Chapter 1

Mint hair and cherry blossoms

A/N: Ohaithar >.< c'est moi, making a new prompt story, this one about cherry blossoms :D and of course, I has lots of TabiSan goodness ^u^ Enjoy~!

"Chaerin...turn a tad to the right and...perfect!"

The new photographer had taken about a million photos today, and everyone was exausted from it. But it's not like we could blame him. It was a beautiful spring day, at the most amazing landscape possible. The cherry blossoms around us were in full bloom, and their petals danced around us amazingly. Our dresses were all a perfect pastel pink, which blended perfectly with the tones of flowers and petals around us. It was a stupendous sight, especially with a girl as pretty as Chaerin doing her single shots.

"Next up is...Sandara," The photographer calls. "But first, lunch break."

"Okay!" I yell back, running toward the snack bar. It had been beckoning me all day, not because of the sweets, but because of the beautiful BigBang boys lounging around the set. "J-Jiyong~!" I call out,running closer to him. He turns to face me with the most angellic face and I can't help but to blush.

"You guys all look really good.." I think aloud. Their white-and pink suits went perfectly with the shoot, especially tops. His electrifying mint hair was a bright contrast to the soft colors surrounding him. But of course, I'd be lying if I said jiyong wasn't my main focus today.

"Heh, you don't look so bad yourself," He smiles, hand extending to play with the bow around my waist. "Cute as always."

From the corner of my eye I see Daesung and Seungri roll their eyes, but I choose to ignore it.

"Hey Ji!" The familiar voice of Chaerin cooed, running pastme and entangling her hands around his waist. "Ji~ I want to go out to lunch today.."

Call me insane, but I was sure he glanced over to me before turning back to her. "Yeah, let's all go! It'll be fun, okay?"

Chaerin turns in the opposite direction. "Bom! Minzy! Go grab the car, okay?" She gives an award-winning smile to jiyong before dragging him behind her. Trailing behind the two of them are Youngbae, Daesung, Seungri, and lastly Top, who turns to me before coming to a halt.

"Dara, are you coming with?" I frown at the idea of Chaerin and Jiyong latching onto each other the entire outing and viciously shake my head.

"Um, I would..but I'm not really one for crowds..." I awkwardly brush a strand of hair out of my face. "Maybe next time."

Seunghyun laughs. "If you don't like crowds, then you must hate this job." I'm about to object when he cuts in. " I get it, don't worry. You could say I was a little uncomfortable watching GD and CL too."

I lay on the cherry blossom-covered ground and let out a sigh. "Cl-roo has great intentions, but she's just posessive by nature, I guess."

He quickly accompanies me on the ground, grabbing two blueberry muffins and handing one to me. "Let's have our own feast," he smiles at me, biting into his muffin.


20 minutes later, Seunghyun and I have had our fair share of food and are just thoroughly relaxed, enjoying the presence of one another.

"Dara, don't worry about Chaerin," Top says out of the blue. "The only person Jiyong likes is you."

I frown. "I don't even care anymore..I mean, I've liked him for years and he's never noticed me. Maybe It's t a good time to just move on, y'know?" I add in my head that there are a few more beautiful popstars I know that I'd love to go out with.

Seunghyun bites into a strawberry and looks at me, concerned. 'I've been the same way with this girl, so I know what you mean. But I also know I can't give up on her, no matter what happens."

"A guy as rich and famous as you is sure to win any girl over."

He smirks sarcastically. "Don't give me hope like that, Sandara."

I  pull myself up from the cherry blossoms to look at him. "Its true, top! Just go talk to her, tell her the things you like about her with that evil-looking smile of yours and you'll win her over for sure!"

"Then.." I laughed as I saw him practice his evil grin. "Sandara Park, you're the most beautiful, nice, crazy person around here...go out with me?"

"Well...Seunghyun...." I twiddle my thumbs, taken aback by the suddenness of his words. "I..."

He places his hand on mine and I instantly feel warmer. "I told you already I'd never give up on somone as good as you." He comes closer, as if about to kiss me, but soon comes to a stop.  "But I promised I would never try to force myself on you."

And at that moment I, Sandara Park, did something I never could have imagined doing the day before.

I gave up on Jiyong. I started seeing Top for the amazing person he is.

And, by moving my face slightly forward, bu barely brushing my lips against his, I sealed my fate.

Maybe It was the cherry blossoms beauty that I realised the beauty of someone else. Maybe it was because things like mint hair and cherry blossoms go well together. Or maybe I just suddenly knew how genuine Choi Seunghyun was.


"Woah, What is this?" Daesung interrupts, his grin widening from ear to ear. As I look up, I  realise that the others have returned as well.

I instinctively pull away from top. "I...uh...we were just..."

Top wraps his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer. "How long have you all been back?"

Bom smiles and points to the cameraman. "Since he started shooting again."

Nervously, I stood up to greet the photographer. "I-I'm sorry, sir! Should I go get ready?"

The man smiled at me, his old, rugged face becoming bright. "It's alright, Sandara, I've got enough of them. The best pictures are the ones that aren't posed."

I see seungri behing him looking at the pictures and I feel my face turning red. Was he here this whole time?

I guess cherry blossoms and mint hair really do go together.




A/N Hoped you guys liked this story! Be sure to comment and subscribe, my new story will be out tomorrow, with the theme being "little mermaid" :DDDDD Eeep! I'm excited! ^-^ ~Rori

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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 1: Top+Dara = Visual explosion ❤️❤️❤️
msdeathstalker #2
Chapter 1: cool story! tabi my loves kekeke
Chapter 1: Love it! Ke ke ke.

Dara unnie, why not marry Tabi for real as in real life? Aiigoo. They will definitely make a good pair. Aishhh. I'll wait for that time or I'll steal him from you. Ke ke ke. Just kiddin'

Authornim fighting! Keep on making Wonderful Stories! :D
wow... so much love... i'm smitten... love the tabisan pairing forever....nice fic by the way
ohemgee please authornim you gotta update more and soon (demanding much????) daisuke!!!!! tabisan is sooo kawaii i gotta have more ...We gotta have more
mint hair is looooove~ :D
Perfect! :3
i love this!

kyaaaaaaaaaaa >.<
love this,,,very cute and hair is Choi Seunghyun!!! :)