When It Rains

When It Rains


"I'm cold." I whine for the fifth time tonight, rolling abruptly to face the figure sprawled restlessly on the bed across mine. The steady rhythm of the raindrops outside our window did little to help lull me to sleep, and judging by the way his body keeps shifting, my roommate was just as awake.
Round eyes peek at me from under the covers; I hear him heave a soft sigh as he sluggishly lifts himself to sit up. 

"Still can't sleep? Do you want my blanket?" He asks, tiredness apparent in his melodic, high-pitched voice.
Even with the darkness masking his features I could make out his tousled hair that he recently dyed red, those high, elegant cheekbones, thin lips that I sometimes find myself guiltily fantasizing about .....

I shudder, distracted by my own thoughts. He must have misinterpreted for not a second passed and he was by my bed, covering me with the blanket that was wrapped around him a minute ago. 

"Hyung, it's okay." I say as I warily shove the soft fabric back into his arms. I don't want you to be cold too.

"Are you sure?" He looks at me with a certain glint in eyes that I couldn't quite put a name to.

I smile. Because of the concern coating his voice. Because I love the way his eyes pierce right through my soul. Because he was standing before me and that, in itself, gave me more warmth than any blanket could. "Don't worry, I'll manage. But is it all right if we turn off the fan?"

He saunters away and I hear a click from one side of the room as the coldness subsides a little. Shortly afterwards a faint light illuminates the small space where he stands, and I see him smiling sweetly at me. 

"While we're at it, why don't I play you a song so you can sleep?" he says. 

I watch him as he makes his way to the keyboard he relentlessly insisted on putting in our room when we were moving in. I knew he was really good but didn't play often, only when we're not too tired from the day's activities or when we were allowed to take a break. Turns out, it wasn't as useless as I deemed it to be. 

I look at Ryeowook's back as a soothing melody fills the air. I almost instantaneously drown in my thoughts. I think of the day we first met when I was just starting out as a member. I think of how quickly we became good friends; how we started spending our free time together. I think of how his wonderful his voice sounds when he sings, when he talks, especially when he laughs. I think of the first time I gathered enough courage to hold his hand on stage. I wonder when I started harboring such confusing feelings. I think of all the people I've met and why, of all people, did it have to be him.

As the song comes to an end, I am forced to snap out of my reverie but not before I come to an epiphany.

You are, without doubt, the most beautiful person I've ever seen Kim Ryeowook. And you don't know how much I wish I can tell you this.

"How was it?" He asks, not bothering to look at me as he walked up to the light switch once more. "Kyu? Are you asleep now?"

I chuckle. "I loved it." I love you. And he snorts in response.

"Didn't serve its purpose though. You're wide awake."

"It's because I like watching you play .... " Surprised with my own words, I hastily roll over to escape the prying gaze that I know would be headed my way.


"Yep." I say as casually as possible, trying not to humiliate myself further. "And I promise not to bother you anymore. I'll try to sleep now. You go back to bed too."

The response that greeted me was silence that lasted a moment too long. For a while I wondered if he really did went ahead and slept. As I was about to check his bed I feel a comforting warmth and an extra weight on my bed.

My heart flutters.

Soon I feel soothing arms wrap themselves around me. "How is this?"

My heart skips a beat.

"Warm." I said, smiling, despite myself. "Much better."

"You know what, Kyu?" he whispers, and I can hear the smile in his voice.


"I've always wanted to do this......"

"..... And I've always wanted you to do this too." 

I close my eyes to listen to his laughter.

"It should rain more often then."

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Chapter 1: The rain...
*sigh* it's all too perfect XD
cuuuuuuuuuuuuteee ;u; <3
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! (I was seriously thinking I should stop reading fluff as my brain is turning into candy floss but some stories are too cute xD )
The ending is sooo cute! It was raining when I was reading this~ Now I can't stop thinking about it :) Kyuwook is soo adorable~
aww... sweet
fluffy.. hahahaha.. nice ending~! ♥
kyulovewook #8
this is so sweet....i'm glad it was raining because it got them getting what they wished for each other! The ending part was the best ^-^
petalcha #9
"It should rain more often then."

Rains aren't bad afterall. This is so sweet, and calming, and cute. Kyuwook's really adorable. ^-^