanting the day to be over with, just so you could see Jieun tomorrow.

Through the night, the door to the room opened and a boy walked in. He was holding a hot pack. He sat next to your bed and pulled the strap to your t-shirt down a little to be able to see your shoulder. He blushed but placed the hot packs on your bad shoulder. Smiling he softly whispered. "Stop getting your self into trouble. I will not always be there to help you." After making sure your shoulder was covered with hot packs, he left your room. 


The next morning you woke up in pain, and You couldn't move your shoulder. "_____-ah  why aren't you up yet we want break-"U-Kwon stopped when he saw your bruised shoulder. " _____, your shoulder is really bruised." you rolled your eyes and tried to stand up.

"NO! Stay in bed you need rest, Zico will be home to look after you okay?." With out a choice, you laid back down. *But i wanted to see Jieun unnie*

U-Kwon walked out of the room and went towards the kitchen were the others were. "Zico stay home and look after ____-ah" He demanded. Zico laughed and glared at him. "Why the hell should I? She isn't apart of our family!" He said as Zico continued to glare at U-Kwon. "She is apart of this family! She is now our sister! So treat her well!" U-Kwon growled. Zico rolled his eyes but nodded not wanting a fight to break out. *So much for me being the leader.* 

Once everyone left for school, Zico decided to cheek up on you. He knocked on your door but there was no answer. He knocked again, still no answer. *Aish this girl!* Zico rubbed his head in frustration as he let out a heavy sigh. As he slowly opened the door, he saw your sleeping body. He noticed the bad bruise on your shoulder and felt bad for not stopping hyuna sooner. With an

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just updated :D please make sure to comment!!


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Hichul #1
Yeah PLEASE again
xxyrcuxx #2
Chapter 29: can you write a story with zico again ? please ? <3
xxyrcuxx #3
Chapter 26: zico o.o ?
karenlove #4
Chapter 29: awww ao sweet at the end.... :) love this story!!!! <3
Chapter 27: Oh My God
Chapter 1: Love this story !!!!
Chapter 30: That was cute. But what happened to daehyun? Haha :P
loved the story...could not stop reading.. i look forward to the sequal ^^
dalamjwi07 #9
your story is great. I finished all the chapter like one shot. I'm wondering what happening with Daehyun. He is save, doesn't he? and LJoe, does he keep a feeling to me, i mean the character, _____ ?
KimHyunAe #10
Omg...finish already...what happened to daehyun..and that hyuna...
Owh...nice story...good one...
-shout- mom can u teach me how to use uncle gun..mooooommmm where are u...