
B1A4! Am I Your Target?

You talking is this colour.

Jinyoung talking is this colour.

CNU talking is this colour.

Sandeul talking is this colour.

Baro talking is this colour.

Gongchan talking is this colour.


O.K - B1A4 


Jinyoung's P.O.V

Woah! The smoke is everywhere. I was flopping my hand to help the smoke go away.

Once I finished flopping my hand, I saw a beautiful girl walked in after the smoke cleared. 

Did I mention that I sit right infront of the doorway?

*Rubs eye* I can believe it. Did I make the girl appear? Or is she the new student?

"Annyeonghasayo. Park ~~~~~ inmida. I'm a new student sorry for being late." The new girl introduced herself.

I knew it! I couldn't just make a girl appear out of no where. She's a new student but oh well, she still pretty.

I shrugged the thought off.

"Ah, annyeonghasayo ~~~~~. It's okay, you're probably late because you were trying to find the science lab right?" Mr. Lee asked.

"Ne." ~~~~~ said looking down embarrassed.

"Well lets introduce everyone to you starting with Mr. Jung."  Mr. Lee told me.

"N-ne. Annyeonghasayo Jung Jinyoung inmida. You can just call me Jinyoung."

Oh my gosh. I messed up so badly.

After everyone introduced themself the bell rang. The signal for break time.

I was just about to go out of the classroom when Mr. Lee called me.

Was it because I did a bad job doing the smoke project thingy? 

I slowly walked up to him and when I lifted my head up, I saw ~~~~~ there with Mr. Lee.

"Mr. Jung, can you please show ~~~~~ around the school?" Mr. Lee asked me.

"Ne, I will."

Yes! I finally get to know ~~~~~ better.

I did a little 'yes' movement and Mr. Lee noticed it.

"Is anything the matter Mr. Jung?" Mr. Lee asked to make sure I wasn't gonna back down.

"Ani, i'm fine."

"Okay you two get going" 

"Ne." We both said at the same time.

I started walking and ~~~~~ followed me. 

I open the door to go outside and let ~~~~~ go out first. "Ladies first." I reminded her.

She walked out and I went out after her. I noticed that the rest of B1A4 was waiting for me, but when they saw ~~~~~ they had their mouths wide open and stared at me in shock.

I didn't say anything and just walked with ~~~~~. I noticed people were staring at ~~~~~ and I. They weren't jealous. It was just that I only talk to my B1A4 friends and no one else.

It was getting kinda arkward so I decided to start a conversation.


Your P.O.V (Park ~~~~~ P.O.V)

"So how do you like it here ~~~~~ -sshi?" Jinyoung asked me.

"It's pretty good here. Everyone in this school (WM-COED-HIGH) is really friendly and nice."

"What's your favourite thing to do?"

"Oh I like reading fanfics from asianfanfics."

"Oh really? I do too." (A/N: Fact not real. I don't know if Jinyoung reads fanfics)

"Really? That's cool."



"So..." I started the conversation up again. "Who were those people staring at us when we walked out of the classroom?"

He chuckled abit. "Oh, those people were my friends."

"Ohh that maybe why they were staring at us."

He just nodded.


Jinyoung's P.O.V

We passed a few classrooms and I told ~~~~~ what they did in there. 

We reached the cafeteria and I told ~~~~~ that she could buy snacks there.

~~~~~ just nodded in response.

She told me she needed to go to the washroom so I told her the directions.


B1A4's P.O.V ( Excluding Jinyoung )

"Hehehe hyung doesn't know that we're following him." Gongchan giggled while watching Jinyoung.

"Lets go up to him guys." (A/N: Sandeul's talking)


Jinyoung's P.O.V

I saw the guys coming towards me. 

How did they know that I was here? Were they stal-

"Hey hyung, we stalked you and that girl you were with." Baro came and said with no and i mean NO emotion.

I knew it! I knew it! They were stalking me.

I am finally right today. But I had one question to ask them.

"Why did you guys stalk me?"



There you go! 2nd chapter for you guys. Thanks for supporting me and this fanfic.

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I know I haven't updated for along time but i'm letting you know that i will probably have a chapter for sunday or monday. No promises though.


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serendipitous #2
update soon
Wow you update *happy*
omoo update pwease!!! chu bana?
Update, update, update, update, and UPDATE! IT'S MY BIRTHDAY~! UPDATE FOR ME!
what did they did to you?
*holds your shoulders and shakes you violently*