I'm the Luckiest Man Alive

Just My Luck


Just My Luck

Kyuhyun took a deep breath and smiled at the adoring audience, bowing in gratitude, happy to have had their support and appreciating. He turned to the cast mates behind him and exchanged brief embraces and congratulatory words, waving to the audience one last time, before finally heading to stage right. He took a few more breathes as he descended the steps, smiling in acknowledge of the congratulatory words or the fond pats he received in on the back. He carefully took the time to congratulate the hardworking staff members as well as the more senior actors, being as respectful as he could, smiling fondly at the proficient back up dancers and could even be persuaded to admit that he made it his business to greet the pretty supporting cast, but was grateful to finally arrived at his dressing room. He immediately slouched on his couch, taking some more calming breathes. What a long day.

It was his sixth or was it seventh, he wasn’t sure, performance as Frank in his new musical, yet it was still as stressful as his very first. Even if it was not his first musical, it was still a weight on his shoulders to deliver a proper performance, to silence the critics, to ensure that he upheld Super Junior’s name, that he made his hyungs proud, that he madehim proud. He was working hard on this musical, singing his heart out and ensuring that he acted with credibility. It was even fun sometimes when he relaxed for a few seconds and enjoyed the atmosphere, not worrying whether or not he looked forced,  or pretending he knew what he was doing in some of his romantic scenes. He really needed to make those look less awkward. So many things to fix, so many things to concentrate on and worst, so many choreographies to remember. He may be Dancing Kyu, but that did not make it any less difficult. The things he did. It was worth it though, worth it to make his fans proud, to carry the name of Super Junior forward, to cement their position in the industry, to make sure that no one ever forgot their names. He would work till his body broke, once it meant that Super Junior would last forever. He sighed.

His manager entered then, looking at him worriedly, until Kyuhyun smiled at him and assured that he was fine. Kyuhyun wondered if he evoked the sentiment of sympathy. It seemed that everyone around him always acted as if he were precious porcelain, easy to shatter. His hyungs [one in particular], despite his less than kind actions, always acted as if he was delicate, their manager was no exception. He thinks he has perfected that ‘I’m okay’ smile of his. He manager looked him up and down, before finally nodding his head, instruction him to shower and get changed so that he could take him home. Kyuhyun just nodded in response, seeing no need to dispute the instruction. He was more than ready to get out of his now heavy clothes and finally be home. He groggily pulled himself off the couch, heading to the dresser as the stylist came in to help him remove the makeup and the stage outfit, before he was finally allowed to head into the adjoining washroom, to take a quick shower and change into more comfortable clothes.

Twenty minutes later he was reclined in back seat of their van comfortably, eyes closed as he is manager safely took him home. He allowed the short journey home to be the time of comfort and reflection. He felt physically tired, but that was minor in comparison to the internal storm that was brewing steadily. Every minute he was deprived the stronger the craving became. He wondered if this was akin to the bloodlust that vampires felt. Well, rationally vampires didn’t exist, but from a theological standpoint, it could be an apt comparator. In a hypothetical situation, it could be possible to equate what he was feeling, to what a would be vampire, would feel when he hungered. Kyuhyun supposed he was lucky he didn’t hunger for blood. That was just sort of weird. Instead of blood, he craved warmth. He yearned for blinding, suffocating, consuming, impossible warmth. He wanted it desperately, feeling indefinitely deprived at this point. He felt stressed and tired, despondent and fatigued. He could survive all of those, he could endure all, but he could not tolerate the longing, the craving he felt. At this point he really and truly just needed to see him. ‘Would you stop being so dramatic? You are not dying’ his mind chastised. He supposed that he was being needlessly dramatic, but he could blame it on the fact that he was currently a tenured theatre actor, so it was hard to avoid drama. In less dramatic terms, he missed him and really wanted him to be his lighthouse on a rocky shore. ‘I hope you realized how horribly cheesy that was’ his mind chuckled. Maybe he should stay away from clichés. Even so all he wanted in that moment was for tiny fingers to wrap around his much large ones, and infect him with impossible warmth, to banish tiredness and make him fulfilled once more. He just desperately wanted that ever special one. He craved Yesung.

It had been about 4 ½ months since Kyuhyun had boldly, albeit unromantically confessed his endless devotion to the older man, and had that confession awkwardly returned.  Since then Kyuhyun had been endlessly pondering his fate, his luck. He was convinced that Tyche herself casted a hand upon him, upon his life, upon his love. He was blessed with unbridled good fortune, with unabridged good luck, with unchallenged blessing. How else could he be so fortunate? How else could it be reasonably justifiable that he had ever met the man, much less receive his love? He was certain that he could have never done enough good deeds in his life to receive such a blessing, such a bounty. He was positive he owed Tyche is eternal gratitude, his eternal appreciation. It was extreme good fortune to even see Yesung’s smile once, to have them directed at him, for them to be for his enjoyment, his satisfaction, his happiness, had to be miracle, a bequeath of infinite glory. The fact that he got to hold his hand, to feel that impossible comforting warmth, smell that heavenly aroma, to stand in his presence were monumental all by themselves. To be the recipient of his attention, of his affection, of his care, of his trust and astonishingly his love, had to be Tyche bestowing her power unchecked. Things like that just didn’t happen in the world. It didn’t happen to people like Kyuhyun. No one could ever be as lucky he was. It was not even a possibility. For this reason, he was sure Tyche had looked upon him in kindness, holding back Nemesis from even casting a glance at him. She had to have hidden his extreme good fortune from the balancing hand of Nemesis, hiding him safely away, so that he could continue to call a person as perfect as Yesung, his. It was good fortune to have met him; too actually to be able to claim him as his, surely meant that Nemesis was kept at bay. He was a man blessed with endless good fortune, even if he was not blessed with a perfect world.

He was lucky to have his love, despite the trails that they faced. It was not especially  easy adjusting to their unique circumstances. It was not simple having to deal with the fact that they were previously two straight men that fell in love with each other and did not have a particular attraction towards each other. The feelings were new and unique, strange and just downright weird sometimes. It was not straightforward having to adjust to the new feelings, the new environment, the new expectation. It was difficult finding their place in each other’s life, moulding to suit each other, to react to each other, but they were doing it. Slowly and softly, they were building their lives with each other, building a perfect future together. It was taking time to let the attraction grow, to let the comfort develop, but it was all worth it. Regardless of how long it took, Kyuhyun was just pleased that it was actually happening. It was a strenuous process, but they were both willing. Both were determined to go out of their way to ensure that their newly formed pseudo relationship advanced, that it lasted. They were willing to nurture it, to protect it, to fight for it. Kyuhyun realistically couldn’t ask for more. It would be ungrateful to ask for more. He would never be that audacious. He got to hold impossibly warm hands, be intoxicated by the sweetest scent and could claim perfection as his. Really what else could he ask for? He knew that their future was not going to be roses and rainbows, that the world was full of hate and discrimination, that he had no idea how anyone would react, that there was so much he could lose. Yet, not a single day did he care about any of that. Who is their right mind worried about things like that when they had perfection in their grasp? Who would dare to be so ungrateful when, they had been granted unbridled fortuity?

Not Kyuhyun, that was for sure. He would spend his life in perpetual gratitude. He would cherish his fortune and ensure he always held on to it, always held on to Yesung. He would never let go of those fingers, never relinquish his claim on the man, never release his hold on man that rested in his arms and most significantly he would never liberate the heart he held captive, and would pray that older man never once thought about returning Kyuhyun’s heart to him. Kyuhyun would pray with all his might that he always kept it close, that he imprisoned it, that he want to always possess his heart, as Kyuhyun wished to always possess Yesung’s.

Kyuhyun was roused from his reverie, when his manager called his name, indicating that they had arrived. He carefully pulled himself together, grabbing his bag, before exiting the vehicle. His manager was by his side, holding various bagged outfits, requesting that he take them up for him as he still had to fetch Leeteuk from a late schedule. Kyuhyun kindly acquiesced to the request, making the manager hyung, pat him on the back and affectionately ask him to get a good night’s rest, regardless of what that required, accompanied with a wink before he entered the vehicle and pulled off with a wave. Kyuhyun often wondered if their manager had knowledge of the sort of relationship he had with Yesung. There were often such instances where he would receive suggestive comments or looks, but he often just dismissed them. He supposed it was possible that the managers may have suspected something was off. They spent a lot of time with all the members and as such it would be hard to miss something like that, no matter how careful they were and they were definitely careful. They had informed their brothers but had withheld the information from the managers. It was a tricky issue and Kyuhyun honestly didn’t know how they would react. He was not looking forward to having to explain it to the company just as yet and was grateful that even if they had an idea, none had acted on the information. He supposed it was just another example of his good fortune.

His manager was right though. He was in need of a good night’s rest. The next few days were going to be tons of fun, but definitely hell. It would be tiring and hectic and he was sure full of unbelievable craving and blinding withdrawal. He refused to ponder it in this moment. All he wanted to do was see a very special hyung and go to sleep. Kyuhyun was tired and needed a quick energizer, so basically he needed Yesung. He didn’t need much. He just needed to see him briefly; just a glance would be enough at this stage. He supposed that Yesung would probably be asleep. It was sorta late and as far as he knew Yesung did have schedules during the day. If he wasn’t asleep, he should be. The older man was prone to insomnia from time to time, but of recent, Kyuhyun thinks he has been sleeping quite a bit. He wouldn’t be so bold as to credit himself, however he would admit to feeling that tingle deep in his stomach every time he wondered however momentarily if it was because of him. If it was because he was near him, because he was in his arms, that he held him close, that his warmth maybe comforted him, maybe his presence banished the insomnia. ‘ Isn’t that a little farfetched? Do you really think you mean that much? That ego of yours…’ his mind taunted. He could admit that it was unlikely and probably not the case, but he just liked the thought. Could he not enjoy the idea of it atleast? Just a whisper that he could be helping the man he loved, was so particularly valuable. If he could return a portion of what he received from the man that would be so very much.

Asleep or not, he just needed to see him. That was the only thought that occupied his mind as he rode the elevator, made the short journey to their assigned apartment and entered. He stopped briefly to remove his shoes, walking with purpose to the contraption they used to hold the numerous stage outfits  that they were required to wear, placing it at the far end, which also happened to be the only available space. He rubbed his eyes briefly, before making his way to his room. He entered quietly, in case Sungmin was there, but realized that he didn’t need too, as his bed was empty. Maybe he had an activity or was just having a late dinner. Kyuhyun removed his bag, placed it on his dresser, before ridding himself of the heavy clothing, opting instead to switch into his more comfortable sweats. It didn’t take long for him to make that important trek to what was becoming his favourite room. In a flash he was standing in front of the plain wooden door. As usual he didn’t bother to knock, just turning the door knob silently. His purpose was just to check on him, or if he was being honest, just to get that needed fix, not to actually wake him. He hoped that he was asleep. He distinctly remembered the doctor’s words, but couldn’t really do anything to help him. He could hope though. He carefully pushed the door forward, sticking his head in cautiously, eyes immediately directed to the bed, a sleeping man should be occupying. That was not the case however.

He gazed upon the bed, only to spot a very much awake Yesung, sitting comfortably on his bed, attention directed at the device placed precariously on his lap, back against his wall, far from the sleeping position he was supposed to be occupying. Kyuhyun pushed the door a bit more forward, which was enough to instantly alert the older man of his presence. Yesung looked up, smiling brightly when he realized that it was Kyuhyun at his door, his smile being the only invitation needed for Kyuhyun to properly push the door open, slide his body through the gap and into the room. He causally made his way towards the smaller man, hoping that he was hiding his eagerness, smile naturally taking shape. Without invitation, he placed his knees on the bed, calmly crawling into what he considered to be his place, thinking to himself that maybe Yesung deliberately left it vacant just for him. ‘ That is something you would believe’ his mind added, which he ignored, being more focused on getting into his comfortable position next to the man, shoulder against shoulder, warmth instantly spreading through his body, mind immediately  relaxing, that annoying tiredness being evicted with mindboggling swiftness, the contentment already taking shape, washing over him, settling deep within.

“Why are you still up Hyung? It’s late. You should be asleep” Kyuhyun spoke softly, looking at the older man with tender eyes and a gentle questioning outlook. Kyuhyun was genuinely curious as to why the older man was still awake. He wondered if something upset or made him feel unwell. He then considered if his insomnia had returned. He was happy to receive the warm smile but he would have much preferred that he had slept instead. Kyuhyun wondered just for a brief second, if Yesung was aware that he tends to check on him before he slept. ’Check on him? You watch him sleep’ his mind alleged.

Kyuhyun would vehemently deny such a slander. He swears that he doesn’t actually watch him sleep. He just makes sure he is asleep and well, and does not do anything weird. He doesn’t even stay long or anything and he definitely doesn’t just stare at him. He just has to see him before he sleeps, which is not even a problem when they sleep together. He thinks he had adequately proven his point. He could finally return to a more troubling concern. He was concerned as to whether or not Yesung knew that he checks on him before he sleeps. If he did, then Kyuhyun would like nothing better than the earth opening up and swallowing him whole to hide from the embarrassment that he was sure he would feel. It would probably make the older man think he was weird and clingy. Even if Yesung has watched him sleep before, that was less weird as he was Yesung and was naturally just weird. If Kyuhyun did something like that people would be concerned. It was funny how the world worked sometimes. It already hurt his pride to know that he craved the man’s presence near him, it was another thing altogether if Yesung was aware of his weakness. The older man might think he was insane. Then another possibility occurred to him. Was it possible that Yesung was waiting up for him? He quite liked that idea actually. It gave him great joy to think about it, much less if it was true.

“Just couldn’t sleep” Yesung explained simply, still looking at his companion with a warm smile. He was happy that Kyuhyun was here. He knew somewhere deep down that the reason sleep eluded him was due to the absence of the maknae. He supposed that he was anxious to see him and as such couldn’t bring himself to actually sleep without seeing him. They would be apart in the next few days and with their current schedule structure, he was seeing much less of him. He wouldn’t say he was waiting for him though. ’You kinda were’ his mind indicated. Well…he supposed he was, but he wasn’t going to admit it.

“Nah…You were waiting for me” Kyuhyun teased with a slight smirk and playful smile. He didn’t actually believe that he was waiting for him. Whilst he could admit that he loved the idea greatly, even his ego was not big enough to come to that conclusion. He was however quite pleased when Yesung blushed lightly and looked away hastily. If that meant that he was actually waiting on Kyuhyun, he thought his heart would genuinely burst from the happiness he was feeling. There was something special about the fact that he was waiting on him. Kyuhyun smiled like an idiot, preparing his next tease, in what was going be a very enjoyable night.

“Why are you here again? It is late after all” Yesung questioned, eyebrows raised, suggestion and implication dripping from his words, eyes constricted and teasing. It was an attack of the strongest nature, with an allegation that had Kyuhyun speechless. He couldn’t believe that Yesung was so apt that this little game. He had basically outright asked Kyuhyun why he was in his room, the implication being clear: Kyuhyun was not in a position to tease, as Yesung was well aware that he was here to simply see him or watch him sleep, neither of which was much better. Kyuhyun could chuckle at the genius of the simple words, if he wasn’t frantically trying to find the appropriate response, without blushing like an idiot and stuttering denials. He refused to acknowledge the implication, especially not after Yesung started to look at him with that snug expression. He briefly wondered if he looked that annoying when he said things like that. If he did, Yesung really did have the patience of a saint or he was like Kyuhyun and found the cheeky grin to rather adorable. Wait! He needed to focus. He was attacked and exposed; he couldn’t be fooled by that boyish grin. He needed to retaliate with equal vigour.

“I was just making sure you weren’t trying to cuddle with Ddangkkomaeng and if you were, get pictures” Kyuhyun teased with a hearty chuckle and bright shining wick eyes, head rocking back from the words, overcome with mirth. That was just brilliant. He was proud of himself for thinking of that one. That was one sure way to end the conversation. Judging my Yesung’s expression he had hit his mark dead on. The older man’s mouth was agape and a blush was taking shape, obviously trying to process Kyuhyun’s words and hopefully provide some coherent response. It was an adorable sight actually. Kyuhyun could squish him, if he wasn’t so busy laughing his head off. It was fortunate that Yesung had once forgotten that he had left a small Ddangkkomaeng on his bed, which had been the source of endless teasing, with him being accused of trying to cuddle the cold blooded creature.

“When will you guys let that go? I just forgot that he was there. He was so small at the time. Really! I swear I was not trying to cuddle with him. Why don’t you guys believe me? I swear I really forgot that he was there. It’s not fair. I really wasn’t trying to cuddle with him, I –“ Yesung sputtered anxiously, face burning and panicked, trying hardest to proclaim his innocence. He really wasn’t that weird, he swears. He was just holding him in his hands and someone called him. He placed him on the bed and forgot, and when he returned he just went to sleep. Eunhyuk came in to ask him something and saw the little turtle crawling near his arms and proceeded to inform everyone that he was trying to cuddle with it. He knew it was a joke, but it still felt awkward and embarrassing .He was dying. Why did Kyuhyun have to bring that up? He wanted to hide under his covers. He was sure his face was burning. Kyuhyun was evil.

Kyuhyun was enjoying the sight immensely. Yesung was adorably flustered and panicked, face turning redder every second he tried to explain what happened. Kyuhyun knew he should feel bad for upsetting him, but him being flustered was too precious. Kyuhyun wanted the savour the way his eyes contracted and the soft blush and the flushed ramblings. It was all just so precious to him. He regretted that he had to stop the rambling, but it had to be done. He was turning more red and panicky by the millisecond and whilst it was adorably precious, Kyuhyun couldn’t let it actually upset him. It was also possible to allege that Kyuhyun just really wanted to squish him and the urge was just too strong to resist.

Kyuhyun, with a wide smile, reached upwards and placed a delicate hand on Yesung’s cheek; the contact effectively ending his rambled explanation. With a small playful smirk he increased the pressure, pinching one side lightly, before adding a second hand to the chubby cheeks, laughing as he pinched and squished. He thoroughly enjoyed squishing the older man, as his expression changed from surprise to annoyance, rolling his eyes and pouting at the treatment he was receiving from a dongsaeng. Unable to tolerate the coddling, Yesung stretched his own small hands upwards, grabbing hold of Kyuhyun’s hand, trying to pry it off of him. When that failed, he resorted to slapping them off, pouting unconsciously and lamenting the fact that he had useless baby hands. Kyuhyun thought the whole action was even cuter and didn’t want to release him. The more frustrated he got the more childlike he got, uttering a mumble meant to be menacing “get off” which only sounded like a whine. The pout was too much to endure. 

Kyuhyun supposed that he better release him. If he continued he wouldn’t ever find the strength to liberate the man he was holding on to and Yesung doesn’t ever really like being treated like a child, even if he is one. With a burst of will, Kyuhyun released his hold, with Yesung immediately glaring at him, wrinkling his face at him, tempting Kyuhyun to grab hold of him once more. Yesung unable to stomach his ill treatment, stretched a small hand outward to smack Kyuhyun, only to have it captured by the opponent. Kyuhyun held on tightly as Yesung in his indignation tried to dislodge the grip, smiling somewhat condescendingly at the older man. Yesung continued to struggle for a few seconds, until he realized that it would be hopeless to do so. Kyuhyun’s grip was tight, with no intention of releasing him. With a defeated expression, he ceased his struggles and allowed himself to get comfortable once more, head resting against the wall, hand held firmly by Kyuhyun. He permitted himself to enjoy the warmth and was soon smiling at Kyuhyun lovingly. It was hard not to really, with Kyuhyun looking at him so fondly. They just sat there looking at each other with stupid smiles.

“How was your play? Did it go well? Did you have any problems? Was the audience large?” Yesung questioned with interest, looking at Kyuhyun with inquisitive eyes. He had yet to visit the production and with his schedule the way it was organized, he didn’t have the opportunity to make the appropriate inquiries since the first show. He hoped that his Kyuhyunnie was fine, that nothing was troubling him. He could tell that Kyuhyun was tired, even if his smile was bright and warm. He truly hoped there weren’t any incidents and that his co-stars were treating him right. He worried about his wellbeing often and felt guilty that he couldn’t always be there to look over him. He unconsciously squeezed his fingers, that were now carefully wrapped around Kyuhyun’s, with Kyuhyun returning the gesture without thought.

“It was fine. Everything is good so far. Why don’t you come and see it? Changmin ah came already. You should come see it too. It’s a good story” Kyuhyun suggested, voice even, eyes looking at Yesung briefly before he turned his attention to their joint hands. He hoped he didn’t sound whiny or childish. He really wondered why Yesung hadn’t come to see him as yet. He came to his other plays at some point and due to their current situation shouldn’t he be more anxious to come and see him? He knew it wasn’t the end of the world and theoretically he could probably still come and see him. It wasn’t even necessary for him to come if Kyuhyun was being honest. It was just a play, nothing extremely important. Kyuhyun knew it was sort of petty, but he really wanted him to come and see him. He wanted him to be there, he wanted the older man to be proud of him, for him to be impressed with him. He felt sort of stupid for feeling that way. He knew that he didn’t need his approval, but in a way he sort of wanted it. He could recognize that with the scheduling it would be difficult for him to come, but he couldn’t help the feeling of disappointment that gripped him. He would only console himself that atleast he could sit here with him, hands attached to him, feeling the warmth spread through him. He should always be grateful, he reminded himself. He was lucky to know him, even more to be able to hand those tiny hands in his own. He would be grateful he told himself, as he smiled brightly at the older man.

“I can’t seem to find the time. I will try to come, but I can’t make any promises. It will all depend on how things work out.” Yesung spoke a little solemnly, flashing a sad smile, before also looking away, coming to settle his eyes on their joint hands. He felt guilty that he couldn’t properly support Kyuhyun. He knew his presence there was not necessary and would add nothing of value, but he still wanted to atleast let Kyuhyun know that he supported his hard work, that he wanted to be near him. It was really unfortunate that their schedules were so aligned. He wished that he could change it, but he couldn’t. They needed him in the studio and just couldn’t get away and even if he did, he couldn’t make it to the shows. He hoped he would be able to do it whilst he performed but he was not sure he would be able to. He genuinely felt guilty, that he couldn’t do something so simple. He despises disappointing Kyuhyun and he could only hope that he was just fuelling his ego by thinking that Kyuhyun was actually disappointed. Kyuhyun probably just invited him as a courtesy. ‘Or he wants you there’ his mind comforted. He thought that comfort was actually more heartbreaking. It was one thing for him not to care, yet another altogether to disappoint him. It was for this reason, that he ensured he would be awake and sensible enough to greet him today. He couldn’t verbally admit that he was actually waiting for him, but he knew that he had to see him today. He didn’t have much time. They had their next SS4 soon.

“That’s fine” Kyuhyun assured, as happily as he could. He was disappointed obviously, but had heard the regret in the older man’s voice. He didn’t want him feeling guilty or thinking he was disappointing him. It was out of Yesung’s control and Kyuhyun could understand that. This thing they had was not easy and their general circumstance in life was unique. Kyuhyun could honestly deal with it all. He would bury the disappointment and just allow the gratefulness to take shape. He unconsciously pouted however, defeating his intent.

“You don’t need me there anyway. I am sure you are doing a great job. You are probably tired seeing me here anyway” Yesung tried to cheer him up, with a half hearted joke. Kyuhyun had seemed unperturbed until he pouted. Yesung wasn’t sure if he was teasing or was genuinely dissatisfied but decided that it was best to be proactive. He was serious though. He was sure that Kyuhyun was doing a good job and portraying his character brilliantly and he was certain that his presence there was not required. As for the last part, well he rather hoped that Kyuhyun was not getting tired of him just as yet. He was sure one day the kid would stop being blinded by love and see him for what he really was. One day Kyuhyun would open his eyes and see how weird and boring he was, and finally get tired of him. Today however, was not that day. He hoped with all his heart that that day was long in coming or better yet, never came. He wondered if he would ever be that lucky. He doubted it. To add substance to his words he held on tighter to Kyuhyun’s fingers and squeezed his confidence, smiling brightly at the maknae. Kyuhyun smiled in return but was not especially responsive, so Yesung decided maybe a change in topic was required.

“You are lucky though. You get to do all those cool romantic scenes and you are probably having tons of fun with Sunny ah. I am jealous” Yesung said with a playful smile and a general cheerful disposition. He truthfully thought that Kyuhyun was lucky to be in such a musical. As far as he was informed from the other members and Kyuhyun himself, it was a really fun musical, based on love and adventure. He knew Kyuhyun was tired, but atleast he was having fun before he became exhausted. It must be great to play such a compelling character, with so many different fun scenes. Yesung had starred in musicals before, but all his characters were of a darker nature. He was jealous, but not the green type, more like the type where you lament that it wasn’t you but could feel happy for the actual recipient. He was happy for his Kyuhyun. He was happy that he got to do something different, that he got to do something interesting.

“What do you mean hyung?” Kyuhyun inquired; face illustrating the confusion that he felt. He knew Yesung said he was jealous, but he didn’t know why? Was he jealous that Kyuhyun was doing a romantic scene? It couldn’t be that could it? He said it far too simply for it to be actual jealousy. Then Kyuhyun knew that Yesung never gets jealous. Well … if he did, he hid it really well. Kyuhyun can’t remember ever seeing him jealous, not even once. It would be pretty interesting to see how he behaves when he is jealous and well Kyuhyun quite liked the idea of a jealous Yesung. ’Do you really think he seemed jealous?’ his mind questioned. He had to agree there. It was asked far too happily to be that sort of jealousy. This all led to Kyuhyun being extremely confused. Why did he even mention Sunny? Sigh.

“You are lucky you get to do romantic scenes. I have starred in tons of musicals and I have never had any real romantic scenes. I’m jealous that you get to do cool things. It’s really not fair” Yesung explained, still with a small smile, meant to express no ill feeling even if he was jealous, shaking his head in the negative, to indicate the unfairness of the situation. He almost seemed wistful.

Kyuhyun on the other hand was resisting the urge to face palm, both literally and figuratively. Yesung had just told them that he was jealous that Kyuhyun got to do romantic scenes. Not because he was doing romantics things with other people and not because he had some girl touching him, but because he had those things and Yesung didn’t. Clearly Yesung did not know how jealousy worked at all. Wasn’t he supposed to be jealous that some girl was touching what was his? Shouldn’t he upset that Kyuhyun had to confess love and admiration for someone that wasn’t him? Shouldn’t be atleast be perturbed that Kyuhyun was touching someone other than him, holding someone else’s hand or face? Seriously Kyuhyun didn’t know what to say or what to do. Yesung obviously did not understand how jealousy or relationships worked. Kyuhyun just chuckled. What else was he supposed to do? He was clearly in love with an oblivious idiot, with no hope of recovery concerning both the idiocy and the love, so it was best that he just shrug it off. That was Yesung for you. Kyuhyun may know him better than anyone else, but did not mean he would always understand the way his mind worked. He was Yesung and he was odd and unpredictable and Kyuhyun loved him. That was all that mattered.

Well….that was all that mattered, until Kyuhyun realized that he sounded wistful. Why the hell did he want to do romantic scenes? Did he actually want to do romantic scenes? Kyuhyun was not Yesung, so that meant that he was well aware as to how jealousy worked. He was the one feeling upset now. Yesung was his, and that clearly indicated that he should not ever be doing romantic scenes with anyone, much less want to do them. Kyuhyun could actually scream. How on earth did he become the upset [not jealous, since Kyuhyun doesn’t get jealous] one? He was sure Yesung would drive him crazy someday. He sincerely doubted his sanity would survive their numerous years together.

“Really?” Kyuhyun asked in attempt to clarify the situation. It would be pointless to lose his sanity over something that he was misunderstanding. It was always better to clarify before you proclaim the love of your life to be an oblivious idiot and feel unexpected ill will [again, it’s not jealousy]. Kyuhyun thought so anyway.

“All my musicals are blood and gore and it’s weird. I have never actually played a real romantic character or had a real romantic scene. It is actually really unfair if you think about it. I mean, I am like perfect to play a romantic character. I already look so soft. Theoretically with my voice, I should be the one seducing some girl, shouldn’t I?” Yesung explained ending with an embarrassed laugh, bashful smile and playful eyes. He was embarrassed that he actually said that. It reeked of self praise and after he said it he felt shy. He shouldn’t have said it, but he would admit that he really did believe it. He genuinely thought that he was a gentle sort of man. He could admit that he was not especially handsome like Siwon or even Kyuhyun but he was sure he was atleast cute. Was he cute? So maybe he wasn’t sure, but he still thought he would be a good romantic lead. He already looked so soft and his voice was that low husky type. Wasn’t his voice the creation and motivation of fictional Casanovas? He really needed to stop reading fanfiction. He was starting to believe it. He just chuckled. Why was he so weird? ‘If we only knew’ his mind agreed. Only if.

Kyuhyun though, was having a different type of internal debate. He was deciding if he should strangle or behead Yesung for even suggesting something that horrific. Kyuhyun was almost positive that Yesung took some erse pleasure in torturing him and making him have murderous thoughts. Kyuhyun was certain that since Siwon was in China and he was enjoying the Siwon free environment, Yesung was just finding something else for him to be irrational and have criminal intent about. That honestly had to be it. He could  see no other reason for Yesung to even suggest something so distasteful, unwanted or unneeded. Just the idea of some girl touching him was enough for him to see red. Seriously how could he even think about something like that. It seems as if he doesn’t like seeing a sane Kyuhyun. Yesung needed to realize that all his smiles were supposed to be for Kyuhyun, his husky beautiful voice was only suppose to say shy sweet things to him. He was his, for heaven’s sake. ‘I hope you know that you sound like a stalker’ his mind informed a little too causally. He could see the logic though, so he would wish to clarify.

He was not a stalker and in no way thought he owned Yesung. He was just of the belief that since Yesung was someone that he loved and more importantly loved him in return and on the basis of their ongoing relationship, he was entitled to protect what was his. For all intense purposes, Yesung was just his and no girl or anyone else for that matter was going to snatch him away. He was too precious to lose. Once Yesung wanted him to hold on, he would never let go, he would never let anyone even think about stealing him. He could admit that it was not the most rational thing he has ever thought and his feelings were probably over the top. His blood crawled just by the thinking about someone else touching him, holding his hands, smelling that sweet aroma, hearing that husky voice say ‘I love you’. It was worst than a nightmare. He couldn’t let that happen. He knew it was not healthy to be that possessive, but Kyuhyun would argue that he was not causing any harm. Yesung was free to do as he pleased and was always happy, and Kyuhyun had not once had the thought of ever hurting the older man. He would do anything to make him happy, hence the Siwon toleration. He didn’t think it was horrible to want to keep what was his hidden away. So he was petty and childish, even possessive, so be it. He wasn’t hurting anyone and no girl is getting near his Hyung. That was the end of that as far as he was concerned.

“I think you should continue to do the historical ones” Kyuhyun suggested evenly trying very hard to mask the selfishness he was attempting to bury into the pits of his subconscious. He ensured that he kept a mutual expression and calm tone. He did not need Yesung to know that he had his own particular reason for having such an opinion. ‘You are so sneakily selfish’ his mind chastised. He could admit it. He was selfish. He wanted him all to himself. He could not bear to share him with a fictional love interest. Even if she was just an actress, he didn’t want her touching him, being near him. His possessive nature wouldn’t be able to bear it comfortably. He supposed if he was honest, he knew he would just have to swallow all his ill thoughts and anger if the situation ever called for it, but he would rather just avoid it if he could.

“Why? You don’t think I can be romantic enough?” Yesung questioned with raised eyebrows, voiced with mild accusation, eyes trained critically on Kyuhyun. It was not to say that he was offended or anything of the such, just more eager in his curiosity. He wonders why Kyuhyun would think he should stay in that genre and avoid romantic iterations. Does Kyuhyun not think he has the ability to portray a romantic character? This led to even more disturbing thoughts. Perhaps Kyuhyun had based his opinion on their interactions. Kyuhyun could have decided that he was not fit to play a romantic character based on how he acted around Kyuhyun. If he followed that line of logic, it meant that Kyuhyun didn’t find the way they interacted to be of any romantic substance. Yesung was aware that he was painfully shy sometimes, but didn’t really think it made him unromantic. ‘Who are you trying to fool?’  his mind meanly questioned.

Fine, he will admit it. He was not a romantic person and had no idea what to do in any romantic or possible romantic situation. For all he knew he had ruined countless romantic moments. Since he was clearly so unromantic in life, he would be a terrible romantic protagonist. That then naturally meant that since he was so fail at romantic savvy, Kyuhyun would come to realize that he was not the best candidate to be hopelessly in love with. His lack of romantic ability would definitely affect how Kyuhyun viewed him and their relationship one day. It didn’t even have to be one day. It could be happening already. Maybe that is why he said he couldn’t or shouldn’t do romantic characters. Kyuhyun had probably already realized that he was a terrible his [He refused to even allow himself to think boyfriend, because that was just *shivers* weird….yeah…no boyfriend…he was just his…justhis] and as such was just being polite by telling him. Kyuhyun would realize that he was not worth it soon. He just knew it. ‘Don’t you think you are overreacting? Can’t you ever just let him love you?’ his mind pleaded frustrated. He wished he could believe his mind and be certain, but he couldn’t. The only thing he could do was to banish the thought far away and pretend he had never even considered it. He could repeat like a mantra that Kyuhyun loved him just as he loved Kyuhyun. ‘Kyuhyun loves me….Kyuhyun loves me…’

“No Hyung , its nothing like that . I just think you look really cool as those mysterious adventurers. It suits you a lot. Plus you handle a sword really well” Kyuhyun praised, smiling wide and nodding his head, completely unaware of the internal argument raging in the older man, who just smiled warmly at his words, eyes getting brighter instantly.

Kyuhyun did believe his words, even if he had an ulterior motive that was the guiding force. He sincerely thought that Yesung was rather enthralling as the characters he had previously portrayed. He always seems to carry that mysterious adventurer or hero in such a manner as to give it a special compelling aura. It was similar to the man himself. Always done in a quite manner, yet he seems to always captivate with his simple mannerisms and genuine mystery. It was rather impressive and Kyuhyun thought it worked rather well for him. He was even serious about that sword thing. It was just a lingering benefit that those character types, tend not to have prevailing romantic interest nor were they required to enact anything too horrifying in the nature of romance. In those fields he could be successful and Kyuhyun would keep his sanity. Yesung would perform beautifully to his full potential and he could keep people from finding out just how amazing the older man was. He could just imagine all those girls swooning if they heard him whisper sweet nothings. It was always in Kyuhyun’s best interest that the female population of the Kpop Industry remain in the dark to the romantic know how of the older man. He honestly couldn’t protect [ A rather subjective use of the word ‘protect’ he admits, truthfully being more hide than anything else] from all those attractive girls. It was better they all just find him interesting than make positive efforts to court. He didn’t think he would like that very much, regardless of whether Yesung reciprocated or not.

“You are probably right Kyu ah. I do like those characters. I even played a villain before. That was definitely interesting. I probably wouldn’t even know how to play a romantic character anyway” Yesung agreed with a self depreciating laugh. He could admit that he was probably much better at the darker characters anyway. He had recently firmly established that he was not cut out for the romantic types as he was already so naturally unromantic in life as it was. He was comforted by Kyuhyun’s words though. He had rather treacherous thoughts prior, but realized that Kyuhyun just thought he was better at the historic based roles. He quite liked that idea that Kyuhyun thought he looked cool. He knew that sort of made him not much better than a gushing school girl thrilled that the guy she liked thought she was pretty, but it was what it was.

“Your villain was really cool. I don’t think you need to play a romantic character” Kyuhyun affirmed, smiling at the man. He was definitely more pleased with the current direction of this conversation than he was before. He was finally settling the romantic issue. It also served a purpose. He could finally say that he thought he was cool in his plays. He had thought that since he first saw them, but didn’t think he had actually said it then.

“You are still the lucky one. What I won’t give to play a romantic character with Moon Geun Young” Yesung spoke, with a wistful chuckle, lost in possible thoughts of what could have been, completely missing the murderous glares Kyuhyun was shooting in his direction. Kyuhyun was sure he would be fine if the older man was just teasing, but he was sure he meant it. Was it weird that he wanted to strangle the one he swore he would love for an eternity? Yesung was seriously lucky he loved him too much to even harm a strand of his hair, much less anywhere else.

Comments like those though, were genuine test to his love and his self control. Was this guy for real? What was so special about that girl? She never even gives him an ounce of attention. Why was he even contemplating having romantic scenes with her? Then he had the audacity to sound wistful and regretful. Kyuhyun needed to take private deep breathes whilst Yesung was stuck where ever his mind was. He had better not be imagining a romantic scene with her!! He would seriously have the cause to kill him. It was not supposed to be like this, Kyuhyun realized. He should have known that his possessive nature would be problematic, but with Yesung it was supposed to be easier. He was calm, reserved and beyond shy. Instead of those things making him easier to deal with, it was even more of a problem. He was just so oblivious that anyone could try to steal him and he wouldn’t even know. Then it meant that he was painfully honest, without making provisions for the general courtesies of non disclosure in a relationship. Kyuhyun wanted to strangle him, he really did, choosing instead to just tighten his grip on his hand. The action caused Yesung to escape his trance, to turn and smile at Kyuhyun warmly, also tightening his fingers. Kyuhyun smiled like an idiot in return, completely forgetting that he wanted to strangle him less than a second ago. This hopelessly in love thing was dangerous.

“I think you are the lucky one actually” Kyuhyun stated, after smiling at him like an idiot, then realizing that he couldn’t let that unintentional slight go unanswered. He loved the older man more than he should, he knew, but that didn’t mean he stopped being himself. A teasing comment was the least he could do.

“What do you mean?” Yesung questioned, looking at Kyuhyun was confused, curious eyes. As far as he knew they were still talking about the choice of roles that they were offered. In that comparator, Kyuhyun was still the lucky one as far as he was concerned. Though he would freely admit that in life, he had to be especially blessed.

“You are the lucky one Hyung. I mean you get to be annoyed by me of all people. Doesn’t that make you lucky? You really should recognize how fortunate you are Hyung” Kyuhyun advised, voice dripping with suggestion and blatant playfulness, eyes and general demeanour indicating that he was teasing ,as he tends to do in most situations. In truth Kyuhyun would pledge that he was the lucky one not Yesung. He could claim that someone as amazing like Yesung loved him, allowed Kyuhyun to call him his. There was no doubt in his mind at any point in time that he was the lucky one in their relationship. He was a spoilt little brat, that was snarky and too smart for his own good sometimes. Yesung was a special, kind man, with an open heart and an honest soul. It was impossible not be drawn to someone of his natural innocence and unwavering loyalty. He was unique and interesting, frustrating and compelling, flawed yet perfect. Kyuhyun would never ever question who the lucky one was. He was fortunate to have even met him, to actually have his love……simply unbelievable.

“Nah…You are still the lucky one. I put up with a cheeky brat like you don’t I?” Yesung asked rhetorically, returning the tease that he received, smirking at the maknae briefly, before it turned into hearty loving smile, nudging Kyuhyun with his shoulder playfully. Kyuhyun laughed at his words jovially before, he also returned the nudge. Both sitting side by side smiling at each other , playfully nudging each other, with Kyuhyun being the brat that he always is, using his free hand to poke the older man a couple of times, making him squirm and protest, as he tried to suffocate the giggles that were threatening to erupt. He refused to be a giggling girl. He really hated that he was so ticklish.

“Maybe we are both lucky” Kyuhyun remarked after his unprovoked assault on the clearly disadvantaged man. He had calmed down significantly was now just staring at down at their joint hands, his thumb running patterns against the back of the palms, whilst his fingers contracted, tightening and releasing in a weird sort of rhythm, basically he was just playing with the hand in his. He would admit that he was lucky to have the older man. He was lucky he put up with him, he was lucky he spoke to him, he was lucky he held his hand, he was lucky that he trusted him, he was lucky that he loved him. Kyuhyun had no doubt that he was lucky.

“We are” Yesung agreed, voice gentle and sincere, smiling at Kyuhyun warmly before he also casted his gaze onto their joint limbs, admiring the way his hand always fit perfectly into Kyuhyun’s, how warm it always was and how much comfort he receives from it. He would argue with Kyuhyun. They weren’t lucky, he was the lucky one. He was a weird shy, awkward guy that always said the wrong thing and never knew how to express himself properly, with endless doubts and a very temperamental personality, yet someone as amazing as Kyuhyun loved him. Not only did he love him, but he loved him endlessly, enough to make tremendous sacrifices just to sit on a small bed with him, because Yesung was too shy and too paranoid to do anything else. If that was not good fortune, then he didn’t know what was. People like him didn’t hold the hearts of people like Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun was talented, smart, witty and cheerful, and could handle any situation. He was confident and brave, whilst Yesung was shy and always doubtful. There was no way they were supposed to even be able to conceive a relationship, much less have it work so perfectly. Kyuhyun was not even supposed to give him his attention, yet Kyuhyun gave him his heart and protected his. He was definitely the lucky one.

“So how is it? Are you having fun? Are the girls pretty? Are the romantic scenes okay for you? Do you like them?” Yesung asked inquisitively, leaning his head against Kyuhyun’s shoulder, intending to find out all that he had missed. Since it was possible that he wouldn’t make it to the show, he just wanted Kyuhyun to tell him about all that he missed, to ensure that everything was fine with his BabyKyu. He still felt regret he couldn’t be there, but the least he could do is show that he was interested, that he cared about what was happening in Kyuhyun’s life.

Whilst the questions may have been innocently asked, Kyuhyun interpreted them completely different. He was confused. They were suggestive and incriminating inquiries, yet they were asked with such calmness and even tenderness. His  voice was soft and his actions even more loving, as he was not looking at Kyuhyun really, instead placing his head on his shoulder and playing with his fingers, causally comparing their lengths and almost giggling at the sight. Kyuhyun was thrown for a loop. One’s significant other rarely ever asks so casually whether theirs was enjoying time with other people or if they found other people attractive. Kyuhyun wasn’t sure how he was supposed to answer actually. They were for all intense purposes involved in a relationship, one that had transcended labels, yet still made it awkward to answer those types of questions. Was he supposed to lie and say that all the girls were ugly and he hated every single romantic scene? The better question was whether Yesung would even care. What was the purpose of his question? Did he want to know if Kyuhyun found other people attractive?  If that was the case, it was pretty misleading. He was sure that Yesung was aware that their attraction for each other was at that point still particularly limited and Kyuhyun and he was sure Yesung, still found women to be attractive. How on earth was he supposed to answer that? He was stumped. ‘You’re over thinking this. It’s Yesungie hyung remember?’ his mind provided guidance. It was right. It was just Yesung. It was best that he went with the truth and dealt with it after.

“It’s fun, since my character is like this witty con artiste that has all these schemes. It‘s a lot of fun most of the time. I am kinda worried about the romantic scenes though. The Director said I looked awkward, but I think it’s getting better. The girls are definitely pretty. I really just want to finish it well. I probably will” Kyuhyun responded as best as he could, looking at the ebony hair in his line of sight, only being able to perceive Yesung’s lips in his new position, which were thankfully smiling and not twisted into an odd shape or a thin line. He just told the truth. He didn’t know what Yesung meant when he asked the questions and he hoped that his answers didn’t upset him, though he could be persuaded to confess that he wouldn’t mind if Yesung acted slightly possessive towards him. It was unlikely to happen which was fine. It was all great actually as Yesung just nodded his head and chuckled lightly, never removing his hands, still their fingers lovingly.

“Which of the girls are pretty? Are they all pretty?” Yesung asks a bit excitedly, voice rising higher, lifting his head to look at Kyuhyun with shining eyes. He was feeling envy again. Kyuhyun was so lucky sometimes. He was sure Kyuhyun was surrounded by tons of pretty girls. Kyuhyun for his part was once more just perturbed by their line of conversation.  As far as he knew Yesung was supposed to be worried that even one of the girls was pretty and be trying to convince Kyuhyun not to even spare them a glance. Instead the older man was looking at him excitedly, like he does when Siwon gossips about his kiss scenes. He was treating Kyuhyun’s intimate actions with other people as gossip. Kyuhyun doesn’t think he would understand the man ever. He was always just Yesung. Kyuhyun didn’t think there was an appropriate adjective to describe him. Kyuhyun even found his excitement to be cute and a little frustrating as he was the one now wondering why Yesung cared if they were pretty since  he was obviously not jealous or anything like that. Kyuhyun’s weird day continues, so he decided to just focus on the coffee/cinnamon blend that was attacking his nostrils. Yesung was just Yesung. He was going to leave it as that.

“Well most of the dancers are pretty and Sunny ah is sweet” Kyuhyun responded evenly, shaking his shoulders to indicate that he didn’t have more details really. He had to work hard and didn’t have the time or the interest to examine each of the female cast. He just knew that the dancers were pretty and well Sunny is always cute. Yesung tisked and Kyuhyun held his breathe for some unknown reason. Did he upset him? This was getting so weird. The whole conservation was weird and now it was probably going to get annoying. Kyuhyun wonders why he volunteered for this, but that is quickly destroyed when the sound of him chuckling reaches his ears and he shifts on his shoulder to look at him with a cute smile and playful almond eyes. Kyuhyun loses his breath once more, but it has nothing to do with the conversation but it entirely the result of the admiration and affection he felt.

“ See? I told you it wasn’t fair. I only ever get to work with big blurry guys...tsk tsk” Yesung whined childishly, making his complaints known to Kyuhyun. Seriously Kyuhyun was so lucky to get to work with pretty girls. Instead he does war musicals, were he plots revenge and kills people whilst dressed oddly. Kyuhyun again was blindsided. He was complaining to him with the cutest face he had ever seen and yet he was speaking as seriously as possible. Kyuhyun just chuckled. He was truly lucky.

“Maybe that’s your luck?” Kyuhyun teased with a laugh, dismissing Yesung’s very serious complains. In Kyuhyun’s opinion, it was actually his good fortune rather than Yesung’s ill fate. He rather liked the fact that there were no pretty girls to catch his eyes. Yeah…he knew it wasn’t kind but he was Kyuhyun. It would be kind of ill advised to think he would always be kind. He was smart and witty, but equally childish and possessive. It was just the sad truth.

“You are not funny, if you didn’t know” Yesung deadpanned, wrinkling his face in Kyuhyun’s direction, using his free hand to smack the little demon on his stomach, whilst he continued to laugh slowly, smirking at him. The audacity of the child was frightening. He was complaining about something serious and he was making jokes. Why did he even put up with him? Other than the hopelessly, undeniably, eternally in love with him thing, there wasn’t much….well even that wasn’t true. Kyuhyun had many other admirable qualities, including being cute. Kyuhyun was always cute. He doesn’t know why, but he had always found him to be cute, even when he was being his snarky annoying self, like now. His Kyuhyunnie was just always cute, especially in moments like the one he was currently experiencing. Kyuhyun was attempting to retaliate, but then yawned scarily, eyes droopy and body weak. Yesung just chuckled.

“Go to sleep Kyu ah. You can torture me tomorrow” Yesung instructed with a chuckle, as he placed a small finger to Kyuhyun’s lips to silence his protest. It was obvious that the maknae was beyond tired and needed to sleep but being his usual stubborn self was intent on protesting.

Yesung ignored his protest, instead occupying himself with getting them ready to sleep. He picked up the abandoned laptop that had remained near his legs, closing the screen that had failed to hold his attention when Kyuhyun arrived and powered off. He was an energy saver. He picked it up and shifted until he was in line with his cabinet, placing the heated device securely in place, all the whilst ignoring Kyuhyun’s grumbled drowsy complaints that he was not sleepy and nor was he a child that needed to be put to bed. Once the laptop was off the bed, he glanced around for any other impediments, smiling when he didn’t notice any. Satisfied that they could have a comfortable night’s sleep, or rather what was left of the night, he used his tiny hands to push Kyuhyun on to a lying position the bed. He didn’t look pleased, but creased his protest when he hit the pillow, immediately adjusting himself comfortably, which apparently included dragging Yesung down with him. He stretched his hands forward, pulling the smaller man to lie next to him. Yesung did not protest the action, intending to sleep anyway. He silently instructed Kyuhyun to shift his body, so they could be under the covers, thought it was not especially cold, it was not warm either and it was better to be safe than sorry, especially with Kyuhyun’s tendency to catch colds. He is always better off under nice warm covers. Once they were both secure, Yesung directed the younger man to position himself properly so as to not get muscular pains. Once that was done, he smiled fondly at the taller man, before reaching a hand upwards to draw his hands over his eyes, whispering a soft ‘Sleep’, before closing his own eyes.

Kyuhyun couldn’t believe that Yesung actually expected him to sleep without them being wrapped with each other in some way, shape or form. He casually stretched a hand outwards drawing the older man closer to him, chuckling at the way Yesung’s eyes opened at his actions and then finally just shaking his head in resignation, allowing himself to be pulled. Kyuhyun was tired and really wanted to sleep, and the best way to do that was to have that warmth much closer. The comforter paled in comparison to the man, he now had in close proximity, with Kyuhyun holding him close against his side, wrapping one arm around Yesung’s shoulders forcing the older man to return to his place on his shoulder. Yesung didn’t bother to play with Kyuhyun, at this time also tired, so just allowed himself to be attached to Kyuhyun’s side, making himself comfortable, finding just the right position against his shoulder, snuggling into his neck, his hair brushing against Kyuhyun’s throat causing him to chuckle lightly and then try to smoothen his hair. Both eventually comfortable, with Yesung’s eyes closed and assuming that Kyuhyun’s was as well. The last thing he heard was Kyuhyun mumbling what sounded like ‘Now I can sleep’, and thought to himself that he was indeed lucky, before sleep held him captive.

Kyuhyun was also sleepy, but he couldn’t pass up and opportunity to admire the man in his arms. He was not especially wrapped up, only his torso against Kyuhyun’s side and head resting on shoulder, though the rest kept separate. It was still intoxicating though. The warmth he felt was indescribable, not to mention the aroma of the coffee and cinnamon that was running rampant through his system. He felt comfortable and satisfied. His manager had been right. If he ever wanted a good night’s sleep, he had to be near that warmth, that smell. Kyuhyun smiled truly, holding the now sleeping man closer. He admired the warmth separating through his body and feel of his heart thumping in his chest, happy to have him so close, happy to be able to see him, to speak to him, to hold him in his arms, happy to love him. The next week would be annoying. Kyuhyun could just feel it. He really needed the end the day he had in the position he was occupying. He would use the endless contentment he felt then, be the protector and the comforter of the days ahead.

The world wasn’t perfect, life was not easy and not everything went Kyuhyun’s way. Sometimes he had amazing moments , sometimes he had perfect moments, sometimes he had awkward moments, and with Yesung he often had classic ‘ what the hell’ moments. Not everything was perfection, but if he could end all his days in a position similar to the one he was in, he would claim he was the luckiest man alive. It didn’t matter how their days were spent once it was spent together or atleast with each other in mind. He was sure, no matter what that he was the luckiness man alive. Tyche had blessed him endlessly and had held Nemesis at bay. There was no other way he could explain how he could be so fortunate to call the man in his arms his. He closed his eyes. He said a silent pray, grateful that he could have the life he did. Unconsciously he pulled the man closer, instantly burying his chin in his hair, feeling complete, ready for sleep to claim. It was another great day, that was his last thought.


*Tyche- Greek Goddess associated with good fortune/luck , who is said to bestow her favour on a selected few. It similar to the Buddhist goddess Hariti or the Japanese concept of  Kangimo

* Nemesis- Greek Goddess associated with Fair Distribution. She is linked with Tyche. Tyche bestows luck, but Nemesis, ensures that it is fair, thus a sort of avenging purpose to reclaim the luck bestowed.


A/N:I was supposed to finish much sooner, but my back is still being problematic, so to sit to actually type this up is troublesome. Hopefully this wasn’t a confusing mess. I just thought of this and wanted to write it whilst we waited. So far Paris doesn’t seem especially favourable but we will see…..That’s some bad luck!!...lol …Reminder that I will be going on hiatus due to exams soon and we will be celebrating Kyusung  Day on the 13th…..Yayy!!!

Story Explanation:

Someone pointed out that my early paragraphs are bulky and mainly narrative, or stuck in the characters mind. I will admit that is true, but it has a purpose. Each story is designed to be a standalone one shot. It is designed for someone to accidentally click the Kyusung tag and read it as their first ever Kyusung story and completely understand what is happening. I do realize that for the continuing readers the recaps may be tiresome and just downright boring. I honestly try my best to make each one different. I use different comparators and analogies; I even change styles, from straight forward to word play. It is not that easy after your 20th instance , let me tell you…lol… I can only advise that you skip it if it becomes too troublesome to read. The actual story always starts at a particular point, so it could be easy to spot. I am sorry for the inconvenience.  With regards to vocabulary and structure; I can write in a manner that is composed of elaborate, complex dicta or simply. I chose simply because I want it more natural. I can change it if you guys want. As for the editing, I can only apologize and ask for your patience. I am naturally horrible at editing and paragraphing and I feel suffocated having to edit after I write 12,000 + words. If I wait to edit, I will never publish. Bear with this troublesome writer !!! ♥

Feel free to ask me any questions or voice your complaints. I promise I will take it into consideration and try to address them :)

Comments Are Loved...Since no matter how much I beg I rarely get any…It's definitely my bad luck..lol


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392 streak #1
Chapter 1: I will never get bored of Kyu-Ye sleeping together 😍 aaaaaaaaw~
Chapter 1: I actually feel bad for Kyu sometimes, considering Yesung really doesn't understand how jealously works XD. Though Yesung is weird and has his flaws, I don't think Kyu would love him any other way. And Kyu telling Yesung to stick to his gore filled plays just cause he doesn't want Yesung to do romantic scenes made me face palm and awwww at the same time. Kyu is such a child, I don't know whether to scold him or pinch his cheeks XD. Although I think it would be interesting seeing Yesung try a really romantic scene.. possibly with Kyu? >: ) As usually this was perfect authornim <3
Chapter 1: awww so kyute. Kyuhyun stop being a jealous possessive brat!!!
Wow! I totally love your stories. I have read everyone of them...almost...and they are just awesome! Amazing and they are so sweet...hanks for writing and posting such awesome stories! I love that you do not make the characters look dumb and I just love your stories. ❤ ❤
ice420 #5
hey there... I'm late. Blame it on the holidays :D

This fic was really a fun read. Can't help but chuckle during the jealousy part. "Yesung is just Yesung" -apt description. Normal is not a word to describe our dearest Jongwoon :D He is UNIQUE. Yup, that's what I think anyway. And Kyu should feel lucky coz' he has the only Yesung YeMom could ever produce ^^

It's like watching and listening to soap opera, reading this. The internal battle going back and forth was entertaining ^^ 4 1/2 months, Yesung still has concerns about the 'relationship'. Wonder when could they call themselves, 'boyfriends'?

Okay, maybe I wouldn't get to see a jealous Yesung but a jealous Kyu is fun ♥ Those YeWon moments in Paris may cause those murderous thoughts to surface. Ooh, maybe that's why Kyu ignored Yesung when Yechucky was asking for an apple. *lol* Gosh, how shippers minds work.

Anyway, let's wait and see if Yesung goes to see Kyu's musical. See you next!!!
I like so much your stories, i enjoyed specially the details and POVs. Each story is different but the feeling that transmit is the same.
I know i complaine earlier, but now i miss Siwon. Did you see the fancam of good friends in which Yeye approached to Siwon and attempted to kiss him....yeah i like seeing kyu in mode crazy on.
thursday #7
warm fluffy lovely. i saw a few kyusungish pics from paris. have u seen the fancam of leeteuk handing yesung a bra? it's hilarious. anyway, i like that you are including more of yesung's pov. i giggled at the part where he refused to call kyu his boyfriend. you really don't have too many editing issues. i can really see an improvement. you should join nanowrimo this year. you've already proven you can write a novel in a month. still dreading your hiatus:(. but exams are important.
Oh lol... Am I the person that pointed that out? Sorry ^.^" I wasn't really commenting on the recap (because it's actually not that bad. you give like a few sentences on context which is good) but more like... They're big paragraphs. And at first glance it is very scary. I'm the type that can get lost if the paragraph is too long so it's kind of intimidating to see like this massive paragraph... and I like to read it because it raises very good concepts and the running theme of the story. It's just... so scary. Hahaha!
But once again, good job ^.^ I can see your style going through and I'm just going to fangirl about the moment when Kyuhyun just pulls Sungie down into his arms. That made me coo and squeal and cry a little inside because my poor shipping heart was put into overdrive.
I really like this concept too! ARGH WHY MUST YOU BE SO AMAZING!? I love your stories so much!!! /cries/ This is definitely going up with some of my favourites... maybe like... about the same as Helping Hand or Just A Day. Well, all your stories are good so they're all very loved by me :P I love the personalities you've interpreted for the characters!! it fits so well and I can actually imagine it!! <33333 Good job, darling!! Keep making us shippers mega super duper happy
ClockwiseStir #9
'It was still intoxicating though. The warmth he felt was indescribable, not to mention the aroma of the coffee and cinnamon that was running rampant through his system. He felt comfortable and satisfied.'
<3<3<3 oh Kyu, it's such a lovely feeling hey ^_^

I remember there were more lines I liked. Oh well.

You should just write however you like. I imagine writing these stories are a way of stress relief for you from studies, they shouldn't need to be perfect like assignments. If I wanted to complain, I can think of many other kyusung authors I will harass first before you XD

Thanks for writing!!
ClockwiseStir #10
I hoped you enjoyed writing this because this was a very interesting chapter to me (or maybe because I haven't had time to patiently sit and absorb everything for a few stories, which I apologise ^^). It must be the time difference, because here I am again at 3am reading this just before turning in.

How I wish I had an alternate mind like Kyu's that's witty, hilarious and such great company, I would just ruminate in my thoughts like Kyu does. How do you formulate someone's thoughts and character so well, when they are opposites but complement each other in weird ways like Yesung's and Kyu's do. Very interesting stuff <3 The thought play back and forth during the jealousy vs pretty girls issue is hilarious yet intriguing.

I love your long fics, really, but one downside is I can't go back and quote lines I like because it would mean rereading everything, lol.

'Kyuhyun, with a wide smile, reached upwards and placed a delicate hand on Yesung’s cheek'
Okay. I think Yesung gets too skinny sometimes but how his cheeks look so pinchable all the same, it's a wonder.

'He was sure one day the kid would stop being blinded by love and see him for what he really was. One day Kyuhyun would open his eyes and see how weird and boring he was, and finally get tired of him.'
- :((((( And yet I feel for Yesung.

'He was sure Yesung would drive him crazy someday. He sincerely doubted his sanity would survive their numerous years together.'
- LOL. I should say 'poor Kyu' but nah, Yesung is worth the insanity.

'he still thought he would be a good romantic lead. He already looked so soft and his voice was that low husky type.'
- Oh yes it is! I would go giddy if someone proposed in that voice. But I can't imagine Yesung acting in anything less serious. The pics from Kyu's play looks really odd to me, I don't think it'd suit Yesung.
