My Pink Mini-Dress


I know it's been months and months since I've updated, but this chapter is slightly longer (think of it as compensation? ^-^) so hopefully this will tide you over until the next chap.


The door swung open and before Victoria knew it she was being dragged and hugged into the foyer.

“Unni! What happened to you?!”

Cherleen was in the midst of a 360, top to bottom, surveillance view of Victoria’s wind-blown, wet, and dirty state. Victoria gave Cherleen a greeting hug while heaving a sigh.

“Let’s just say I haven’t had the best of days today.”

Unfazed, Cherleen smiled up at her then took Victoria’s hand in a tight squeeze. “It’s OK, Unni. I have everything prepared for you. Let’s take off those boots and socks. Just follow me.”

Victoria tilted her head in a curious smile but obeyed, taking off her dirty boots, wet socks, and slipping into soft cushioned slippers the Ahjumma laid before her. She took Cherleen’s outstretched hand and followed her up the long winding opaque marble stairs to the second floor of the mansion. It didn’t matter how many times she visited the estate, she always felt a sense of awe at the lush and grand surroundings. Walking toward the end of the West wing, Cherleen stopped at the last door and pulled Victoria into her chambers. As always, the sight of the all-pink decor brought a smile to Victoria’s face.

“Haven’t decided to redecorate huh?” Victoria nudged Cherleen playfully.

Frowning up at Victoria, Cherleen dropped her hand from Victoria’s hold in indignation. “Unni, stop making fun of me. There’s nothing wrong with pink.”

Victoria laughed and squeezed Cherleen’s shoulders. “As long as you don’t make me wear pink, and have me decorate my room with pink teddy bears, pink walls, pink rugs, pink bed sheets, and…is that a new pink chaise?” Victoria walked over to the large, freesia-pink oval structure and twirled it around. Despite the bright pink color, it had a great design. She slipped into its egg-shaped cushions, firm yet soft, and instinctively tucked her feet up close to her chest.

“It’s really comfy.”

Cherleen smiled proudly and huddled up next to Victoria in the large chaise. “It’s large enough to hide two people.”

“And who are you trying to hide from?”

Cherleen pouted as Victoria poked her cheek teasingly. “You sure don’t seem like you’re having a bad day. Enough with the chit chat. Let’s get you dressed.”

Victoria smiled as Cherleen pulled her to the expansive walk-in closet the size of her apartment and waited patiently as Cherleen hurried from one end of the closet to another. Finally stopping in front of her, Cherleen held up an expensive looking leather hanger bag. ping it, Cherleen revealed a gorgeous pink-grey mini-dress.

“For you, Unni. I had it specially made. The bodice is fitted to your measurements. Do you like it?”

Victoria the soft freesia sash at the waistline that contrasted perfectly with the softer greyish pink of the strapless dress and looked back at Cherleen questioningly.

“It’s beautiful and of course I like it, but for a family dinner?”

Waving a hand dismissively, Cherleen took the dress off the hanger, and pushed it against Victoria’s chest. She then opened a box to reveal heels with matching sash straps interlaced artfully with shades of grey and pink.

“Now hurry and get dressed. The other guests are probably already here. Do you want to shower?”

“Other guests? No, I’m fine.” Victoria bit her lip in anxiousness. She wasn’t expecting anyone else except the usual members of the Kim family. And she most definitely wasn’t up to being sociable and charming after the day she had.

“Oh, just some friends Mommy and Daddy invited over. Don’t worry, you’ll be preoccupied. Now go!”

Before Victoria could muster a word to ask what Cherleen meant by her being preoccupied, she was pushed toward the master bathroom, with the door unceremoniously closed in her face. Taking a deep breath, Victoria resigned herself to undressing and looking presentable. Other than her feet feeling slightly wet and dirty, she was pretty clean. Grabbing a towel, she efficiently wiped down her feet, hesitating slightly only when she reached the scars along her right leg. Mrs. Kim had claimed that this scar was a mark of heroism and heart, that she should wear it proudly. But only she knew how much she’s lost for this badge of honor.

Shaking her head slightly to dissipate any negative thoughts, Victoria stood back up and started slipping into the dress. The mini-dress was lined with the finest silk on the inside, smooth and seductive, sliding perfectly into place like a well-fit glove. Victoria walked toward the large bathroom mirrors and looked at herself in the mirror. She’s never worn such an expensive-looking dress and could hardly recognize herself. The cut was stylish and modernly provocative, while the color added touches of femininity and elegance. The only problem was the lower cut of the bodice. Uncomfortable with the exposure of her chest, Victoria pulled her long black hair forward and arranged it to cover her upper bosom. Feeling as settled as she could be with her appearance, Victoria opened the bathroom door.

Not seeing Cherleen in sight, or hearing her usual clamor, Victoria figured she had been left alone to attend to her attire. Walking back to the closet, Victoria picked up the heels and put them on. She stepped to the full-body mirror and examined the unfamiliar image before her. She looked like a second-generation chaebol, who could afford thousands in luxury items, went to the salon daily, and sipped on coffee made from beans from Jamaica. It was only when she peered at her face, did it feel like she was looking at herself. She was nervous. Her lips were red from nervous biting; her brows were slightly furrowed in a worried line. Reluctant to let anything intimidate her, Victoria straightened her shoulders and gave herself a reassuring nod.

“Nothing to be nervous about. Just a dinner.”

Victoria turned around, only to be stopped short upon seeing a pair of eyes peering inquisitively at her from within the folds of the new egg-shaped pink chaise. She didn’t know how long the man had been sitting there, but he looked as if that chaise was made for him. Smiling, the man stood up and walked toward her. With a sparkling grin that made his eyes shine, the man stretched his hand out in greeting.

“Hi. You must be Cherleen’s friend. I’m Nichkhun, the little imp’s older brother.”

Victoria shook his hand hesitantly, unnerved that she hadn’t known he was in the room, and even more so now that she recognized his voice as the man she encountered just outside.

“Hello…I’m Victoria.”

“Victoria…pretty name.” He said her name languidly, as if getting used to the sound of it on his lips. By this point, her hands had started to sweat. Though he was sure to meet her eyes and resisted looking anywhere else, Victoria felt very conscious of her unusually exposed skin.

“I’m sorry about earlier. I didn’t expect a lone biker to come careening down the garden path so I wasn’t paying attention.”

In her nervousness, Victoria jumped to answer apologetically, but regretted it instantly as soon as the words left . “No, it was my fault. I was going too fast.” It's not like he wasn't to blame too.

As if he knew what she was thinking, Nichkhun chuckled. “Well, let’s just say we’re both at fault.”

Victoria smiled faintly in response. Cherleen’s brother was everything like she described. She had thought the girl was simply in too much adoration of her “Oppa.” He was tall and toned, possessed eyes that could melt glaciers, and a smile that could light up a room. His hair was light brown-black, cut fashionably and looked smooth to the touch. He was wearing casual slacks and a long-sleeve shirt, buttons ed to give a glimpse of his toned chest. Everything about him looked perfect. In fact, he looked too perfect to be real.

He hadn’t moved his gaze away from her eyes, making her even more nervous. Looking away, Victoria fidgeted with the hem of her dress, tugging at it to cover as much skin as possible. A hand grabbed her wrist, surprising her to look down at it.

“Don’t need to cover anything up. The dress is perfect the way it is. You look absolutely ravishing in it. If there is such a thing as a “my pink mini-dress” than this is it.” He dropped her hand and grinned at her. If Victoria didn’t know any better, he was flirting with her. Feeling flushed, Victoria took a step back and cleared .

“I think we better get downstairs. They must all be waiting for us.” With that, Victoria turned swiftly around and walked out the door. She knew she looked like she was running for life, but nothing could get her out of there faster.

Nichkhun smiled as he watched her long legs stride quickly on the plush rug, as if she couldn’t get away from him fast enough. He’s met all kinds of women, but she was different. There was something about her that pulled him – besides the fact that she was probably the most beautiful girl he’s met. He found her mysterious, aloof, and bewitching. Nichkhun wasn’t one to believe in love at first sight, but the moment he saw her staring at herself in the mirror, he felt his heart skip a beat. He wasn’t ready for a romantic relationship. But it looks like Cupid wasn’t about to negotiate.

Shaking his head at himself for thinking too much, Nichkhun walked out of Cherleen’s chambers and toward the awaiting dinner party below. His homecoming just got interesting.

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keke Khun is so sweet. Khuntoria <3
yuiko_rj96 #2
OOOOOhhhhhhhhhhhhhEEEEEEEEEEEmmmmmmmmmmGGGGGGeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!<br />
i love it! i super duper love it! KhunToria rockz!<br />
kyaaaaaaaa!~~~ and the way you wrote it was jjang as well~ you're amazing! can't wait for another update! so update sooon kay???? <br />
leialeigh #3
wow, hmmn can imagine the the dress and nichkhun's way of watching her heheheheh love love it, and victoria's retreat hahaha cute just cute
leialeigh #4
hehehe i think who he is hope you can update nice story ^^<br />
yuiko_rj96 #5
yuiko_rj96 #6
yo! update!