Awkward Silence

I Love You?




~Mina’s POV~


We all walked into our very own practice room, complete with shiny wooden floors and mirrors covering every inch of the walls until all you could see was a reflection of something. I gawked in awe and soon felt the adrenaline rushing through my body.

My mouth suddenly opened and let out a, “WHOOT WHOOT!” as I jumped high off the ground many times before grabbing someone’s hands and jumping up and down with them. 

When I began to calm down, I noticed that the person I was jumping with was super tall, but then again people always said I was super short.

I gave her a creeper smile before I let go of her hands.

“Soooo? What’s your name?”

She looked at me awkwardly and hesitantly replied, “Ummm…AeYoung.”

I held my hand out and grinned even bigger, “Nice to meet you. I’m Mina by the way.”

She was softening up to me and was about to smile until my stupid mouth said, “So you mind cutting off a few inches or two and give them to me to make me taller?!” I nudged her shoulder playfully and laughed like crazy. A tear escaped my eye and that was the exact second she left.

I sighed and mumbled to myself, “Great Mina. You just scared someone off.”

I looked around the room and observed all the other members who stood alone. A girl who looked like the youngest in our group went into the middle of our dance studio and yelled out, “Hi! I’m Hoshi and I like ice-cream, banana milk, and hats!” She smiled cutely and looked around the room.

“What do you like?” she said pointing at me.

My eyes opened wide. I was shocked by her outburst but played along, “Ummm…I like music….sports, and clothes I guess.”

She squealed, “No way! I like music and clothes too but sports are yucky.” She said as she stuck her tongue out and made a gag face.

I chuckled but turned my attention towards a girl who raised her hand, “I’ve played sports most of my life and I have never found it yucky,” she air-quoted and laughed.

The tall girl I spoke to earlier smiled too, “No It Isn’t. I take a jog every morning and I am loving it.”

As the conversation kept growing, we all grew closer. Even those who didn’t talk in the beginning began joining the conversation.

I took a look at everyone again with a smile on my face. I am loving this idol life.


Dear readers,

I know the first chapter is boring and not what you expected it to be and its super short but apparently my parents say there’s no point in typing a story because they say I don’t benefit from it. They say I spend too much time on the computer doing this but the weird thing is they let my brother play game for long periods of time and he never has to do anything. I know it’s weird of me to rant about it but I just needed to get it out of my system. I just think it’s unfair how he gets to sit there and do nothing while I have to clean up and don’t get to use the computer. There were times when I tried to sneak on for a short period of time but that didn’t work out.

Yes, I had posted this chapter before but I took it down and tweaked it a little. By the way, I based Mina’s joke on the way my dad tells his jokes. His are very corny and they are common sense things. Actually I don’t know what they are but still. My mom says those kinds of jokes too like, “Oh, I’ve never seen a sidewalk but I’ve seen a nose run.”

My parents can be harsh but I love them and how can I forget you guys? I love you too!

Well…I hope I can get this story going and get more chapters up soon but I’m getting bad grades in my classes. TT^TT I gotta study. -_____-



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Thanks for everyone who kept up with me. lol love you!!!


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761 streak #1
great job!
misscarat #4
Chapter 13: So cheesy XD Oooooo and so cute too :3
misscarat #5
Chapter 9: Dang :3 so demanding
dreamsunachievable #6
Chapter 9: I miss you author nim I hope everything is going well for you and update soon :3
Chapter 13: Welcomee baaaaaaaacckk~ :D
and this chapter was so cuteeeeeee! O///O
dreamsunachievable #8
Chapter 13: WELCOME BACK <3 and I know how you feel, I am also rushing out my homework that was given to me.... 2 months ago .-. ( :/ Well.. lazing around has apparently became a favourite hobby of mine .-. sadly )

I missed you~ Your updates always give me a pleasant surprise :D haha and don't worry about late updates :D Better late than never.

At least you stayed around to entertain us :D <3 Hahaha

On the update .-. ITS SO ADORABLE I CAN'T EVEN SLNFJKSFKSNFSJ. So so so adorable LOL. The touch on the fact that they are in the same company was hilarious. Their cute couple fight. How adorable but I bet not every scene will be as sweet as this right? LOL Some will probably be positively awkward or weird but oh well, it's the charm of it.

I should really shut up now, my comment is getting naggy LOL.

I can't wait for your next update~ :D And same as Okurah I will be patient, at the best of my ability :D
Chapter 13: Ohhhh!!! Welcome back eirika-sshi!!!! :DD I missed your cute updates XD And don't worry about being late on the update! I completely (As well as everyone else probably) understand the stress of school and its never ending piles of work >_< I get that all the time as well!!

I'm glad you didn't just completely give up on the story ^^ Oh and I'm starting to think that is a habit of mines as well @_@

On to comments about the update itself... My gosh this is such a cute couple together!!! They were acting so cute in such a cute place as well xDD Lucky girl ChoHi!!! I can't wait to see how the other dates go, but do not worry I'll be patient just incase ;D Also if I were in ChoHi's position I would be dying!! Such a charming Bacon this guy is XDDD
Chapter 13: welcome back author-nim!!! and such a cute episode i really like this cafe and wanted to visit it when i have a chanceeee!!!!!! :DD