
Why should I marry you?

As five year old Hwa Yong swirled around and around on the cafe chair, waiting for his mother to come back with his favorite strawberry milk shake. At the sight of his mother, Hwa-yong rushed over to his mother side,  causing her to slip and almost trip the milk shake she was holding on  him. ‘’Hwa-yong!’’ His mother scold ‘’ be more careful baby. Didn’t umma say to sit quietly on the chair and wait for me to come back?’’ Hwa Yong reached his hands up, eyes glued on the milk shake his umma were holding.’’ My milk shake! he demanded, ‘’Just like his father,’’ Hyorin noticed, laughing she gave him a kiss on his forehead before handing his treat over to her impaient hands. ‘’Come on baby let’s get going your aunty is waiting for us.’’

Sungmin gloomy walked down the street, it has been five years since Hyorin lefted him. Everyday Sungmin would ask himself these questions could only be never answered by Hyorin. Hyorin, what are you doing right now? Are you happily married? I wonder what your boyfriend or husband look like?  Is he strong, manly and someone who would give you warmth and security, someone who cares and takes notice of you, says I love you everyday and is never late on dates. Do you still love me? As Sungmin tired to answer these questions Hyorin choosed to be her bf/husband , he didn't notice a little girl running towards him until she had bumped into him. Staring at the little girl Sungmin tired to image what their child would of looked like. The little girl's mothers ran over to Sungmin and apologize before quickly disappearing.  Just then his  eyes suddenly shoot up at the sight of a women and a  boy walking into a toy shop. Rubbing his eyes he made his way over to the toy shop to get a closer look but by the time he had got to the toy shop the women and the little boy had already gone. It can’t be, Hyorin he whispered in shock, but was that her son? Does that mean she had already moved on? Just then his phone rang, it was his sec wanting to know where he was since Mr. Kuo from G& I Cooperation has been waiting for him for over two hours. Taking one last look around the shopping centre Sungmin went to fetch his car, puzzled at what he had just seen.

Hyorin looked at her son, ‘’Are you sure that is what you want?’’ She asked for the eighty times. For two hours, Hyorin and Hwa-Yong along with Hyorins’ younger sisters Bora and Soyou had been toy shopping since his two aunties had said they would buy him any present he wanted. Damson who was busy with work couldn't come  command that Bora and Soyou had planned a full fun week trip filled with visits to zoo, fun parks and sightseeing trips. Hyorin signed before giving her two sisters a dark look that said ‘’this is your fault, we’re going to be here all week choosing his present.’’ Smiling at her son as he finally choose a stuffed toy penguin that make sounds when you squeeze his tummy. Laughing as he squeezed it over and over again, Hyorin couldn't help but laugh along with him. Joining in Soyou picked Hwa-yong up ‘’good, that’s one present down and six more to go.’’ What!’’ Shocked Hyorin eyes widen as soon as she heard what Soyou have just said. Turning to her unni, for conformation Bora sheepishly nodded her head, ‘’Yes, there’s still mine present, also Damson, umma and appa, that’s four already and Oppa Kyuhyun and G.O.’’ Counting her fingers as Bora counted out the names. Groaning Hyorin asked, ‘’Why can’t you all chip in to buy your nephew and grandson a one big present instead.’’ Hwa-yong is slow at picking out his present, just like his appa, she said with a sad smile. Hearing what her dongseung had just said, Bora wrapped her arms around her, ‘’Forget about him, Hyorin,’’ Umma, why are you sad did aunty Bora make you unhappy? Don't worry Umma, Hwa-Yong is here to protect you, I’ll make you smile happy. Hwa-Yong said proudly. Holding out her arms Hyorin wrapped her arms around her son, ‘’Thanks baby, You are my sunshine, my love and happiness.’’

Back at the company Sungmin has finally finished his work for the day, sitting in his office chair; Sungmin looked out his window and the Seoul’s night sky. Hyorin always loved the city’s night view from high above. Just thinking about the things that his girl loved made Sungmin’s heart break once more. ‘’Step it up… all yeah… as his phone rang, he lifelessly picked it up, hearing his friend’s voice he wonder what kind of bad news he had for him. ‘’Bring it one he thought, I already mistaken seeing Hyorin today what else would that.’’ ‘’Yah, Sungmin are you still there, listen I was planning on calling you tomorrow but since I know how long you waited for her I thought I might as well tell you now instead of announcing when the guys are here. She is back, you hear me, and she is back with her son. She arrived yesterday at Incheon Airport. She is going to be here for about two weeks before she leaves for back home in Australia. She is staying with her sister Bora and her family. You need an address for it; I could find out, I’m sure Jiyoung has Bora’s address written down somewhere. Sungmin did you hear me? Leeteuk asked once more, worried how Sungmin was taking the good news. As one of his best friend and his P.I Leeteuk wondered if telling Sungmin that Hyorin is back was a good or bad thing. Well I can tell you right now, for me it’s a bad thing since I promise Jiyoung I wouldn’t tell a soul. I guess I’ll be sleeping in the lounge room tonight and possible the next two weeks as well. Leeteuk gurgled at the thought of sleeping along without his wife by his side.

‘’I was right it was her I saw today, her son?’’ As the word ‘’son’’ echoed in his mind he smack out of his daydream and said to Leeteuk on the phone, find out everything you can on her son and her husband, he demanded and make it snappy! Clicking his fingers together before hanging up on his P.I. Tossing aside his folders off his desk, searching for his car keys, spotting them he ran all the way down to the basement and drove off to Bora’s apartment. I’m coming Hyorin, I’m coming. Wait for me, I know what I have done wrong please gave me a second chance.’’’

Comments please on what you guys think about this chapter, thank u 16/04/12 

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shihtzus #1
nice to come back here and so many chapters updated ( I have problems logging into asianfanfics for such a long time)...sob..sob...they didn't end up together....
Thanks for the story!
DongJayHyo #2
Curious about this story So Much. Flawless couple of Pit-a-Pat. So dissapointed it didn't continue
I actually found It more interesting than WGM.
Min And Hyorin were real like u could tell they Made some effort And begun to like each other.
Thank u for this story Update Soon
bonchan #3
is the one who saving hyorin is sungmin?
Lol, eunhyuk and onew are gonna get it again! So, yesung is like the guy Hyo likes now? Btw, author-nim, who are all these guys?? Eunhyuk, Kyuhyun, Onew, T.O.P, G-Dragon and Taeyang.. haha. I'm lost here>_<
Great! Now everybody's lost!!!!!
Never follow a little kid, they never know where there going!!!
butterdilys #6
Quite agree love anything to do with Hello Kitty esp the watches. thanks for all the comments everyone! Thank you eviegurl and shihtzus and all the readers for reading this story!
A meeting at 8???
I sense drama!!!!!!!!
Hello Kitty blankets are the best, just to let everybody know*^^*!
shihtzus #8
Glad I found this fanfic. Have been sungmin and hyorin deprived since I last seen them on Pit-a-pat shake. Wished to see more interactions or collabration between these 2. Think they are able to spark soemthing off if they are on WGM. Praying and hoping I would see news of that one day. Look forward to your next update! Fighting!
Kamila-Dalmate #9
by jiyoung do you me jiyong aka gdragon
Who is Bora's hubby? So Leeteuk is Jiyoung's hubby? Sorry, im a bit confused here..hehe.

But, I seriously think its cute when Hyorin is all angry seeing Sungmin at her doorstep! I really wonder whats Hwayoung's reaction if he like plays with Sungmin. Will he like Sungmin to be with Hyorin, or does Hwayoung like another guy to be with his mother? Haha! Anticipating the next chapter! Peace! ^_^¥