Happiness is just around the corner


Short Story!

Plot: Three sister Ava, Emily, and Sophia they live with their dad, since their mom died giving birth to Sophia. Their dad is a drunk who abuses them. They aren't happy, but never show it to others. One day they had to move to South Korea, because of their dad's new job. Despite living in America all three sisters knew Korean, because their mom was Korean herself and dad was American. Going to school was difficult for them with having to wear uniforms, the drama the queenka's made about talking or being near the kingka's, the pain with their dad, running into kingka's from another school, and falling in love. Can these three sister find happiness in their lives? Or will everything around them crash and burn?



Ava- the oldest of the sisters at age 20, the rebel sister, hates people messing with her sisters, protective, fights pretty good, very motherly, good hearted, only shows her true self around people she cares about, looks and acts cold alot of times, loves to sing and dance, doesn't smile alot, loves skinship with her sisters.

Emily- the second oldest at age 19, the girly girl, also protective, fights good, sweet all around, smiles alot, looks very innocent, loves to sing and dance, always with her sisters, likes to get what she wants.

Sophia- the youngest at age 18, casual sister, sticks up for her sisters alot, can fight, nice, has a temper, gets abused most by her dad, loves to sing and dance, raps sometimes, looks up to her sisters, rude to guys that have any interest in her, stays by her sister.


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