Paying A Visit On Set

Paying A Visit On Set


You were at home enjoying a cup of cappucino when you got a text from your boyfriend. “I’m on break now. Come visit me!” You immediately dropped whatever you were doing and replied “I’ll be right over, oppa! Wait for me!” So you made your way to the studio where Seungho was. On your way there, you stopped at a small street vender and bought him his favourite yogurt drink and strawberry milk for Lauren. Once you reached the studio, you greeted the staff politely and went to find Seungho. “Jagi-ah! Over here!” he called, as you saw him with Lauren. You smiled and walked over to your boyfriend and his “daughter” Lauren. Seungho took Lauren’s hand and made her wave. “Lauren, this is my girlfriend ____. Say hi!” She bowed slightly and said “Hello!” You smiled at Lauren. “Hello, and how are you?” Her face brightened as she quickly knew that you too could speak English. “I’m fine, thank you.” You and Lauren continued to have a conversation in English, but then you looked at Seungho, who was obviously overwhelmed by the language change. “Yah! Are you just gonna leave me standing here? You’re suppose to be spending time with me!” You laughed at his comment. “Oh, Seungho!” You kissed him and gave him his yogurt drink and Lauren’s strawberry milk. “Come on, let’s make your break worthwhile before you have to go back to filming.”


Lee Joon

Today, Lee Joon decided to make you tag along with him to filming. “____-ah, I’m so glad you are coming with me and watch me film with the kids. Haha!” he said, putting his arm around you. You quickly removed his arm and said “Well, you kinda dragged me here, so it looks like I have no other choice, but to come.” He laughed and said “Oh jagi, don’t worry. You won’t regret it. These kids are ANGELS!” You laughed and showed him aside. “Yeah, sure.” Right at that moment, you received a text from G.O. “I’m so glad you can come plan Joon’s birthday party with us. You didn’t give him any hints, did you?” (Haha! Of course not! Joon’s a babo! He wouldn’t even guess it right even if I dropped hints!) “Alright. One of us will text you again and that will be your cue to make up a lie to go out of the show for a while.” (Gotcha. See you then!) “Who texted you, jagi?” Joon asked. “Huh? Oh, that was just G.O. oppa telling us to hurry up and get to the studio.” You lied. Once you reached the studio, you watched as Joon struggled to keep the kids quiet. You were laughing so badly until you heard Leo cry. “Did you scold him again? Aish!” You mouthed to Joon off-camera. You couldn’t just stand there and wach, so you decided to make a special apperance on the show and help Joon and comfort Leo. “What are you doing? You’re inter—“ You cut him off by introducing yourself as Joon’s friend who specializes in Psychology. (You don’t want to say you’re his girlfriend because you don’t want to get any anti-fans). You went to Leo and hugged him. “Shh! Shh! Gwenchana. Joon appa can be scary sometimes, but that’s because he loves you so much. Don’t worry, noona’s here. You have to start listening to Joon appa. And you, Joon have to apologize to Leo for making him cry. No denying it!” Once they made up, you just got your text and you knew it was time for you to go. “Oppa, I have to go to the washroom. I’ll be right back. Don’t cause anymore trouble while I’m gone!” “Ok! I promise.” 20 minutes passed,30. “What’s taking ____ so long?” Joon thought. He was about to call you, when he heard all the MBLAQ members with you singing “Happy Birthday” to him while bringing in the cake. “Omo! You guys didn’t have to do this!” He said. Each of the kids gave him a birthday kiss. You thought it looked cute. Even Mir gave him a kiss! Haha! “Thanks you guys. This really means a lot to me.” He said. With that said, you walked over to Joon and planted your birthday kiss on him. “Happy birthday, jagi.” After a few moments, you realized you’re still on air. “Omo! This part will be edited out, right?” You asked. All the other members just laughed and Joon gave you a hug as a thank you.



You couldn’t bear to see G.O. struggle to make Dayoung do stuff with the guys. Dayoung kept ignoring G.O., so he stood up and said “Dayoung-ah, let’s sing Pororo together!” (He starts singing) Dayoung just looked at him weirdly and walked away. You laughed at G.O. “Babo…” You said quietly, hoping that he didn’t hear you. But when you looked at G.O., he was staring at you. “What’d you just say?” He said in a playful, yet threatening tone. Then, G.O. started to chase after you. You laughed again. “I’m sorry G.O.! You weren’t suppose to hear that!!” G.O. picked you up form behind and said “I wasn’t suppose to hear that, eh? So, you really think I’m babo?” You were laughing so much because he was spinning you around in circles. “Haha! Ok! Ok! Arasoe! You are not a babo! Ahahaha!” You and him were so into your little moment, that you didn’t realize you were on camera. “Oppa, can put me down now.” You said. You were about to leave the set when Dayoung went up to G.O. and asked “Who’s that?, appa?” You prayed that he won’t say anything to get you embarrassed. G.O. smiled and picked up Dayoung and said “That…is your mom. She’s your mom, Dayoungie!” When you heard him joke about that, you playfully slapped him. “A-aniya! I’m his girlfriend! Not…” You couldn’t believe what you just said. Your face flushed red. G.O. laughed and pulled you in to hug you. “Aigoo! Now everyone knows!” Right at that moment, Dayoung smiled. Both of you were shocked at the expression change. “Look! Our daughter’s smiling!” You said. “Our daughter?” G.O. laughed. “Unni naemu yeppeo!” Dayoung said. “Aww! Gomawo Dayoungie!” You answered. “Yes. Nae namcheen naemu yeppeo!” G.O. sang. “Hopefully I won’t get any anti-fans after this!!” You said.



You were at Myundong chilling around and even bought some tees for Cheondung. Right when you were about to walk into another store, he called you. You picked up the phone, and the first thing you hear was kids screaming. “___-ah!” You couldn’t hear Cheondung because of the background noise. “Yeah?! Oppa! Why is it so loud over there?” You yelled. “Huh? Oh, I actually need help with the kids right now…hajeemah Leo, don’t punch Lee Joon appa.” You started to laugh. “ohh…that’s why. Okay. I’ll come over and help.” “Gomawo jagiyah.” And with that, you quickly went out of the store and headed straight to the studio. Once you got there, you quietly entered the set of “Hello Baby.” “Waah!” You sighed and laughed. All you heard was the sound of Leo’s cries. “Oh! Gwenchana! Umma’s here. What did appa do to you now?” You said, acting along. Leo hugged you and you picked him up. “Umma, Lee Joon took away my Pororo.” He whined. You smiled and handed Leo to Cheondung, who winked at you because he knows you’re acting along with him. Lee Joon apologized to him. “Now Leo, what do you say?” Cheondung said. “It’s okay, appa.” When Leo finally spoke to him for the first time he smiled and gave Leo a high-5. And so, throughout the rest of the day, you filmed the episode with your boyfriend as a special guest and had a great time. (Let’s hope you won’t get any anti-fans after this!)



You decided to go visit Mir an hour before the filming. You went around the back and found him in his dressing room getting his make-up done, so you decided to do a surprise attack on him. You quietly went over and gave him a kiss on the cheek and said “Oppa, annyeong!” He was taken aback, but he recognized it was you. “Oh! Oh, ____-ah! Come to visit me?” He said. “Yeah. I was bored at home so I came to see you.” You said. You and Mir talked while he was getting his hair and make-up done until he had to go to filming. “Mir hwaiting! I’ll be watching you from behind the scenes!” You said, kissing his cheek. So, as Mir was filming “Hello Baby”, you monitored him from the cameras and thought “Haha! So this is how jagi is when I’m not around. Babo-yah.” When it came to the scene where Mir and Dayoung had some father/daughter time, Mir was being ignored by Dayoung because she always wants to be with G.O. appa instead. Mir was upset. When you saw him like this, you couldn’t just stand here and watch, so you popped into the scene suddenly to lighten up the mood. “Dayoung-ah! Come to unni!” You said. Immediately, Dayoung stopped what she was doing and came to you. “Aigoo, you’ve grown up so well. Let’s go to Mir appal,ok?” The boys were shocked that Dayoung would listen to you and not them. Mir smiled at you warmly and mouthed “thank you” to you. So, throughout the whole filming of the “Hello Baby” episode, you stayed with the cast and comforted Dayoung. When the episode was done for the day, you said goodbye to Dayoung and went home with Mir. “Thanks for being in the filming with me and making Dayoung listen to you. She seems to really like you.” Mir said. “Yeah. No problem. I had fun. I just hope when this episode airs, your fans won’t turn into anti-fans to you or me because I won’t be happy and feel bad.” You pouted. “Don’t worry, they won’t. But if they do, I’ll always be there and protect my little bear.” Mir said, hugging you and kissed your nose.

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ohh the way you write it.. just make me miss the hello family even more.. T_T nice story though. i miss leo so much. ngee~