School Bully

Falling in love with you [under construction]
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During the night, you herd U-Kwon sneak into his room. He wasn't much for sneaking around considering he kept bumping into things.

"U-kwon?" You whispered.

U-kwon flinched when he herd your voice, and he cursed himself for bumping into things. "Neh, ______?"

You smiled at his shaken voice. "Why are you only just getting in now?" You asked as you watched him sit on his bed. "We had business to deal with. Nothing you should worry about _____" You furrowed your eyebrows together as you looked at him threw the darkness.

"What type of business?" U-Kwon cursed under his breath and turned to face you. "If i tell you, You promise to keep it a secret?" You nodded through the darkness to U-kwon and waited for his answer. "Okay well you see it's........" You leaned closer to his bed.

". . . None of your business" U-kwon started laughing at his lame joke and rolled over to go to sleep. Your jaw dropped at his answer and your eyes grew angry. *hmm I wounder why he wont tell me?* You thought as you laid on your back. 


The next morning you woke up extra early to make lunch for everyone. You made pancakes for breakfast, and for lunch you made dubbokki, P.O's favorite. An hour passed and it was now 7:00 am. After washing your hands and placing a apron on a chair, you headed towards the boys bedrooms to wake them up. Unlike yesterday, today you sat with the boys and ate. Zico was grumpy at your actions but soon got used to having you at the table.

"Are you ready for your first day at school _____?" You looked up from your food and gave a shy smile. "I am. But I'm nervous. What happens if I get picked on..." *Even though i can take care of my self*

You looked back down and felt a hand place softly on your left shoulder. "Don't worry. Block B is your new family. We will look after you. If anyone touches you or picks on you, make sure to tell us okay." P.O said with a bright smile. You gave him a smile and got up off your seat.

"Okay then! Let's go~!" Block B laughed at your excited expression and soon followed you out the door. Zico looked at your happy face and sighed. *how can she be happy with total strangers?* He sighed again and grabbed his bag.


On the way to school U-kwon was telling you about what class would be like. U-kwon was going to be in your grade, so at least you had a friend in there. Once you arrived at school, a bunch of girls screamed and ran towards Block B. U-kwon noticed shocked expression and pulled you close to him. Griping your hand, he led you away from the forming crowed. A couple of girls tried to push you away from the KingKa but U-Kwon only held on tighter.

Finally you entered the hall way and headed towards your locker. Beside you was a girl with thick black glasses,and next to her was a group of girls picking on her. Walking towards your locker you overheard what they were saying.

"What a nerd you are. No wonder no guy likes you I mean look at you, your ugly!" You had enough of their hurtful words and walked towards them. "HEY!" You yelled. U-kwon looked at you with wide eyes. *OH NO DON'T DO THIS _____!*

As you reached the group of girls, you glared at them causing one of them to look away. "What the hell do you want?" One asked with a smirk. 

"You have no right being mean to this girl. Just because she wears glasses doesn't make her a nerd." You moved closer and exa

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Hichul #1
Yeah PLEASE again
xxyrcuxx #2
Chapter 29: can you write a story with zico again ? please ? <3
xxyrcuxx #3
Chapter 26: zico o.o ?
karenlove #4
Chapter 29: awww ao sweet at the end.... :) love this story!!!! <3
Chapter 27: Oh My God
Chapter 1: Love this story !!!!
Chapter 30: That was cute. But what happened to daehyun? Haha :P
loved the story...could not stop reading.. i look forward to the sequal ^^
dalamjwi07 #9
your story is great. I finished all the chapter like one shot. I'm wondering what happening with Daehyun. He is save, doesn't he? and LJoe, does he keep a feeling to me, i mean the character, _____ ?
KimHyunAe #10
Omg...finish already...what happened to daehyun..and that hyuna...
Owh...nice story...good one...
-shout- mom can u teach me how to use uncle gun..mooooommmm where are u...