
How to Ditch a Man in 90 Days

Sandara's POV

"Sandara Park, please report to Yoona's office." Every one of my co-workers turned to look at me. Gahh!! I hate being the center of attention T_T. Why must people assume that I did something bad? I slowly walked towards Yoona's office avoiding curious stares.

"Dara'shi come take a seat! Would you like some water?" Yoona welcomed me with a warm smile which was quite odd. She usually isn't nice to anyone. I took a seat across from her desk and began to fiddle with my fingers.


Author's POV

"Dara'shi, since you are my assistant I need you to do a job for me." Yoona already knew about Dara's financial problems and decided to use it to her advantages. "What kind of job?" Sandara wasn't the type of person who could juggle many jobs at once.

"I want you to date and ditch somebody." Yoona chuckled at her reaction. "You want me to what?!" Dara was shocked, she had never received such an absurd offer in her life. "You heard me, date him and ditch him." The words casually slipped from Yoona's lips. "Ditch who exactly?"

A small smirk formed upon her face. "Kwon Jiyong." Dara tilted her head, she had never heard of this person. "Who is that?" Yoona then pulled a picture from under her desk. "He is the son of one the richest couple in Seoul." She placed the picture carefully in front of Dara and pointed at him. "I don't have to accept this job. It's too complicated."


Dara couldn't stand people playing with others hearts, let along doing it herself. "It's not a choice Dara. In your contract you are my assistant for 3 years. It's only been a year. This is a job an assistant is suppose to do. Breaking this contract has severe consequences."

Dara already knew the consequences to breaking a contract. You'd have to pay a large sum of money. That's the last thing Dara could do, she didn't even have enough money to pay her own rent. "Why do you want me to break some ones heart?"

It's just cruel purposely playing with some ones heart. You get nothing but heartbreaks and tears. "I'm writing a book about it." Yoona then began to fill Dara in with the details. "Make him fall in love with you, then break his heart within 90 days."

Dara nodded and got up to leave "One more question. Why me?" Yoona leaned back in her chair and pointed toward the picture. "Because you're his type." Without another word she left.





"Seungri, I bet you can't woo that girl over there." Jiyong pointed to the coffee stand where a young girl was. "Watch me." Seungri walked over to her and twirled a strand of hair around his finger. "Hey cutie, wanna date?" The young girl blushed, but, shook her head.

"Sorry, my mom wants me to focus on studying not dating." Seungri walked back with a sad face. "Fail." Daesung shouted causing everyone to laugh. "See I told you." Jiyong high fived Youngbae and crossed his arms. "I bet you can't get a girl I pick either!" Seungri yelled out in frustration.

"Oh really?" Jiyong uncrossed his arms and leaned on the table suddenly more interested. "Yeah! Really!" Seungri shouted sticking his tongue out. "Try me." Jiyong was ready to accept a challenge any time, any day. "Fine, everyone we're going to a club tomorrow!" Seungri shouted receiving cheers from the rest of Big Bang.

"So what's the rules?" T.o.p was eager to let the game begin. "Rules?" Seungri looked down thinking up some. "Yeah, every game has there rules." Youngbae nodded in agreement. Seungri chuckled silently to his self smiling evilly.

"What evil plan are you making this time?" Youngbae knew that Seungri was known for being evil towards others. "Jiyong hyung, since you're a player I want you to date a girl I pick for 90 days which is equivalent to 3 months." Jiyong shrugged his shoulders.

"No big deal, I can still play with other girls while I'm dating someone." Seungri shook his head laughing. "The thing is...if the girl you're dating catches you, she'll automatically break up with you. Which mean you lose." Jiyong groaned, but, accepted the challenge.

"If I win, you'll admit you're a fail and kneel down to me." Seungri went into deep thought about this. "Seungri'ah you got nothing to lose...except your pride." With that Jiyong went into hysterics.


"Deal." Seungri shouted. "We are the witnesses." Youngbae said pointing to T.o.p and Daesung. "If you back out you lose automatically." T.o.p started stating all the ways you could automatically lose. "Good luck." Daesung patted Jiyongs shoulder and gave a cheesy smile.


"Let the game begin."


Author's Note: Thanks for all those reading :]

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nice story (y)
TikTok09 #2
Chapter 3: interesting...
mayonizee #3
hehehehe... :D new subbie here #bow. .

they were easy going neh..? just once meet each other and can behave like they known for long time.. kekeke~

please update soon.. ^^
UPDATEEEE~ XDD I thought Yoona was like an ex girlfriend of Jiyong who got hurt by him badly and she wants to get revenge LOL
21_blackjack_21 #5
I love this fic pretty please with whip cream and a cherry on top update soon please! XD no rush but please try to update! THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU for this interesting story!
gubuchanchan #6
lol cute chapter.
And for jiyong, losing to a girl haha (okay, I didn't mean it in a ist way)
At least The kwon parents seem nice :)
Please update soon!
cute! i think Jiyong's dad likes Dara.. :P
gubuchanchan #8
Oohhh..... so they're both playing each other, eh? Good. So then, I won't ever read chapters whilst sympathising on a protagonist over the other.
But still, the story sounds interesting!
Please update soon!
update.. ^0^