I Hate You, I Love You {One-Shot}

I Hate You, I Love You {One-Shot}

Jamie's POV

" Wow your an idiot!"
" Shut up!!"
" Don't tell me to shut up".

That's pretty much how it was back then. Me and my brother hated each other, literally. People would say we loved each other deep down, yeah right!

We would yell at each other. Humiliate each other. Disgust each other. Hey we were siblings isn't that what brothers and sisters were supposed to do?

" I hate you."
" I hate your face."
" Who uses 'your face' anymore?".

Yep, sure people say hate was a strong word, but we meant it. I wasn't happy he was born and he wasn't happy I was born. Sure he was my brother, but to me that didn't really mean anything. 

I walked into his room.

" Yah! Kyuhyun-ah! Dinner's ready get your away from the computer!".

I hated calling him "oppa" If I had to call him that, honestly, I would rather walk up a hill wearing pink pumps.

He finally pulled away from his stupid starcraft game.

" Yah! Is that what you call your brother?".

He shooed me away.

" Just go tell umma to bring some up!".

I scoffed, did he think he was king of the world or something? He really sickened me.

I slapped him as hard as I could.

" Yah! Is she your slave? You spineless jerk, GO GET IT YOURSELF!!!!".

He clenched his teeth and his eyebrows furrowed. He was definitely mad.

" I HATE YOU!!!!!".

I rolled my eyes. Like i've never heard that one before.

" Back at ya.".

And with that I walked out of his disgusting room. Just looking at him was enough, but being in his room? Well, let's just say it could defintely be mistaken as a death chamber of stink.

I sat down and digged in to my mother's delicious homemade dinner.

Umma and Appa looked up at me.

" What'd he say?" Umma was worried.

She always hated the fact that we would fight all the time. My father didn't really mind as long as we stayed in school and made him proud. He really is a good father though :)

I looked at Umma, my eyes blazing with hate.

" He said he wanted you to take some up FOR HIM!".

She sighed. She obviously knew what I had done next.

" And what did you do?".

I looked down.

" I slapped him..".

I pretty much knew what was going to happen next, and I was right. I got grounded, for a whole WEEK! I've never been grounded that long, NEVER!

I pounded my fist on Kyuhyun's door. Suprisingly he opened it and i'm pretty sure he knew it was me.

" This is all your fault!!!!"

He just sighed and slammed the door in my face. What was up with him?

Usually he'd yell at me, I'd yell back, so on so forth.

I just shook my head and walked over to my bedroom, whatever, it's not like I give a damn about him.

For the rest of the week I promised myself I wouldn't talk to him, i'm sure if I did, i'd explode and extend my time of...groundation?

Yeah that. Though for some reason, Kyuhyun made it easier than I thought. He wouldn't talk to me in fact, he wouldn't even give me one of those deathly glares when he walked back from practice. He seemed to be pretty out of it these days, but ya know I didn't really care.

One day he came home from practice going through the same routine, still not talking to me.

" Yah! What's wrong with you?".

I decided to talk to him, his calm and quiet attitude was annoying me.

He looked at me and had that far away look that he would usually do when he was sad.

" Appa's sending me to college.".

I looked at him for a moment then broke out laughing. That was it?!

" That's it?! Your such a freaking baby! Well, at least I don't have to see your ugly face anymore.".

He sighed and rubbed his temples, he simply shook his head and walked away from me.

I called after him. He ignored me and kept moving. Well, that was rude.

The fact that he was leaving made me happy on the outside, but on the inside, something was telling me i would regret it.

After three months, he was right, he left for college. The minute he walked onto the plane I yelled,

" See ya wouldn't wanna be ya!".

He ignored me. He didn't even turn around. He slumped his shoulders and kept walking. I frowned.

While he was gone I was loving it...at first.

Umma and Appa would take me out to dinner, I was actually doing my homework without SOMEONE bothering me, I was even smiling again, loving life.

Though after awhile that stopped.

Umma told me to go clean his room. I was all too happy to accept, the fact I get to look around in his room? Like hell was I going to pass that oppurtunity up.

That's when I found something I never expected to find in his drawer. A box, but not just any box. There were pictures of me and him when we were little, the pet rock I gave him for his 7th birthday, my very first loose tooth ( strange I remember that), everything from my childhood. He kept it all.

I started to cry. I would never cry for him, but at the moment, I couldn't control myself. The tears sprang down my cheeks non-stop and at that moment I knew, I really missed my brother.

I waited for months for him to come back and when my parents told me he would be back for Christmas break while they would visit my grandmother, I was ready to show him how much I loved him, show him the new me.

My parents bid me goodbye and set off for grandma's while I would wait at home, I was old enough, 13 is old enough right?

I waited and waited and waited, until I began to worry. He should've been home already? He's late? Is he dead?

I felt scared for him, something I never would've felt for him before. At first I thought, Maybe I should wait longer, but as the darkness engulfed the sky, I knew something was wrong.

I hesitated then stepped outside. It was Christmas Eve and a little girl like me was running the streets looking for her lost brother, it was just like in the movies, but this wasn't a movie, this was reality.

I ran from one corner of the city to the next, people were rushing to get home and wrap their presents. I bumped into pedestrians and old ladies, pushed little kids. Sure you could call me evil.

I began to tire and walk down a fairly dark sidewalk. I decided to stop and huddled against a strangely warm light pole.

I started to feel my legs go numb and all of a sudden I felt something whack me on the head and I lost all energy, I out.

By the time I woke up, I was in a hospital.

I was laying on a bed and bandages were wrapped around my forehead.

That's when I heard a voice call out to me.

" Jamie-ah!!!!!".

Warm arms enveloped around me, making me go from celsius to cozy warm. I hugged this person closer to my body for warmth. I looked up to see who it was and my tears made way.

" Kyuhyun oppa!".

I hugged him tighter and held him close to me, close to my heart.

He looked at me. " Are you okay?".

I nodded though my head was still spinning.

Pretty soon the doctor dismissed me and said I was ready to go home.

I sat next to Kyuhyun in the front seat as he held my hand.

" Thank god your okay, stupid bastards. I thought they killed you. Thank god, thank god.".

He kept murmuring to himself and breathing recklessly.

When we got home I raced through the front door.

Kyuhyun slowly came in after me.

" You didn't lock the front door? You idiot!".

I whipped around and looked at him with sad eyes.

" AW did I hurt precious little Jamie's feelings?".

He was smirking. I smiled and shook my head. I did the last thing both of us expected and hugged him.

" I missed you."

He smiled warmly and ruffled my hair.

" Come on squirt, let's go celebrate Christmas.".

I hate you. I love you. It doesn't matter.

We loved each other, we still do, isn't that how brothers and sisters are supposed to act?





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anotherElji #1
Nice story.. I have a younger brother who went to boarding school for six years and I know how it feels.. :)

I thought you made Kyuhyun as Super Junior's Kyuhyun in the story.. or you did but I missed it? :D
Touching ^^
fahakyu #3
amazingly i'm sobbing lol, nice one :)
@jamy12 HAHA I can tell by your username, but since your names are exactly alike and ur funny I'll halfway dedicate it to u~<br />
@Lubz_Beanz_4eva It made you cry?! OMO don't cry~!<br />
@eunicey98 Thank You ;)
Lubz_Beanz_4eva #5
Awwwww, this story is beautiful and so cute, i felt like crying!!!
AWE~ That's soo cute~ The funny part is that the girl's name is also my name too! AHAHAHAH, When I saw this, I was like WHAT????? I'M IN THIS STORY???? Lmfao, but then you said you write it for a friend, so I just like OHHHH, MY BAD! lolz nice story tho!
KYUHYUNbiasedEY #7