Chapter 2

Hey, I'm your Noona!


I am in the middle of my first climbing experience when I felt arms circled my ankles. "Got you." 

Wait.....have I heard that voice before?
Slowly, I look behind and there, right below me is Kwon Jiwon? Or is it Kim Juwon? What is it again? I snapped back to reality when Ju..something tug on my ankle. 
Oh my God! How did he found me?! 78
I forced myself to look at Ju..something's face and that's when I noticed his eyes. OMO! They're glinting evilly. And his lips! His lips are curved wickedly.
What he said earlier suddenly came to my mind.
"Little girl! You're dead! Don't let me catch you!" 
Am I gonna die? What to do, What to do? 
Maybe he already forgot his threat earlier...Should I act natural? Friendly?
"Err.....121...... Hello."
His evil grin grew  wider. "Don't sweat it little girl. You're still dead. What are you doing?"
All my hopes of getting out of here unscathed disappeared. He still remembers! So, he is not dumb after all.
"I'm spiderwoman in training so go away."
He just raised an eyebrow and remained standing on the spot.
"Of course I'm trying to climb to the other side, you moron!" I rolled my eyes at him. I take back what I said. He really is an idiot. 86
"I can see your , you know."
"Hey! Don't peek! You ert!" I tried to kick him with my left foot but his strong grip kept it in place.
"It's not my fault if you're flaunting your *peek*.........Hey, you have Power Ranger undies?" He asked startled.
"What's it to you?! Keep your eyes close!"
"But why? Most girls...well, they either wear those white boring ones or ones with strawberry designs or those lacy black ones that's so y or -"
"Keep those disgusting information to yourself . I don't even want to know how you knew that. Now let go!" While he's off to Underwear land, I sneakily disentangle my ankles from his hold and quietly resumed my climbing extravaganza.
"Hey! Stop right there!"
I continued climbing and ignored the nuisance. Just as I was about to reach the top, I felt someone kick my legs "Yah!"
I look to my right and was shock to see Ju...something right beside me.
I kick him back "Why are you climbing? Aren't you suppose to be in class?"
Kick. "Aren't YOU suppose to be in class? Besides, I'm a member of the committee, I can skip anytime I want."
Kick. "You cheater!"
Kick. "You truant!"
Kick. "I already graduated so this doesn't count"
Kick. "Yeah, keep telling yourself that."
"Stop kicking me!" 100
"Then stop climbing the wall!"
"Hah! Too late!" I said smugly as I reach the top and jump off the other side.
"See you later Ju...something....OR NOT!"  Hahahaha! I feel like jumping with glee. I managed to climb a wall (first time) and I was able to escape that annoying kid. Kekeke I feel so badass right now136
I look around to search for my bag but for some reason, I can't find it anywhere "Huh, that's weird. I know I threw it in this direction" I scratch my head and continued looking around.
I can hear my stomach protesting. Ugghh! I haven't eaten anything this morning and I'm really looking forward to a plate of Dukbokki. But without my bag, I have NO MONEY!
"Omo! It's really not here. My money!" 139
I was so preoccupied with looking for my bag that I wasn't able to hear a loud thud coming from behind.
"What are you looking for?"

Thank you for subscribing! And also for the comments :)
By the way, If you guys can spare some time, you can also read my other story
"Closet Bad Boy"
Thank you :)
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Chapter 3: Kkkkkkkkkkk.. I feel giddy reading this kkkkkkkkkk
Chapter 5: Awwww the sequel is still being edited, will you ever make a sequel authornim? I'm just wondering if I have to keep a look out lol you're a great writer by the way! :)))
clawie #3
Chapter 5: please accept my friend request.. let me read your stories authormim , thank you :)
amplifier #4
Chapter 5: Dunno why but i cant check the sequel... TAT whhhhhy?????! OTL
Chapter 1: waahhh... first chap.. it so hilarious... kekekeke
It makes me excited! kyahh!
Dara is cute! Jiyong is Dayum! and authornim is jjang!
Chrngu #6
Chapter 5: Such a cute story! Plus I love the emoticons you put in the story. It adds a certain flare to your story.
chelzjj #7
Chapter 5: Dara so cuteeeeeee
alwaysdreamygirl #8
Chapter 4: Ahhhhhhh kyeopta~~~
Brynie #9
Chapter 5: Nice short fic. The animation added an appeal to it. really cute story
graceguting #10
Chapter 1: Hahaha! Got :)