I'm Getting... MARRIED!?!?!?!

Why Did I Have To Fall In Love With You

Aigo, I really can't stand my life anymore. My whole life I've been controlled by my EVIL FATHER. Ever since my mom died, hes been treating me like a slave. He forces me to do all sorts of labor and when i make the tiniest mistake, he beats the crap out if me. When hes not working me to death, he locks me in my room completely isolated form the world. I guess your wondering "if he treats you so bad, why don't you just run away?" well I've tried but he always finds me then then hits me even harder but this time he has gone to far.

~Earlier that morning~

I'm laying in bed dreaming of a life outside my "jail cell" when a sharp pain suddenly wakes me up and guess what that was...Yes it was my eVil FaThEr hitting me again.

"Wake up. We're going somewhere" he said without even looking at me.

I didn't want to get hit again so i just went along with it. He grabbed a hold of my arm and dragged me into the car still wearing my pj's then drove off. We kept driving until we reached a church. Thats when i start to get worried.

"Get out" he said softly


"I SAID GET OUT" he yelled without any hesitation.

I get out of the car and here the car door lock behind me. The next thing I know, there is a group of men in black suites surrounding me wile my so called dad drives away leaving me behind.


The men just stood there doing nothing as if they didn't hear me.

"Are you Soo Young?" a voice out of nowhere asked.

"Yah. Who wants to know?

A nicely dressed guy that look around my age appeared form the group of men. I have to admit, he looked HOT. He smirked at me then said

"Your husband. Thats who"





To be continued...


So what did you guys think of the first chapter? Boring hu? If so Please forgive me. Its my first time writing a fanfic. I hope you enjoyed and i promise to do better in the next chapter :) fell free to comment

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PrincessP #1
great story!
Aoi-chan98 #2
U P D A T E ! !
AsianPopLover #3
it was
AsianPopLover #4
sorry if it made you felt akward my sis told me to add details
AsianPopLover #5
Thank You :D that really means alot to me
AsianPopLover #6
Yah he is