Not good enough



No one ask, why he has a stage name.
No one thinks, that there are two people.
Eunhyuk. HyukJae.
Wouldn't you change, if you're him ? Don't fool yourself, you would build a protective shell around you, a wall through which you yourselves won't come through at some point. You would isolate yourself from the real life. You'd live only in your kingdom, for your role. 
No one should say singers are terrible actors, because they play the important role of their life. Themselves, or what some people want them to be. 


This story isn't my story. 

I'm just the translator ! :D 

I really love this story, so I asked the author If I can translate this story from german to english.

So, thank you very much Anna-Lena aka KeksFreak :) 

~~~ (The german story) (her account) 


hope you'll like it ! :)

Enjoy it. 


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Alice-sagt-Waaahhh #1
This is awesome!! Can you translate more stories from her? ^.^
okay ich könnt sie auch auf deutsch lesen, aber irgendwie is alles auf english besser :D

Mir gefallen die Dialoge wo man am Anfang nicht genau weiß wer redet! Frag sie doch mal ob sie da nicht weiterschreiben oder noch so etwas in dem Stil machen mag :)
PinkSilver #2
OMG... Its so greatt...
Please make a sequel... I really wanted to know how hyukkie will adjust living as 'hyukjae'...
I love it :))))
Woah, that was awesome...
nabzxs #4
Really good. Compliments to both the author and you!
Love the ending as well! They will finally meet the hidden hyukkie. :)
I think alot of people in life are behaving this way, consciously or sub-consciously. We tend to strive to be what other people want us to be, to be good enough and in the end, we'll lose bit by bit of our own self in the long run. Really unfortunate, actually. :/
AJ_hyukkie #5
I somehow love both..the out-going Eunhyuk, and the preserved Lee Hyukjae :)
Great fic..its kinda true in real life, right??
sujushineeb2st #6
it sounds really good
Update soon plz!
it seems interesting.
update soon :)
It seems good.
Now update!