Lovely Days- Episode 2 Part 4

I Love You?


~Mina’s POV~

I honestly didn’t know what to do so I left the studio and went straight to the gym in hopes that a short yoga session would help. As soon as I pushed open the double doors cool air hit my face and also the stench of musty sweat lingered in my nose. I scrunched my nose at the vulgar smell and secretly wished AeYoung was here. *How does she stand it?*

Soon all regret washed away when I spotted the one person I needed to see.

*Well that was easy.*

I took a deep breath and walked towards him, quickly playing a whole scenario in my head but my eyes widened as something totally unexpected happened.

He had lifted his thin, white tank top to cool his body off and my eyes grew big as saucers when I noticed his revealing chocolate abs.*Man I just wanna make s’mores with those.*

Suddenly he noticed me staring and did that unforgettably cute eye smile. *God shouldn’t give a person such eyes! It’s a lethal weapon!* I thought as I slowly died inside. He then pulled down his shirt and walked in my direction. I froze and began to panic. I wanted to run away but I guess my feet didn’t get the memo because I stayed glued to the ground so I went with the next best thing. I averted my eyes and intensely gazed at the hardwood floor.

“That must be some interesting floor.” He chuckled and I could just imagine his eyes turning into half crescents.

I slowly nodded, *Ugh. Don’t nod Mina. Are you trying to make yourself look stupid?*

“You’re Mina right?”

I looked up and decided to make an effort to talk, “Y-yes.”


“I know who you are.” I meekly smiled.

“Right…so what are you doing here?”


“Me too.”

I slowly looked up and gave him a questioning look.

He caught on to what he just said and he quickly held up his hands and furiously waved them as if it could take back what his answer.

“I-I mean I’m just lifting some weights.” He quickly defended and became all macho man.

I laughed, “Is that so? Well do you think you have time to stroll the park with me? But it’s cool if you’re busy. I mean I don’t want to take time out of your precious yoga.” I smirked.

He let out a gasp, “I can’t believe you just said that. Okay you’re on.”


We made it to the park and began jogging on the bike trail.

Then I noticed a very familiar cart and ran towards it like a little kid.

“SeungJo oppa!” I screamed, excited to see my childhood friend.

“Mina? Is that really you?” He looked me up and down and laughed, “I see you haven’t changed a bit.” He smiled, referring to my height.

I pouted and lightly hit him on the shoulder, “Well you still look like a little kid!”

He chuckled, “Well you’re one to talk!”

I opened my mouth to fight back with him when I heard someone panting by my side. *Oh shoot! Kikwang!*

“You-sure-run-fast.” He said in broken words as he breathed heavily.

 I turned to him, “Oh my god! I’m so sorry!”

He let go of his grip on his knees and stood up straight again, “It’s fine.”

SeungJo looked over at Kikwang and back at me, “I guess all this time when we were little and you said you wanted to become an idol one day, you really meant it.” He smiled.

I nodded vigorously,” And you helped so much oppa! I don’t know how to repay you!”

“How about a cup of coffee tomorrow?”

“Sure! And by the way…where’s ahjussi? Are you watching his cart again?”

“Yeah he’s out sick.”

“Awwww, such a good grandson,” I got on my tippy toes and ruffled his hair, “Tell him that I’ll stop by tomorrow to visit.”

“But tomorrow’s our -“

“Before we go out for some coffee.”

He laughed, “Okay~ but I’m telling you you’re going to get smothered tomorrow. My mom hasn’t seen you in forever.”

I giggled, “I’ll take my chances.”

Then someone beside me cleared his throat, “Oh!  SeungJo oppa, this is Kikwang.”

“Hi.” He meekly waved.

“Hey.” Kikwang nodded over.

“Well we gotta go but before we do- two ice cream cones please~!” I beamed, holding up two fingers.

“Coming right up~! Taro and…” he looked at Kikwang and waited for a reply.

“Ummm…Vanilla is fine.”

SeungJo neatly scooped our ice creams in waffle cones and my eyes widened with delight.

“Wah~ thanks oppa.” I said reaching for the ice cream. I was about to reach for my wallet when two hands stopped me.

“On the house.” “I’ll pay.” They both said simultaneously.

I looked at them both oddly and slowly retrieved my hand, “o-kay… well we gotta go... Nice seeing you oppa! Do you still live at the same place?”

“Yeah. Bye Mina. See you tomorrow and bye..” he stopped as he tried to remember his name.

“Kikwang.” He added.

SeungJo made an ‘O’ shape with his mouth, “Well It was nice meeting the both of you.”

“Like-wise.” I smiled and walked off.


We both began walking back to the gym and I decided to ask him then and there. I stopped abruptly and so did he.

“Why are we stopping?” He looked over at me.

“I have to ask you a question. Well it’s more of a favor.”

“What is it?”

“Will you- will you- will you be my boyfriend for the show?!” I blurted out and closed my eyes for the rejection but I slowly opened them back up when he said yes, “Really?”

He did his infamous eye smile and nodded.

I clapped happily and we continued walking back to the gym.

“Oh by the way we have to go on a date today. Where do you wanna go?” I glanced up at him.

“Where ever my girlfriend wants to.” He shrugged as if it was nothing but I was squealing inside like a little girl.




  ~Minhee’s POV~

When I left the studio I eagerly ran to the store in search for the biggest Pikachu doll I could get my hands on. Then I came across the largest one I’ve ever seen. It was bigger than me and I’m 5’6”!     


In a hushed voice I praised the doll, “Pikachu~ Wahhhh~ Kyeopta~!” My eyes sparkled with joy.

I was about to drag it over to the cash register when I felt someone tugging on the other end. I look over from my side of the doll and gasped, “Kwangmin-shi?”

He looked up, “Minhee-shi? What are you doing here?” he asked as his hands gradually let go of Pikachu.

“I came to buy a gift for someone.”

He made an “O” shape with his mouth.

I was about to ask him what he was doing here too when a boy with dirty blonde hair who looked exactly like Kwangmin had showed up by his side. “So did you find what you were looking for?” he asked him.

Kwangmin was about to reply but I cut him off, “Wait! There’s two of you?!” I screamed in shock looking from one to the other.

The blonde one turned his attention to me, “Where have you been? This is what Boyfriend is known for.”

I shrugged, “I’m not from Korea.”

“You’re Korean sounds fine and you look pretty Korean to me.” He argued as he looked me up and down.

“I’m Korean-American.”

His eyes widened, “Oh! So you’re from America?”

I giggled, “I’m pretty sure that’s what Korean-American means but other than that I’ve just been too busy with training and practice. Do you guys remember me?” I looked at both of them hopefully.

The blonde one’s shoulders raised but quickly deflated, “No. Unless you mean do I remember seeing you onstage when you guys debuted. Then yes.”

“No. I trained in starship for a couple of weeks… switched to SM…”

“That was you?” The blonde guy pointed at me, “I heard about it around the building but I never really knew what you looked like.”

“I never saw you either…”


“… Youngmin-shi.”

Then I pushed the doll over to Kwangmin and he looked at me quizzically, “Here take it. I was going to give it to you anyways.” I confessed.

“Really? What for?” He asked.

I drew circles in the ground with my feet, “Well..You see..the thing was… I was gonna ask you out to complete my mission for our show.”

He nodded in understanding and stood in front of me waiting.

“What are you waiting for?” I asked.

“For you to ask me out.” Kwangmin smiled.

Youngmin pointed over in a random direction, “Ooohh. Look. Pretty hats.” He shouted as he walked over to the shoe section and hid behind one of the shelves.

“Well now I can’t ask.”


“We made a scene.” I whispered as I looked around and noticed some shoppers staring.

“Right. I can fix that.” He said as he grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me into one of the changing stalls for disabled people so that the camera man could fit too.

“Don’t you seem a little too excited?” I asked as I raised a brow.

“Psshhh. Nooo.” He denied, “I just want you to succeed with your mission.”

“Whatever you say.” I laughed, “Jo Kwangmin, will you be my boyfriend?”

“Yes.” He smiled as he held open the door for me. I pretended to courtesy and we exited the store.


“Aren’t we forgetting someone?” I asked as I tried to think of what it was. *Pikachu? Noo….yellow… yellow….blonde…….* My eyes widened. *Oh no!* “We forgot Youngmin in the store!” I screamed as I glanced over at a happy Kwangmin.

“Hmmmm?” He looked at me in a daze with a corny smile.



I was gonna add the last two in this chapter but my brother is kicking me off.

And are there too many pictures or do you guys not mind?

Sorry for any mistakes and happy readings~

Now I have to go start my summer homework that I have pushed off. :P

Bye, see you whenever.








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Thanks for everyone who kept up with me. lol love you!!!


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762 streak #1
great job!
misscarat #4
Chapter 13: So cheesy XD Oooooo and so cute too :3
misscarat #5
Chapter 9: Dang :3 so demanding
dreamsunachievable #6
Chapter 9: I miss you author nim I hope everything is going well for you and update soon :3
Chapter 13: Welcomee baaaaaaaacckk~ :D
and this chapter was so cuteeeeeee! O///O
dreamsunachievable #8
Chapter 13: WELCOME BACK <3 and I know how you feel, I am also rushing out my homework that was given to me.... 2 months ago .-. ( :/ Well.. lazing around has apparently became a favourite hobby of mine .-. sadly )

I missed you~ Your updates always give me a pleasant surprise :D haha and don't worry about late updates :D Better late than never.

At least you stayed around to entertain us :D <3 Hahaha

On the update .-. ITS SO ADORABLE I CAN'T EVEN SLNFJKSFKSNFSJ. So so so adorable LOL. The touch on the fact that they are in the same company was hilarious. Their cute couple fight. How adorable but I bet not every scene will be as sweet as this right? LOL Some will probably be positively awkward or weird but oh well, it's the charm of it.

I should really shut up now, my comment is getting naggy LOL.

I can't wait for your next update~ :D And same as Okurah I will be patient, at the best of my ability :D
Chapter 13: Ohhhh!!! Welcome back eirika-sshi!!!! :DD I missed your cute updates XD And don't worry about being late on the update! I completely (As well as everyone else probably) understand the stress of school and its never ending piles of work >_< I get that all the time as well!!

I'm glad you didn't just completely give up on the story ^^ Oh and I'm starting to think that is a habit of mines as well @_@

On to comments about the update itself... My gosh this is such a cute couple together!!! They were acting so cute in such a cute place as well xDD Lucky girl ChoHi!!! I can't wait to see how the other dates go, but do not worry I'll be patient just incase ;D Also if I were in ChoHi's position I would be dying!! Such a charming Bacon this guy is XDDD
Chapter 13: welcome back author-nim!!! and such a cute episode i really like this cafe and wanted to visit it when i have a chanceeee!!!!!! :DD