Off Camera

I Love You?


The girls finished up in the salon and without delay headed back to the dorm to converse their mission in deeper detail. The camera crew quickly followed but when they reached the front door of the dorm they had been stopped right in their tracks.

Each girl held up their hand and halted the crew like they were crossing guards stopping cars.

Eunha stepped forward and took charge as the leader she was, “There will be a private conversation that we wish you not record.”

One of the staff members stepped forward and bowed, “Mianhaeyo but the contract allows us to record whatever we feel will interest the audience.”

Eunha bit her bottom lip in thought and thought back to the contents of the contract. She smirked when she knew she had found their loop hole. Feeling accomplished she looked the staff member in the eye, “Rule F4, Person can deny recording if he or she feels it is an invasion of privacy and like we said this is a private conversation.”

The camera crew murmured amongst one another and sadly left.

All the girls began to cheer and hug Eunha.

“Wow Unnie! You’re so smart!” Minhee looked up to Eunha admiringly.

 “Maybe my brain is bigger than yours.” she laughed and poked Minhee’s head.

Minhee pouted and turned around to type in the passcode.


She quickly turned the doorknob and ushered everyone towards the living room.

DaeNa lazily sat on the couch and let out an exasperated sigh, “Ughhhh! Finally! No more people watching my every move!”

Mina stealthily sat next to DaeNa and slowly turned her head with big eyes like something you would see in a horror film. She put on her creepiest smile and in a raspy voice said, “I watch your every move~”

DaeNa let out a scream, “Aaahhhh!” She held on her chest tightly and let out uneven breaths, “Geez Unnie! Can you get any scarier?!”

Mina tapped her chin in thought and nodded, “Yeah. You should see me at night when I sleep walk in my white gown.”

Hoshi held onto Eunha tightly and pointed an accusing finger at Mina, “That was you?!”

Mina clutched her stomach and laughed, “HAHAHAHA! NOOO!”

Belle’s eyebrows knitted together, “Then who is it?” she said looking at everyone with wide eyes.

ChoHi gave her an ‘are you serious look?’ and shook her head, “It’s you idiot! I see you walk around the house every night and I have to take you back to your room every night. I feel like I’m rounding lost sheep.”ChoHi said rolling her eyes and mumbling the last part.

Everyone laughed at Belle and soon her face began heating up in embarrassment.

She pointed a finger at herself and said in disbelief, “I really do that?!”

Hoshi clapped her hands happily, “Haven’t you seen our first episode yet?”

Belle looked at the ground guiltily, “No…I’ve been busy practicing and stuff...”

“Well you did some weird .” DaeNa pointed out matter-of-factly.

 Hoshi eagerly nodded as DaeNa looked up the video on her laptop and handed it to Belle.

Belle watched the whole video of her ‘sleep dancing,’ which had been cut out from episode one and labeled as ‘Mama Belle in Bed’.

ChoHi looked over her shoulder and chuckled, “Clever title.”

 “Not funny.” Belle spat and continued to observe one of the most embarrassing moment of her life.

“Did I just do a crotch grab?!” She screamed and closed her eyes, absolutely mortified. She wearily looked at everyone, “Please don’t play music when I sleep.” She got up and lifelessly walked to her room. On the way she was murmuring to herself. “Never ever again. Never again.”

Everyone was still laughing but when it finally died down Eunha ordered Hoshi to go tell Belle there’s a group meeting.

Hoshi quickly left and came back with a limp Belle who still wore a blank stare.

Eunha cleared to quiet all the girls down, “Topic of this meeting. Boys.”

Hoshi made a disgusted face, “But boys have cooties.”

Dae Na raised her hand, “I second that opinion.”

“Well it’s the least we can do for our lovely fans.” Mina said holding her heart and pretending to wipe a tear.

Everyone rolled their eyes and laughed.

“Okay drama queen.” Eunha said jokingly, “Let’s get back to the topic at hand. Sunbaenim said that we have to choose a k-pop star and pretend to go out with them for the remainder of the show. So who wants who?” she asked while grabbing a whiteboard and uncapping the marker.  

ChoHi raised her hand with a big smile plastered on her face, “That new band EXO is just-just…” She didn’t finish her sentence but just sighed dreamily.

DaeNa raised her hand but began to fiddle with her fingers. Then she began speaking in a light, low voice and it was hard to make out what she was saying, “I like Sandeul oppa. He’s so dorky. I think it’s cute.”

“S-A-N-D-E-U-L.” Eunha said loudly causing DaeNa’s face to turn a deep crimson red.

The leader clasped her hands together feeling accomplished, “Okay. DaeNa has Sandeul. Anyone else?”

AeYoung looked around with wide eyes and slowly raised her hand. “I think Minho oppa is pretty cool. I always watch him at those sport thingies and he seems pretty fit and he’s tall so that’s a plus.” She said nonchalantly, pretending not to care.


 “Mmmmmmmm…..I think Daehyun oppa is an amazing singer…” Belle shyly looked at the ground, “and he’s sorta cute.”


Hoshi excitedly jumped up and down. “I like Jiyong oppa! He’s so fashionable and….different. I like it. I like him!” She screamed as she cutely rubbed her fists on her cheeks and closed her eyes tightly.

“J-I-Y-O…..Wait, who’s Jiyong?”


Eunha turned back to the whiteboard and mumbled to herself sarcastically, “Well apparently not everyone.”

Mina rolled her eyes, “And you call me a drama queen…”

Hoshi’s eyes shot to Mina, “What’d you say?”

Mina held her hands up in surrender, “Nothing…nothing at all.”



Meanwhile the other girls who hadn’t decided yet were talking amongst eachother, except for ChoHi who was in her own little world.

“What about you ChoHi? Have you thought about who you want? I’m pretty sure you can’t get a whole band.” Eunha chuckled.

"Har Har."


~ChoHi’s POV~

I pouted and sat thinking about who from Exo I should choose. *Ughhhh! They’re all so cute and they're all my friends!* Then I let out another sigh when I began thinking of all the other bands that had debuted too. *No. I think it's safer if I choose someone I know.*

I squinted my eyes and shook my fists. *Damn these Korean guys and their good looks.*

I heaved yet another sigh. “I guess I’ll pick Baekhyun.”

I watched as Eunha wrote his name on the board and hoped that I wouldn’t regret my decision.

Then everyone turned their attention to Minhee, our beloved maknae.


~Minhee’s POV~

I remembered my first day in Korea. I wasn’t sure of my surroundings but I easily found my way around and made it to my destination. I walked into the Starship Entertainment building and was greeted by the staff. I told them that I came straight from Texas after they had discovered me online. I trained under the company and occasionally bumped into other stars. It was actually rare to see them because of their busy schedule and because of all the time I had spent in the training room. I never really paid attention to the other bands but there was one guy in particular who I always ran into. Kwangmin. He stuck out to me because on his backpack and phone hung Pikachu keychains which I thought was rather weird for an idol to be carrying.

Nonetheless he was the only k-pop star I knew. I shook my head, *This is what happens Minhee when you don’t do your homework.*

I blew air into my cheeks and exhaled, “Just write Kwangmin.”

Eunha smiled. “Kwangmin it is.”

We all looked at the remaining two, aside from our leader.


 ~NoOne’s POV~

Hyuna shrugged. “Ummmmmm…I’ll just take Jinyoung.”

“Wait…I thought Hoshi already chose him?” Eunha looked at her utterly confused.

“Ughhhh! She said JINYOUNG! Not JIYONG! Geez Unnie! Get it right!” Hoshi screamed in annoyance.

Sorry.” She said quietly before turning her attention back to the board.

 “I’ll choose Kikwang.” Mina whispered, obviously embarrassed. Everyone laughed knowing the reason why she picked him.

“Surreeeee. Pick one of the shortest male idols.” ChoHi joked.

Mina sent her daggers. “You know I get awkward around tall people.”

ChoHi lifted her hands to show that she was no threat. “Hey, he’s pretty tall compared to you. Are you sure you’ll be fine?” She laughed and high-fived AeYoung.

Mina crossed her arms and sat quietly glaring at CHoHi.

When the room got silent, that’s when everyone noticed that the leader hadn’t chosen anyone yet.

 Minhee spoke up, “Who do you like unnie?” she asked whilst tilting her head in curiosity.

Eunha’s eyes grew big and her face grew hot and red,” Umm-ummm- no one really….”

Mina threw her hands up and yelled, “Awww come on! Don’t be a party pooper! We all told!”

“I-I-I don’t!” She said growing nervous. She just couldn’t bring herself up to say her crush. He was somebody she looked up to during her trainee days. He had captivating eyes, looks, is a great singer and rapper, in addition to being funny. In her eyes he was perfect. She thought it was pitiful that the leader had an idol crush. Not that other band leaders didn’t, but she just felt it wasn’t right. She was already like the Umma of the group, she felt if she chose a guy it’d be like a mother choosing a man over her children.

ChoHi smirked at her, “If you don’t pick we’ll pick for y-“

“No!” Eunha yelled abruptly before ChoHi could finish her sentence. Then she put on a nonchalant face and said in a careless matter, “Doojoon oppa seems pretty cool.”

All the girls screamed and clapped which brought a smile to Eunha’s face but it slowly faded, "Now all we have to do is call and ask them out." She gulped.




And that concludes everyone’s’ bias.

I finally got to update because this time I woke up SUPER early to write this before my brother could wake up. Lol I’m sleep deprived so you guys better love me.  

Sorry for any grammatical or spelling errors. I only got to skim through it.

For future references, is it okay if there’s cussing? Because honestly I have a potty mouth and I’ve been trying so hard to keep the vulgar language from escaping the girls’ mouths. Haha Actually we can do it this way, whoever doesn’t mind or does mind then comment below and let me know~ (hey that rhymed! :D)

Well if you’re not subscribed then please do so and I hope you comment and enjoyed the chapter.

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Thanks for everyone who kept up with me. lol love you!!!


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755 streak #1
great job!
misscarat #4
Chapter 13: So cheesy XD Oooooo and so cute too :3
misscarat #5
Chapter 9: Dang :3 so demanding
dreamsunachievable #6
Chapter 9: I miss you author nim I hope everything is going well for you and update soon :3
Chapter 13: Welcomee baaaaaaaacckk~ :D
and this chapter was so cuteeeeeee! O///O
dreamsunachievable #8
Chapter 13: WELCOME BACK <3 and I know how you feel, I am also rushing out my homework that was given to me.... 2 months ago .-. ( :/ Well.. lazing around has apparently became a favourite hobby of mine .-. sadly )

I missed you~ Your updates always give me a pleasant surprise :D haha and don't worry about late updates :D Better late than never.

At least you stayed around to entertain us :D <3 Hahaha

On the update .-. ITS SO ADORABLE I CAN'T EVEN SLNFJKSFKSNFSJ. So so so adorable LOL. The touch on the fact that they are in the same company was hilarious. Their cute couple fight. How adorable but I bet not every scene will be as sweet as this right? LOL Some will probably be positively awkward or weird but oh well, it's the charm of it.

I should really shut up now, my comment is getting naggy LOL.

I can't wait for your next update~ :D And same as Okurah I will be patient, at the best of my ability :D
Chapter 13: Ohhhh!!! Welcome back eirika-sshi!!!! :DD I missed your cute updates XD And don't worry about being late on the update! I completely (As well as everyone else probably) understand the stress of school and its never ending piles of work >_< I get that all the time as well!!

I'm glad you didn't just completely give up on the story ^^ Oh and I'm starting to think that is a habit of mines as well @_@

On to comments about the update itself... My gosh this is such a cute couple together!!! They were acting so cute in such a cute place as well xDD Lucky girl ChoHi!!! I can't wait to see how the other dates go, but do not worry I'll be patient just incase ;D Also if I were in ChoHi's position I would be dying!! Such a charming Bacon this guy is XDDD
Chapter 13: welcome back author-nim!!! and such a cute episode i really like this cafe and wanted to visit it when i have a chanceeee!!!!!! :DD