Lovely Days- Episode 3 Part 1- Coffee Break

I Love You?


So I know I haven’t written in a loooooonnnnnnnnnnggggggg time, but it’s just part of my personality lol. I apologize for my bad qualities. If I did all my homework instead of pushing it off last minute then I would have time to write but I don’t T^T soooooooo sorry!!!!

So to catch you guys up, this chapter will be about ChoHi’s and Baekhyun’s abrupt date to a café after his practice (Chapter 8).

Next chapters will be about Minhee and Kwangmin who left Youngmin in the store after she tried to buy him a Pikachu doll and accidently met him there (Chapter 12), and Hoshi and GD who left on her moped after his photo shoot (Chapter 10).

I added the chapter to find them in so feel free to reread it but anywayssssss here we goooooo~








hello kitty cafe.jpg

“You like it?” Baekhyun smirked.

ChoHi slowly nodded and Baekhyun gently escorted her into the shop.




She looked around and her eyes glistened with delight.

“So pretty,” She said in an almost inaudible whisper.


He walked up beside her and chuckled, “Thought you’d like it.”

  They made their way to a table at the back and began looking at the menu. It was a simple pink menu with the hello kitty logo on the front and the words “hello kitty café” above it. Inside however, bows were used as bullets to display their various amounts of food, snacks and drinks.

ChoHi was looking at the “hot drinks” section when a petite, middle-aged waitress appeared by their table side with a pen and paper in hand, “Are you ready to order?”

Baekhyun nodded and browsed the menu once more before ordering, “Could I just get a caramel macchiato and do you want any desserts?” He said, turning to ChoHi.

ChoHi shook her head, “No I’m fine. Could I just get a peppermint hot chocolate?”

“Sure,” she said scribbling it down on the notepad. “You’re orders will be ready in a second.” She said smiling and then walked away.

“What do we do next?”

ChoHi tilted her head in confusion,”Huh?”

“I meant about the show, you ask me out, we go on a date and then what?”

“I don’t really know…The directors and my manager haven’t said anything up to this point.”

He made an “o” shape with his mouth, “Well let’s have fun and hope we can beat whatever comes our way.”

She smiled, “Hwaiting.”


Then the waitress came back and handed ChoHi her drink, “Peppermint hot chocolate for the miss and a caramel macchiato for the mister. Here are your guys’ drinks and the owner through in a cake for the cute couple.”

Bakehyun and ChoHi both stood up and began bowing, “Kamsahabnida but we’re no-.”

The waitress nodded, “Enjoy~”

Then they both sat down and eyed their drinks and snack.

“Awwwww. So cute!” ChoHi squealed and observed her hot chocolate in awe.

“Very,“  He laughed as he watched her get excited like a child.

She turned and was about to ask him what he thought about the drink when she noticed he was staring. Her face grew hot and she cleared , “H-how’s the mac-macchiato?”

He shrugged his shoulders and casually took a sip, “Good.”

ChoHi then began giggling, “You have something right there.” She smiled, pointing at the whip cream that lingered on his upper lip.

“Where?” He asked as he tried to it off his face.

She laughed, “Here,” she grabbed a napkin and gently wiped his lip.

“Thanks.” He said, scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment. Then his cheeks turned pink and he began to chug his drink down to hide his face.

“You do realize a macchiato is a hot drink.”

He nodded his head and excused himself to the restroom.

ChoHi and the camera man laughed, “Do you want some?” She asked, holding up her hot chocolate.

The camera man shook his head and ChoHi just took a cautious sip and waited for Baekhyun to get back.


When he returned he meekly smiled, “So embarrassing.”

ChoHi giggled, “It was cute.”

“Well then, where were we?”

“We were talking about how well we’ll do in the show.”

He nodded, “Right. Well I guess it’s time to get to know eachother.”

ChoHi clapped, “Oh yeah!”

“Okay you first.”

ChoHi tapped her chin and thought of something to ask, “Ummm, favorite color?”


“Mine too!”

“But not just any blue,”

“turquoise,” they said simultaneously.

Baekhyun gasped, “Wow. Okay my turn. Favorite food?”

“Anything pasta. What about you?” She beamed up at him.

“I like American food.”

“Maybe I can cook you some someday.”

He smiled, “I would like that.”

Then they both absent mindedly picked up a fork and reached out for a bite of the cake. Their forks clashed and they began apologizing to one another.

“Here. I’ll feed you.” Baekhyun said as he held up a piece of the chocolate cake.

“I can feed my-“

“Ahhhhhhhhh~” He chuckled, “Hurry. My arm is hurting.”

“Okaayyy.” Then she scooted closer and opened .

He gently fed her and smiled, “See? That wasn’t so hard.”

She mocked his smile and held up a piece, “If you wanna play that game then here.”

He grinned and swiftly at it. “Yum.”

She hit his shoulder, “Yahh!”

“Okay! Okay. Next question! What do you want for your birthday?”



“You don’t have to get me anything.”

“But I want to.” He said pouting.


“Pleaseeeeeeeeee.” He whined.

“But my birthday isn’t until December. That’s like next month.”

“I know. Annnnddd? We’re in the same company. It’s not like I don’t see you.”

“But I don’t want a present.”

“Everyone wants a present.”

“Fine. I want anything that screams me.”

“Me! Got it.”

“Not you. Me.”

“You want me. Yay~ I’m your present!” He cheered.

ChoHi chuckled, “Yah! Keep it down. You’re so chessy.” She smiled and turned away.

He hugged her from behind, “Am I American enough yet?”

ChoHi froze and her face grew hot, *What’s this guy doing?*

“You smell nice and I can’t wait for more dates with you.” He let go and began and called the waitress over to ring up the bill.

She nodded and came back with the check.

He paid it and left the café holding ChoHi’s hand.

She was still silent from the shock and her heart was pounding so hard she swore it could pop out of her chest any second.



Did you like it? Am I back? Lol jk. I’m far from getting back. I feel like I have to learn to write all over again. Hope you enjoyed it and sorry for the SUPER late update.

BTW, I tried to upload this as fast as possible so I didn't check for any mistakes or how high it is on the cheesiness level. Sorry for that too and sorry for how short it is.




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Thanks for everyone who kept up with me. lol love you!!!


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762 streak #1
great job!
misscarat #4
Chapter 13: So cheesy XD Oooooo and so cute too :3
misscarat #5
Chapter 9: Dang :3 so demanding
dreamsunachievable #6
Chapter 9: I miss you author nim I hope everything is going well for you and update soon :3
Chapter 13: Welcomee baaaaaaaacckk~ :D
and this chapter was so cuteeeeeee! O///O
dreamsunachievable #8
Chapter 13: WELCOME BACK <3 and I know how you feel, I am also rushing out my homework that was given to me.... 2 months ago .-. ( :/ Well.. lazing around has apparently became a favourite hobby of mine .-. sadly )

I missed you~ Your updates always give me a pleasant surprise :D haha and don't worry about late updates :D Better late than never.

At least you stayed around to entertain us :D <3 Hahaha

On the update .-. ITS SO ADORABLE I CAN'T EVEN SLNFJKSFKSNFSJ. So so so adorable LOL. The touch on the fact that they are in the same company was hilarious. Their cute couple fight. How adorable but I bet not every scene will be as sweet as this right? LOL Some will probably be positively awkward or weird but oh well, it's the charm of it.

I should really shut up now, my comment is getting naggy LOL.

I can't wait for your next update~ :D And same as Okurah I will be patient, at the best of my ability :D
Chapter 13: Ohhhh!!! Welcome back eirika-sshi!!!! :DD I missed your cute updates XD And don't worry about being late on the update! I completely (As well as everyone else probably) understand the stress of school and its never ending piles of work >_< I get that all the time as well!!

I'm glad you didn't just completely give up on the story ^^ Oh and I'm starting to think that is a habit of mines as well @_@

On to comments about the update itself... My gosh this is such a cute couple together!!! They were acting so cute in such a cute place as well xDD Lucky girl ChoHi!!! I can't wait to see how the other dates go, but do not worry I'll be patient just incase ;D Also if I were in ChoHi's position I would be dying!! Such a charming Bacon this guy is XDDD
Chapter 13: welcome back author-nim!!! and such a cute episode i really like this cafe and wanted to visit it when i have a chanceeee!!!!!! :DD