Chapter Two

SMTown Adventures

It had been a few days since I had seen my uncle. After buying his lunchbox, (which he didn’t even pay me back for) he sent me home and told me to wait by the phone. Finally, three days later, I was back on the sofa squishing the yellow smiley faced ball I had officially dubbed Sir Smash-A-Lot. He examined me through his glasses, neither of us saying anything. It was unnecessary since we were still waiting on a third person, who remained a mystery to me.

“Yah, old man where’s this kid anyway? It’s been an hour already.” I yawned. My uncle was a good man, which was why I felt so comfortable speaking to him informally. It was definitely something I never did with my own parents. “Yah, what’d I tell you about that mouth of yours. It’ll get you into trouble one day.” He said half-heartedly. The banter really didn’t bother him at all. “And anyway, this person who’s coming is still older than you so you shouldn’t be calling them kid, kid.”

I bolted upright in my seat as a knock on the door filled my ears. Although it was okay to laze around in my uncle’s presence. Doing it in front of other people was a big no no. Not to mention it was a little demeaning to my uncle, who was actually well respected for an old fougie. “Leeteuk-ssi, come in, come in.” My uncle’s voice had perked up considerably, not surprising considering the guy he was now talking to was part of his biggest assets.


I bowed but remained quiet. It never ceased to amaze me how good looking these celebrity types were. From head to toe the guy seemed to sparkle, and I found myself afraid to breathe, just in case the air hitched in my throat. I had no idea what the fougie was saying. the only reason I even noticed him was because of the change in Leeteuk-sunbaenim’s eyebrows and the way his smile went from polite to awkward in a few seconds flat. “Huh?” I gurgled, immediately remembering the incident with Siwon sunbaenim and internally wincing.

“Aish, this kid.” Uncle sighed. “Sit down would you, you’re scaring the guy.” I blinked a few times trying to clear my head before bowing, apologizing and finally doing what I was told. I kept my eyes on the old man so as not to distract myself. I had been waiting an hour too long and really needed to eat. “Anyway, I called you here because I’m hitting two birds with one stone.” If it had been the two of us, I would’ve scoffed, but instead I held it down and just politely smiled. “Super Junior needs more schedules and Joon Hwa needs to get a life.” he said. I could see the glint in my relatives eyes. He was visibly goading me.

Taking it as a sign to relax I let out the scoff I had been suppressing and laughed. “Aigoo, you’re really asking for it aren’t you old man?” I teased. I heard the slight intake of breath that was Leeteuk sunbaenim, but refused to turn my head, in case I lost myself again. “There she is!” My uncle boomed and clapped his hands together before continuing.


“KBS have agreed to do a reality show on Super Junior.” He ended it there as if that seemed to answer every single question imaginable. “Uh great, but what does that have to do with me.” I mumbled habitually. “You’re going to be living with them.” He stated. I risked a glance at Leeteuk sunbaenim and was comforted to see he was also surprised. “What? Why!?” I asked a little too hysterically. The glint was back in the fougie’s eyes as he continued. “It’s reality TV, it doesn’t need a reason, now go buy me lunch.” He waved dismissing me.  

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