StarWay Entertainment

LoVE Lasts

Korean  Japanese  French  English


The next day, we all headed to StarWay at 8 am. Once we entered, The whole staff bowed and me and Kazuhito. The two presidents and Andre led us to this fancy meeting room

Me and Kazuhito sat the front of the room along with Andre and the two Presidents were.

"We have actually thought of something different than the regular make new songs. You will be making covers of songs. It is all okay because we have bought the music" President Pierre said

"We have thought of our first song being a ballad, One Year Later to be exact and we will start promoting you in Korea first then work our way around the world from there" President Jacques said

"For Minji and Kazuhito's duo name, they will be called Two-Stars. Stars for StarWay and Two because they are a duo" Andre said.

"That is our only news for today so Minji, Kazuhito. Andre will lead you to your recording room and you will also work with choreography today" P. Pierre said and we went to the recording room

"I have to admit these rooms are amazing" I smiled

"hold on, they said choreography, It's a ballad, what choreography?" Kazu ani asked Andre

"This is your starting song. You have two other songs in your set. The next song, you will sing SHINee's Juliette and then Minji will sing TTS's Twinkle. So after you record all three songs, you will start choreography. You will get an hour break inbetween songs and dances so you can refresh yourselves" Andre said. After about 6 hours of recording, we went to the dance practice room

We then started choreograpy on different sides of the room. We both will make appearences in each other's songs but we would just dance. We finally finished at 11 p.m. and called it a day

"I guess we will be doing this everyday" I sighed and took a drink out of my water bottle

"everyday except Saturdays" he said

"it's gonna be a loooonnnggg time" I said

"I know right?" Kazu ani said and we went back to our hotels and crashed

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