The Little Mermaid

The Little Mermaid

"Top!" I cry out, running to catch up to him. "Yah! Seunghyun!" He doesn't turn, as expected. He never does. But I know that I'll love him no matter what he does. Perhaps he doesn't remember it was me who saved his life just a short while ago.

||Under thick clouds and ever-cross waves, I saw you at the bottom of the sea that day.||

I sit on the wet sand, absorbing the the sun's rays and ever-so-secretly stealing glances at you. There's a girl latched on to your arm, as there always is. She's a beautiful blonde girl, a lot prettier than some of the others i've seen with you. She's so amazing, and the exact opposite of someone like me.

||My first feeling of love in my life, how heartbreaking the feeling of love really is.||

You look over at me, and I can't help but blush when you smile. You walk over closer, and my heart beats so fast I think it's going to pop out. "Bom!" I turn to my friend, excited. "Top's walking over here!"

"Hey, It's you!" He is right next to us when I realise he's looking at Bom. "We-were you that girl? U-Um, the one tha helped me the other day? I wanted to thank you, I almost drowned.." I light up at the memory of helping him. I quickly helped him escape from the sea, but it wasn't long until his friend came to take him home. I know once Bom says I was the one who saved him, he'll remember me as well.

"Heh, that's right seunghyun..." She laughs and gives me an appologetic look. "That's so embarrassing, I really didn't want you to find out...."

Seunghyun smiles and touches her shoulder, turning her face crimson. "Jiyong and our friends are going to play some volleyball..I'd love for you to go as well...."

The redhead nods and I'm left gaping, trying to figure out what the hell just happened. As I see them, I know my prince charming Top will never actually be mine.

||I realised it's not possible to obtain the star in the castle, because no matter how hard I scream my voice won't reach your ears.||

The waves dance around my toes and fingers as I move closer to the sea. I slightly move my legsand wonder why I have them. they've never brought me anywhere I've needed to be. "Useless" I say to myself, wrapping my arms around my knees.

||Sing, oh sing, to the ocean floor...||

Tears sting my eyes as they fall, and I silently cuse them for exposing my weakness. My vision's so hazy I can barely make out Bom and Top attempting to hit the volleyball over to Jiyong. Ugh, It pains me to watch him nowadays, but somehow I can't seem to stop. I want to look out for him, no matter wha happens.

||Putting my heart into a song, even though you can't hear my voice, I won't stop. I hope my voice echoes around the ever-flowing wind.||

An impact to my head pushes my face to my knees. I feel incredibly woozy, more pained then I was before.

"Sorry, Dara!" Jiyong calls to me. Within seconds I see him beside me. "You okay?" I see a few more of Top's friends coming and I try to compose myself.

"I'm okay." My voice cracks and I can tell Jiyong notices that I'm not.

"Y-you're crying...what's wrong? Did it really hurt that bad?"

"It hurts.." I respond, though I'm not talking about my head. Swiftly I stand up, coming face-to-face with Seunghyun. "I-I'm sorry," I say hastily and run past him. Once I'm a good distance away I turn to look at him again. I'm the little mermaid, I know that now. I'm the outcast, and just like her, I'll dissapear.

||Even though I'm destined to become sea foam, I will always love you with all of my heart.||

"I love you, Seunghyun...." I whisper, knowing he can't hear me. As I turn to my car I hear a familiar voice.

"Wait, Dara!" Tops voice calls out to me, and instinctively I turn to him. He looks shocked-his face is a ghostly shade of white and his eyes have widened so far it look as if they will pop out. "It was you, wasn't it!?"

I smile through my tears and nod. "I'm grateful for you, Seunghyun, thank you." Before he can come closer I bolt to my car, making sure he doesn't see my cry again. "I can't be you're little mermaid, Top...not anymore... just like her, I'll go away." My hand shakes as I grab my keys and turn on my car. I see Seunghyun running towards my car, and I quickly begin driving as i hear the thud of his hand on my back window.


"Goodbye, Seunghyun..." He chases my car for a moment until he tires out, and I continue to drive off to who-knows-where.

||Once I dissolve in the ocean and sky, know I will always watch over you.||




A/N Hooray! 3rd story is finished! I hope to have the next one out quickly, because it is about clumsy Dara sword fightin! xD hehe..please look forward to it! And make sure to subscribe and comment~!


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interesting piece... hopefully there is a sequel
huhuhuu..Poor babies..I hope this will be resolved..

I'll be waiting for more soon..;)
So (˘̩̩̩ε˘̩̩̩ƪ)
Yes, you have to update very soon.. :)
Nice adaptation story..
Sad. :(
yah i want to know more abt this ...
ah love it my Tabisan.....
great writing i must say..

nice story. but please update and make it a happy ending.. ^_^


wait ... i must say this....


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myjoyce1986 #9
wow interesting story please update soon