Love Arrows

Stupid Cupid

~Stupid Cupid~
-One Shot-

            Yesung shuddered as he tried to calm his beating heart. Kyuhyun had gotten only a few centimeters away from his mouth, and Yesung had almost fainted. Yesung felt like his heart was going to jump out of his chest and tap dance around him before jumping back into his body. But again, Yesung couldn’t do anything. Kyuhyun was after all someone that Yesung didn’t see himself being with…because Kyuhyun was Kyuhyun. And Yesung was Yesung. Kyuhyun was someone that would want someone more feminine, hell Yesung didn’t even know if Kyuhyun swung both ways or just for the other team.
            Yesung peeked around the corner and sighed with relief. No one had followed him. Yesung sunk down to the floor, and buried his head in his arms on his knees. Yesung wished that Cupid would stop picking on him. Yesung had become a love struck fool. When the youngest whined about having to do a chore, Yesung would get up and do the chore for the maknae. Yesung was sure if he was still in school, he would be carrying Kyuhyun’s book. He was just that love struck.
            Groaning, Yesung buried his head deeper into his arms. It wasn’t even fine! Yesung could always feel his jealousy eating at him, when Kyuhyun would do fanservice with Sungmin. Yesung could remember when Kyuhyun had almost kissed Sungmin on the lips, before Yesung bumped Sungmin and Kyuhyun kissed the pink obsessed bunny’s cheek. Yesung snarled in his throat, and then groaned once more.
            Yesung curled more into himself and whined like a dog. It just wasn’t fair that Cupid had hit him with a freaking love arrow. If Yesung could, he would clip Cupid’s wings and frame them on his wall. Though, Yesung’s heart beat a little faster when he remembered the name the fans called when Kyuhyun had latched himself on Yesung. Kyusung is what they were called. Yesung grinned to himself.
            “You know if you continue making those noises, they are going to think that you are pleasuring yourself,” a deep bass voice filled Yesung’s ears. He knew that voice. There was only one voice that could make his body heat up, and his heart go from a stead beat to a beat so fast that Yesung though his heart was a hummingbird’s. Yesung slowly turned his head, almost like he was scared to even meet Kyuhyun’s eyes. Looking at the evil maknae, Yesung felt another Cupid’s arrow pierce his heart.
            “Oh go away, Kyu. I rather be by myself right now,” Yesung snapped, though he was screaming at himself in his mind for snapping at his Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun just cocked an eyebrow and slid down the wall beside Yesung and slung his arm around Yesung’s shoulders. Yesung stiffened but relaxed snuggling into Kyuhyun’s warmth. Yesung had always wondered how the maknae was able to stay so warm all the time. Yesung, himself, was like a freezer by nature. Kyuhyun just chuckled at Yesung; Yesung frowned and poked the younger in the side.
            “No laughing at me, space heater,” Yesung teased lightly; Kyuhyun’s light chuckle played in the air. Yesung never got tired of Kyuhyun’s laugh. Snuggling closer, Yesung laid his head on Kyuhyun’s shoulder. Yesung was pretty sure that Kyuhyun could hear his heart beating at a thousand miles per second, but it didn’t matter. All that mattered was the Kyuhyun was beside him. Yesung shouldn’t clip Cupid’s wings…maybe…just maybe Cupid did the right things. Kyuhyun started to hum an unknown melody, and Yesung sighed, a small gracing his face. Yesung continued to listen, not even knowing that his body was slowly turning off. Kyuhyun chuckled once more when he felt Yesung’s even breathing.
            Kyuhyun Yesung’s raven black hair and smiled at the sleeping elder. Kyuhyun’s heart skipped a beat when Yesung snuggled closer in his sleep and breathed out a whispering ‘Kyuhyun’.
            “Cupid must really hate me…because I have been shot so many times with that stupid love arrow…,” Kyuhyun muttered glancing down at his Yesung. Kyuhyun knew that Cupid’s arrow had pierced his heart. Picking Yesung up in his arms, Kyuhyun leaned closer to the petite singer and nuzzled the raven colored hair. Opening Yesung’s bedroom door, Kyuhyun skillfully placed the singer in his bed, after of course, untangling Yesung’s hands from his shirt. Kyuhyun sighed and stared at the smaller male.
            “Maybe the stupid cupid isn’t so stupid after all…,” Kyuhyun whispered as he walked out of the room and gently closed the door behind him. Yesung smiled in his sleep and hugged the pillow he was given, from Kyuhyun of course, closer to his chest. Cupid would be proud…

HAPPY KYUSUNG DAY!!! *leaps with joy* THIS IS MY FIRST KYUSUNG DAY!!! *dances around room* AND IT WILL NOT BE MY LAST!!!! *giggles and hugs a pillow*

Sorry for the short one-shot. I just had to write something for Kyusung day!


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393 streak #1
Chapter 1: cuteeeeee >___<

fatimakys #2
so cute . i love this kind of stories
Chapter 1: Omg omg omg KyuSung in Sujuverse is everything <3
Chapter 1: This was so cute! I only wish that it was longer.
The poster is very cute as well. ^^
KcuLL22 #5
Chapter 1: them boys are so adorable I'll faint
Chapter 1: Nawwww it's so adowable!!! *fawns*
Omg so fluffy and cute and swet!!!!<3<3
lahdeedah000 #8
Ahhh so sweet and fluffy, just like cotton candy!! :D