In the Van

FT Island - Oh My School (Story Ver.)

Now, Eunhyuk and Minho are given a mission by the MCs to play a prank on Hongki.................Hongki who was probably still having his sweet, sweet dream...........



"WOW, this looks really luxurious!!," MinAh exclaimed, pointing to the building in front of her, loudly, as if she were worried everyone in the van would not have heard her.

"Yeah..... it really does.... Lucky guys...," Eunhyuk gaped, their eyes fixed on the elegantly well-designed building, that could clearly be seen now.

SCREECH..............!!!!!!!! ....THUD!!............OUCH!!!!........

The van was braked abruptly......AND....Eunhyuk who didn't put his seatbelt on, who never did, bumped his forehead with the back of the driver's seat.

"MinHo!!," he roared at the top of his lungs......blaming the maknae despite his fault. "It's the fifth time.....!! Are you sure you got your driver's liscense??!!!"

"Miyanhae, hyung, for the FIFTH time" MinHo apologized half-heartedly, exicted about what they were going to do.

"I wonder if Eunhyuk oppa really have to say the same thing everytime he bumps his head..."So Yool whispered to Eunseo.

"I HEARD YOU!!!!", Eunhyuk bellowed.

No one else actually cared what he was screaming; they were all focused on doing well with their roles.

"Let's go!!! Move it .....people..." MinAh exclaimed again, pulling the door open, and jumped down to the ground; she dashed to the entrance, while gesturing the others to follow.

In front of the elevator,

"You girls have never been inside namja idol's dorm, have you?"

All the girls shook their heads hard. "This is the first time ever!!" MinAh said enthusiastically.

(Ding.......! The elevator came, they all stepped inside hurriedly)


Hi everyone!! I'm Elise and thanks for checking out my story..  ;) .... I know that the chapters are too short....... T_T

but I intentionally made them short so you could read it lightly ......More chapters are coming up so wait up!!........  :D 

^_- hope u enjoy reading this story!!!



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ButterflyShida #1
Chapter 2: Wah interesting