I Love You

Only The Truth

I stood quietly in the doorway, observing my younger brother as he read his book. His flawless white skin, his ruffled hair, his slightly pouted lips. He made an almost unnoticeable sound of distress and I chuckled softly. That boy was unbearably cute, even when doing something as simple as reading.

My laughter caught the attention of my brother who turned around and smiled upon seeing his hyung leaning against the doorframe, watching him.

"Come here hyung, sit with me." He patted the space on the sofa next to him. Such a sweet request. So pure. He would never accept me.

I put on a smile and went to sit next to him, snuggling up close. He smiled at me for a moment and looped an arm around my waist before continuing his reading.

"Whatcha reading?" I asked, peeking over at the book. He blushed a little and pulled the book to his chest. "Just... Something..." he mumbled.

I bit back a grin. "Tell meee" I insisted, even throwing in some aegyo.

Blinking rapidly, he just stared at me and clutched the book even tighter to his chest, shaking his head.

"Yaaah, why won't you tell your hyung?" I acted offended and turned away from him, pouting a little.

He tugged on my sleeve and whined. "Hyung, look at me." I covered my eyes with my hands and stuck out my tongue at him.

He pushed my hands away and looked me in the eye with his big round ones. "It's just Romeo and Juliet..." he trailed off and looked away, a soft red hue spreading across his cheeks. I smiled and pulled him onto my lap.

Just another reason why I love him so much. He's so classy. So romantic. So beautiful.

No. What am I saying. This is wrong. I am his hyung and his hyung only. It will remain that way. I have no chance so I have to stop thinking about it. It will just hurt me more.

Stifling a sigh, I kissed his cheek and his forehead. He smiled, wrapping his arms around my neck and nuzzling his face into my chest.

"I love you hyung."

"I love you too."

My words were calm and steady, trained to sound like that of a caring hyung rather than a lovesick fool.

"No, you don't understand. I love you." I looked at him and blinked, unable to comprehend what he had just said. I don't understand?

"Hyung? Did you hear me? I love you. So much."

Slowly, those words broke down the barrier I had built surrounding my heart and crowded in. Without thinking, I tilted his head up and softly pressed my lips to his.

Surprised, he froze for a moment before gently responding to my sudden action. We've kissed before, but this one felt different. Way different. Full of new meaning and feeling.

And for those few seconds when our lips touched, everything else was forgotten. How our parents died when we were only 14. How we had to take care of ourselves. How everyone left us sooner or later. For that one moment, everything was perfect.

Pulling away, he smiled and my cheek with his thumb.

"I love you Youngmin hyung."

"I love you too Kwangminnie."

And for the first time, those words held my true emotions.

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niya2404 #1
Chapter 1: aw my gawd this is so sweet kyaaaa make me melted >\\\<
pamperedcat #2
Chapter 1: Skdjwksj feel free to do so~ I'm glad you lub it :3 Teeheehee.
Chapter 1: Awwwn it's so hqobxiqpbxh I can't contain my feels.
Let me scream into a pillow nao. It's so fluffy. :3
I lub it.
pamperedcat #4
Thank you~ Eheheh ><
Chapter 1: aw~ so cute~
pamperedcat #6
Aww thank you teeheehee :>
Yuki0710 #7
OMG! That was so sweet!!! XD
Great story!
pamperedcat #8
Thank you for reading~ OwO And hmm, maybe? I have been thinking of writing one~