Chapter 3 : I'm In Love With You

Please Be Mine


It's been a week that Dongwoon was chasing him or more to get closer to him. Sometimes Kikwang wondered why haven't he gave up yet. 
Stupid. He's in love with you.
He thought in his mind.
Everything Dongwoon did in that week sometimes made him felt that younger boy really loves him. And he had to admit,when Dongwoon didn't come and disturbed him,he kinda missed him. And he can't deny that he enjoyed and happy when Dongwoon was around him.
What the heck is going on with me?!
But Kikwang usually act so cold and mean to him. He didn't really answer Dongwoon. He was acting cold all this time.
Deep inside his heart,he had some feeling. 
He's just stubborn and can't accept the fate he started to love Dongwoon.
He's just stubborn to let Junhyung vanished completely from his heart.
He's just stubborn to let Dongwoon replaced Junhyung.
Kikwang was clumsy as always. He accidentally dropped his books in front of his locker and he cursed himself.
A pair of hands suddenly picked all the books and a comforting smile was formed by the male.
"Kiki...are you okay?" Dongwoon said while putting all Kikwang's books in the locker.
"If there's nothing else,i'm going to...."
Suddenly Kikwang felt a pair of lips on his. He gasped. Dongwoon had pulled him in his embrace and they shared a brief kiss.
After a few seconds,Dongwoon pulled away.
"...w-what?..." Kikwang asked,still trembling for Dongwoon's sudden act.
"what??" Dongwoon asked him back in confusion.
".....what..was that for?"
"Go out with me,Lee Kikwang.."
Dongwoon growled in frustration, or pain..
He didn't even know it.
"I..have to go now..." Kikwang closed his locker and went away.
As always,Kikwang chose not to answer the question.
Dongwoon's face formed to a frustration and pain look. He sighed.
Am I a stupid or he's the one that stupid and doesn't realized that I love him?
He's such a dumb-kwang. Lee Dumb-Kwang!
Dongwoon cursed Kikwang. He didn't want to but because of the rejection Kikwang made just now.....but wait...Kikwang didn't reject it. He just......Dongwoon didn't know.
Kikwang threw himself on the bed. 
His mom had been asking him to eat but he just didn't want.
"Kwangie..." His mom entered his room with a tray.
"You have to eat,son."
Kikwang smiled. He glads that God gave him such a caring mother and an understanding father.
His family didn't mind the fact that he's a gay. 
Instead,his parents gave him full support,telling him that love knows no gender. They just wanted him to be happy.
"Kwangie...were you day-dreaming?" Mrs.Lee asked him.
Kikwang smiled sheepishly at his mom and look at the tray his mom brought.
"How's thing going on between you and Junhyung? Its been quite a time since he came here last time."
Kikwang flinched and entertwined his hands. 
"We...broke up.." Kikwang whispered.
"Oh,i'm sorry,son.." Mrs.Lee gave him a pathetic look.
"This make sense why you're acting weirdly these few days."
" you think,i should move on? Find someone else better than him and show to him I can survive even without him?" 
"Of course..why not? And I think you should. If he can live happily after leaving you,why cant you? You deserve someone else and a happy life."
Kikwang touched his lips. He still can feel Dongwoon's soft lips touching his. He had to admit that kiss was sweet even it happened for a few seconds. 
He blushed.
I'm starting to like you,Son Dongwoon.
He smiled.
I'm starting to like your kiss.
He nodded.
I'm starting to like everything about you.
He smirked.
I'm starting to love your passion.
He grinned.
I'm starting to love you.
The sound of door closing disturbed his thought.
Oh,mom must be bored that she left me like this. 
Kikwang giggled and took his phone.
Hongki was about to watch movie with Jonghun when Kikwang texted him asking him to ask Jaejin for Dongwoon's number.
"I can smell something fishy here."
He blurted out to Jonghun.
"Why you always involve in someone else's affair?" Jonghun gave him a glare.
"He's my bestfriend and I dont want his heart broken again."
"you seem too care about a friend of yours"
Jonghun looked away. Felt hurted with Hongki.
"Hey..." Hongki caressed Jonghun's cheek.
"He's our friend. And I promise i'll stay out of this once he found a right person to be with. I cared about him because both of us are friends ever since we're a baby."
Jonghun gave Hongki a fond smile. He knew that Hongki and Kikwang are just like a sibling. He knew both of them closed to each other. But still,he jealous about it. Because he can't deny the fact,he loves this guy,this Lee Hongki so damn much.
Dongwoon buried himself in his blanket. He was feeling like ever since Kikwang rejected or pushed him away.
Why? Why it cant be me?
He snorted.
It's not he's never been in love. He did. But it was different. His ex-boyfriend,Mir,never made him crazy as this. Only one person could and already made him crazy.
Suddenly,his phone was buzzing.
He must've been crazy for imagining thing like that. Kikwang didn't even had or ask for his number.
He lazily grabbed his phone.
His eyes were almost bugging out to see the text.
/ Can you accompany me to a dinner tonight? - Kikwang /
He wanted to yell, no, he wanted to cry, no, he just....he just wanted to yell and cry in the same time.
He's seriously asking me out!
He replied the text and rolled on his bed happily before getting ready.
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Chapter 4: aaaw.. wonnie keeps struggling to get kiki, so cute :D
Dear Dongwoon,
Why are you so damn cute??
Love B2astly.
But seriously!! even though i ship junking, that was really adorable (srry Junhyung i still love you)
LeeHongki #3
I wished more Jongki
But beautiful
Finally, Kiki.. ^^
Way to go, Woonie! \(^o^)/
LeeHongki #5
More Jongki ^^
LeeHongki #6
Well done
I liked a lot
And specially Jongki ^ ^
dont force yourself into writing more jongki since this is mainly a kiwoon fic.. But other character appearances is imoprtant too.. Just dont make it too much... Anyway, update soon... Im supposed to be a silent reader for this month and so on, until God knows when, because i have little time to leave comments... Be glad i did because i cant wait for the next chapter....