Chapter 2:

The Case


Chapter 2:


Graduation Day. 2 days after the murder of Kwon Boa. Yuuki has been miserable. Every time she needed help with something, she ends up crying. She wanted her best friend to be there.


“Boa, why did this have to happen to you? I should’ve stayed with you. Then this will never have happen to you. If only I was here when you needed me. But this is what I promise, I will find the bastard who did this you; I will make them pay.” Yuuki said this throughout the day before.


Kangta was quiet throughout the day. Pretty unusual. Yuuki thinks he had no more tears to shed. Or he was trying hard to stay strong.


Now today, it was the day they’ve been waiting for. At least were waiting for. Now both of them didn’t even seem excited.


During the ceremony, Yuuki wasn’t even paying attention. She kept thinking about the job.


Kangta did okay with his speech for being valedictorian. But everyone noticed his sad expression when he mentioned Boa at the end.


After everyone got their diplomas, like a usual college graduation, they throw their caps in the air. Everyone except the 2 friends.


“Hey you two. Congratulations!” Eunhyuk said as he stood in front of them. He congratulated Kangta like they’ve known each other for years.


“I Accept!” Yuuki stood up and faced the four guys.


“The job? Really?” Kyuhyun smiled. “That’s great!”


“Let’s go to the station now. I want to get started right away.” Yuuki was anxious. Not because she wanted to get back to work. She just wanted to start on Boa’s case right away.


“Can I come too. I have to talk to someone.” Kangta popped up from his seat.


“Sure but Yuuki-ssi, do you need to change?” Seunghyun said.


“Yeah. I have to go home first. Kangta you should come too.” Yuuki suggested.


“Alright…” he replied.


“You guys can go to the office. We’ll meet you there.” She got up and gathered her stuff.


“Kyuhyun come with us! I’m too tired to drive.” Yuuki knows as an agent, never drive when not fully awake or sober.


“Ne…” The 3 of them went to Yuuki’s car with Kyuhyun in the driver seat, Kangta next to him and Yuuki at the back seat.


When they arrived, Yuuki and Kangta went to their respective rooms and changed while Kyuhyun waited in the living room.


After 10 minutes, they left the house and drove to the agency.


It was really quiet in the car. The only noise heard were the things happening outside the car.


The awkward atmosphere ended when they finally got to their destination.


As they went up to their department, the people they pass just smiled to them.


“Welcome Back!!!” balloons and confetti were everywhere as the elevator door opened to the Investigation Unit Floor.


“uhhh…. Thank you; I guess.” Yuuki couldn’t say what she really wanted to say.


Everyone still clapped.


“Okay. That’s enough. Everyone back to your jobs!” a guy about in his 3os instructed.


“Come on Leeteuk! We know you the boss but don’t be a party popper!” a short-pretty girl whined.


“Yeah! What Taeyeon said!” a guy that has the same features as a dino agreed.


“Be quiet Jonghyun!” Leeteuk silenced him.


“Now do as I say! And you, Kim Yuuki, meet me in my office.” Leeteuk walked away from the crowd of people and walked to his office.


“Taeyeon, can you my friend, Kangta to where he’s going?” Yuuki asked.


Kim Taeyeon. Another detective in the unit but in the Beta Team. Yuuki is in the Alpha. She’s really short for her age but she’s really sweet and nice. She’s also the only girl detective aside from Yuuki.


“Sure. Now go before old boss Park gets impatient.” Taeyeon joked.


Yuuki made her way to Leeteuk’s office.


Park Jungsoo. But mostly known as Leeteuk. He’s the Senior Superintendant in the agency. He’s in his late 20s; oldest one in the investigation unit. All the agents really respect him because of his leadership skills.


“I hereby welcome you back to the agency Yuuki!” Leeteuk said as the doors to his office closed.


“Thank you.”


“As the Senior Superintendant, I allow you to resume your post as the Senior Inspector in the Investigation Unit and the team leader for the Alpha Detectives.” He reached out his hand.


Yuuki shook it. “Thank you.”


“ I hope you can adjust well again. We don’t have a lot of cases now but I’m sure we’ll find something for you to work on.” Leeteuk sat down behind his desk.


“If I can, I’d like to be put back to ‘The Case’” Yuuki requested.


“Are you sure? We already have---”


“I’m sure. Please Jungsoo oppa.” Yuuki is one of the few people Leeteuk let him call that.


“Okay. Since you’re our best.” Leeteuk smiled.


“Thank you. So how’s it been going here?”


“The usual. Some cases are harder than others but all were solved. The new addition, TOP, mostly sol—”


“TOP? Who’s that?” Yuuki interrupted.


“The new addition to your team. You haven’t met him?” Leeteuk asked.


“You mean that Seunghyun guy?”


“Yeah. His alias is TOP.” Leeteuk cracked a smile.


“That’s so….. stupid.” Yuuki started laughing.


“But he’s the best in the field. Next to Yunho of course. He has skills like Jae…..” Leeteuk stopped.


“…….. is that right? Well, let’s just see.” Yuuki murmured.


“Be nice to him.” Leeteuk ordered.


“Fine. Fine.” Yuuki gave up.


“Now, resume to your job. Here are your weapons.” He handed Yuuki her old gun, baton, taser, and pepper spray.


She put everything in her belt and stood up.


“Dismissed.” They salute and Yuuki left the room.


She went to the detectives lounge.


“Welcome back Yuuki~” A Thai good looking guy gave her a hug.

“Thanks Khun.”


Nichkhun Horvejkul. A Thai detective in the Beta team.


“Khun. Are you already hitting on Yuuki, her face day back?!” a handsome muscle man joked.


“Taec~” Eunhyuk said.


Ok Taecyeon. A detective in the Beta team that has obvious muscles.


“I’m just joking.” He defended.


“Which is half the reason why you’re still in the Beta team.” Yuuki sounded harsh but it was true.


“Harsher than usual huh Yuuki?!”


“What case are you guys working on?” Yuuki ignored him.


“Right now. None. The Alpha Team has one though.” Doojoon said.


“The Kwon-Boa Case” Kyuhyun explained.


“Don’t worry Yuuki. We’ll catch the bastard that killed your friend.” Eunhyuk smiled.


“I assume your back as the team leader for Alpha?!” Jonghyun asked.




“Finally we have a leader again!!!” Kyuhyun exclaimed.


“Wait! What do you mean?” Yuuki asked.


“We didn’t have another leader after you left 3 years ago.” Eunhyuk explained.




“He didn’t want to replace you.” Kyuhyun smiled.


“He was sure that you were going to come back.” Eunhyuk flashed his gummy smile.


“Alright. Alright. That’s enough.” Yunho came in.


“So any special order leader?” he asked.


“Yes. Kyuhyun. Hyukjae. Keep working on Boa’s case. Oh, and you too TOP.” Yuuki instructed.


TOP who was sitting in the corner reviewing the files finally looked up.


“Yunho. You and I are going to work on ‘The Case’” this shocked everyone.


“We’re reopening that?!” Yunho exclaimed.


“Wasn’t that the reason why you wanted me to come back?”


“So you convinced Leeteuk hyung to give the case to us?” Kyuhyun asked.


“Weren’t we the once holding that case in the first place?!” Yuuki asked.


“After you left, the higher people took over. We’ve been begging hyung to give it back to us but he refused. I can’t believe he actually gave it back.” Eunhyuk explained.


“Why can’t I work with you guys?!” TOP finally spoke up.


“Because Jungsoo said that you’re one of the best. I’m sure you can solve Boa’s case fast right?! Or was he boosting too much of your capability?!” Yuuki retorted.


“Fine….” He murmured.


“By the way, where’s Taeyeon?” Yuuki asked the Beta Team.


“Right here!” Taeyeon came in with Kangta.


“So, were did you go?” she asked Kangta.


“Met up with your 3 daddies.” He replied.


“3 daddies? You’re talking about LSM, Yang HyunSuk and Park JinYoung sunbaenims? For what?!” Yuuki asked shockingly.


“I want to become an agent! My training starts tomorrow.” He answered calmly.


“WHAT?!” Yuuki yelled.




Uhhh… Sorry for not updating for so long :((

I really don’t have any legit reasons. Just laziness.

Sorry again. And I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Yay! Yuuki is back on the team~

And why does Kangta want to become an agent?!

Find out everything on the next chapter ^^

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vvvvvip #1
Chapter 3: Wow !!!
This is amazing!! Good job!
I even can't make as good as your story...
chudo-Ned- #2
wow i can't wait for you to update ^^