Shortness Does Come In Handy~

To Be or Not To Be?

Listen to : Oh My Goddess- Trax


Black- English

Purple- Korean

Blue- Chinese


It was hysterical just watching them attempting things that only Miss A's Jia and f(x)'s Victoria could do.

" 4minute, Miss A and ______! Please go to the center!" MC1 said, gesturing for us to go to the center.

You weren't nervous at all since you were a gymnast up until last year. You kept doing the stunts, but didn't compete in any meets and things like that. Even Kevin taught you sonethings like doing the middle splits.And that helped you a lot with your break dancing.

" Why don't we have 4minute and Miss A go first. Try and do your middle splits. If you can't, then you go sit down." MC2 said," Ready! Start!"

You stood there patiently watching only Jia, Fei, Min, Hyunah and Gayoon do it. Everyone else got stuck, making you giggle.

"_______-ssi, will you please show us I'd you can do the middle splits? " MC1 asked.

You nodded and easily slid into the middle splits. Everyines mouths hung open. You smiled sweetly at the camera and did the signature Asian peace sign.

" Whoa!_____-ssi! Where did you learn that from?!" MC2 asked, in shock that a girl only 5'2" could so such a thing.

" I learned gymnastics ad Kevin of ZE:A taught me how to do the splits easier," You explained. getting up, sand dusting your shorts.

" Then in that case, the others that passed the flexibility test, please step forward!" MC1 said, as the set pulled out a balance beam that you could put on the floor and a lot of mats underneath so we wouldn't get hurt when you fell.

" Miss A's Jia! Why don't you try and do your flip on that balance beam!" MC1 said, as Jia took off her shoes and steped onto the 4 inch wide price of wood.

She stumbled a little at first, but ended up trying it. Jia did it, but slipped and landed on her , making everyone erupt into laughter. Next was Hyunah. She had to do her signature 'Change' dance, but then do a cartwheel without falling off.

Hyunah did the 'Change' part just fine, but then it was time or the cartwheel. She extended her hands above her head and attempted to do it, but ended with a loud bang on the mats. Her facial expression was priceless. Everyone clapped and laughed at her aegyo, which he wasn't even trying to do.

After Gayoon, Min and Fei all went, but failed, it was your turn to do things on the Balance beam.

" ________-ssi, you said you did gymnastics before is that right?" MC2 asked.

" Neh, up until this year," You answered cheerfully.

" So that means that you still remeber most of the things that you were taught, right ______?" CAP asked from were they were sitting.

You nodded, taking off your shoes and socks and getting onto the Balance beam. You started to do walkovers and simple things like a back handsprings , then you thought that was a little boring so you started to break dance on the beam.

" ______-ssi is like a bag of tricks! You think you know everything about her then she does something more extraordinary!" L.joe said, making you smile at him.

" ________-ssi, if you can break dance on the beam, you can probably do the stunts that 2pm does, right?"MC1 asked, eyes wide.

" Of course I can! See, look." You said, starting to do what only people could imagine, like back hand springs and standing back tucks, except, you were still on the balance beam.

" I guess being _____'s height has it's perks!" Kikwang joked.

" Yeah, and I think we just found ourselves the new variety princess!" Hyunah said, making everyone laugh again.

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Chapter 23: update soon :)
luv_teenfinitexo #2
Chapter 23: Update soon :)
Chapter 23: New reade and hope youre gonna continue this story^^
m0zarts0nata-- #4
** New reader alert! **

Gonna read this nao! :P
yuxuan #5
update soon
YoruxRuki #7
HAH THAT GIRL JUST GOT PWNEDDDDDDDDDDD LOL. (XD Sorry I like it too much when the bad girl finally gets what she deserves and all) Please update soon!
YoruxRuki #8
:o Is Jay gonna tell the truth? Like her being his sister and all?! :O Please update soon!
YoruxRuki #9
T_______T Evil girls....wahhh
YoruxRuki #10
I love the speaking English part. <3 XD It's hilarious seeing the weirded out faces of the MCs and all~