Daehyun's offer

Falling in love with you [under construction]
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You were sitting in the back seat with Chunji. Omma and Appa were in the front seat talking about what ride to go on first. Your parents were taking you and your brother to Lottie world. “Omma!” You yelled holding out your hands. “Just wait sweet heart.” Your mother says politely. You became inpatient and kept yelling. “OMMA!” You screamed. Both of your parents turned around. You were gazing out the front window, when you noticed a truck heading your way. “LOOK OUT!”

Normal Time

“Agh!” You screamed shooting up in bed. You looked around at your surroundings and realized it was just a dream. The door to Chunji’s room opened to reveal Chunji. “____-ah what’s wrong?” he looked at your face and saw your watery eyes. “Tell me what happened.” Chunji sat down beside you, pulling you into a hug. You rested your head on chunji’s shoulder and told him about your dream.

 “I dreamt about them Chunji.” Chunji gazed down at you curiously, then his eyes widened. “___-Ah. It’s okay” Chunji whispered whilst rocking you slightly.

You and Chunji spent the next 3 hours talking about your parents. You talked about what things you loved about them, what things they would always do to make you both happy. “Remember when Appa placed pepper in Omma’s cooking?” You chuckled slightly then looked at Chunji with a wide smile. “Yeah, he said he wanted to see if she would notice.” He nodded his head then his smile fell. “Have you seen them lately?” You tilted your head and looked into his eyes.

“I was never allowed to leave the orphanage. I would always beg them to let me go but they wouldn’t comply.” Chunji nodded his head and smiled warmly at you. “Get some sleep and I’ll take you to see them.” Your smile grew and you jumped under the covers. “I’ll wake you up later okay” You wished Chunji good night and soon fell asleep.

8:00am in the morning

The door to the bed room opened and Chunji walked in. He sat down on the bed and looked at your sleeping face. “_____-ah; it’s time to wake up~” You opened your eyes and looked at Chunji. “Hm, morning oppa.” Smiling, Chunji reached out to place a loose strand of hair behind your ear. “You ready to go see them?” Smiling softly you nodded your head.


You were standing by Chunji’s side as he looked around for their tomb stone. “Ah-ha.” He said pointing to a beautiful angle tomb stone. You followed Chunji to the tomb stone feeling uneasy about seeing them. “Hello Omma, Appa” Chunji said whilst cleaning the pictures from the dirt and weeds. You kneeled d

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Hichul #1
Yeah PLEASE again
xxyrcuxx #2
Chapter 29: can you write a story with zico again ? please ? <3
xxyrcuxx #3
Chapter 26: zico o.o ?
karenlove #4
Chapter 29: awww ao sweet at the end.... :) love this story!!!! <3
Chapter 27: Oh My God
Chapter 1: Love this story !!!!
Chapter 30: That was cute. But what happened to daehyun? Haha :P
loved the story...could not stop reading.. i look forward to the sequal ^^
dalamjwi07 #9
your story is great. I finished all the chapter like one shot. I'm wondering what happening with Daehyun. He is save, doesn't he? and LJoe, does he keep a feeling to me, i mean the character, _____ ?
KimHyunAe #10
Omg...finish already...what happened to daehyun..and that hyuna...
Owh...nice story...good one...
-shout- mom can u teach me how to use uncle gun..mooooommmm where are u...